• -BOOM! -BOOM! bombs come crashing down.
    POW! " nooo" many of the us cry as one
    our fellow soldier is shot in the heart and doesnt
    even live for one moment to say goodbye.
    I cried for a while, even as i take cover from a bomb and
    shots. i have kiiled innocent men who were forced by
    nazi's to join there army.
    -VRRRRM! air planes are coming over head and i know
    that i have to start shotting them down. i always thought as i
    did so "what is that mans life like? does he have kids? is he
    married? is he rich? is he poor? or is he just like me..... a young
    fellow, forced to serve his country?

    i watch as a young boy,beleive 12, walks out into the open
    only to be shot to death. these sights are horride. they hurt me,
    even though it was the enemy who is getting shot, the things i
    saw were the most horride things you would ever see! i made it
    out of the war. and i survived for many years. then one
    day one of my valvs to by heart closed. and i died of a heart
    attack..... i have left my one loves to morn.... but i kno i have
    left them knowing i served my country and i served them.........