• Marry a he.
    Marry a hall.
    Marry a heart.
    Ah. Ah.
    Marry a he.
    Marry a who.
    Marry a hoe.
    Ah. Ah.
    Marry a he.
    Marry a hoe.
    Marry a whore.
    Marry a Papa.
    My, uh, key.
    My, uh, arm.
    My, uh, Hall!
    My, uh, Papa!
    Still yell.
    High nuke.
    You'll be that man to mash that!
    Farewell, Cheetah.
    See noun.
    Pika stole some dock beat.
    She's Simmanique.
    That's a steam.
    Don share me meat.
    Fries are blastered.
    Numa Numa. Yay.
    Nova Nova. Yay.
    Numa Numa Nova. Yay.
    Keep on dashing.
    Have a slutting day.
    Now I'm impressed.
    They all keep plane.
    Praise a black star.
    Noma noma. Yay.
    Numar numar. Yay.
    Numa Numa Numa. Yay.
    Keep on dashing.
    Have a slutting day.
    Now I'm impressed.
    They all keep plane!
    That spoon.
    You'll beat that man since Yell.
    Farewell, Cheetah.
    Some flare o' shiro.
    Pika stole some dock beat.
    She's Simmanique.
    That's a steam.
    Don share me meat.
    Praise the plaster!
    Numa numa. Yay.
    Noma noma. Yay.
    Numa numa nova. Yay.
    Keep on dashing!
    And I will slut in drain.
    Now I'm impressed.
    They'll all keep plane.
    Praise a black star.
    Noma noma. Yay.
    Numa numa. Yay.
    Numa numa nova. Yay.
    Keep on dashing.
    And I will slut a train.
    Now I'm impressed.
    The wall keep playing!
    Marry a he.
    Marry a who.
    Marry a heart.
    Ah. Ah.
    Marry a he.
    Marry a who.
    Marry a hoe.
    Marry a Papa.
    Marry a he.
    Marry a who.
    Marry a whore.
    Marry a Papa.
    My, yucky!
    My, yahoo!
    My, a hall!
    My, a papa!
    Place a black scar.
    Noma noma. Yay.
    Numa numa. Yay.
    Numa numa nova. Yay.
    Keep on dashing.
    Or I will slut in train.
    Now I'm impressed.
    The wall keep playing!
    Place a black star.
    Numa numa. Yay.
    Numa numa. Yay.
    Numa numa numa. Yay.
    Keep on dashing.
    Or I will slut in drain.
    Now I'm impressed!
    The wall keep playing!