• Ripping at the seams,
    And it's torn for reasons unknown.
    So sew it back together,
    Don't cut me down this low.
    I'm falling apart,
    I'm coming undone,
    I'm ripping to shreds,
    All the joy that I've won.
    I can sew it back as many times as I want,
    But it'll come undone again,
    If they continue to taunt.
    They'll tear me apart.
    I'll come undone again.
    Tie the knot tighter,
    Or else they will win.
    And I won't come undone.
    I won't fail again.
    I will not fall and die inside.
    I am loved.
    The knot you tied,
    You saved me from them,
    And also from myself,
    Thank you so much,
    And I wish you well.
    You are the reason,
    The cause for my life,
    And I love you too,
    And love all these lies.
    But wait just a minute,
    Just one tiny second,
    If I love these lies,
    Then how long were they spread?
    How long have you loved me,
    if you loved me at all.
    No, this is the reason,
    The reason I fall.
    It's not the taunting from those who don't care.
    It's all because of you,
    For pretending to be there.
    How could I have been so decieved.
    And this betrayal--
    I refuse to grieve.
    I will be strong,
    I'll find new meaning,
    I'll move on,
    Just wait and see.