• Darkness has colored the land, clad in the blood of men;
    while one man makes the decision for many,
    other men sit idle by,
    and the world is cast into shadow.

    Desert storm, forest tree, and wind-whipped cloud
    all gaze onward towards the tempest of the sea,
    swirling and twirling for mere whims and tangent thoughts,
    while the important are ignored.

    Colors of the spectrum are all tossed into one,
    differents become sames and sames remain
    as the life of all becomes the life of one,
    and will we realize in time that the time has come?

    Today is the day, the day of reckoning.
    The balance has shifted, chaos now reigns,
    but we still have a chance! a second coming
    of the good, for today is the day to change.