• I awoke in the dark room i looked around. I sawnothing. I tried to scream but the thing i saw on my mouth keep me from screaming. It was gagged and then i felt the pain. the pain hurt so bad. then i saw the tv. it played and a puppet talked saying"Hello Chalrie, i want to play a game. All of your life you have been an average man. Until, you got into the fight. in that fight you destroyed the life of an innocent man and what was your punishment? 30 hours labor for caveing in the face of the man thus causing him to be in a coma from which he died from yester day. Me, i am forgiving. I have injected a nerve gas in your system you have 40 seconds as soon as this message ends to get the antidote. you are chained by your legs to that metal chair and the legs of which are bolted to the ground. In order to free yourself you must push the two buttons on the chair's sides to activate the chainsaws at your sides. Then you must hold back your head to push the lever that moves the saws towards your legs cutting them off thus freeing the weapons that killed a man. Live or die the choice is yours." then the screen went blank i pushed the buttons but just thinking of the pain hurt then i started to ache all over. I leaned my head back i was aching. My blood spewed like a crimson fountain. I was aching. The saws hit my bone. I was aching. My bone material flew like sawdust. I was aching even more. I crawled to the antidote. Everything was going dark. i reached for the antidote. I felt tired. I put the needle to my skin. I then fell asleep. I thought ya just a quick doze to help me...........

    "Matthews look how close this one got!" "Son of a btich, we HAVE to catch this sick ********..."

    The end?