• I don’t know:
    I’m utterly broken,
    Can’t feel nothin’
    No more pain, no more joy,
    Just blank, a complete and utter void,
    Is this worse than feeling pain?
    Feeling nothing whatsoever? Or would I rather feel pain again?
    Letting me know I am who I am?
    Knowing I’m alive, I’m human?

    So why is it blank, why can’t I think, feel,
    Am I doomed to be with this absent looking appeal?
    My tapered mind wanders no further,
    Devoid of all emotion,
    Not caring any longer of any outgoing commotion,
    Has my mind, body and soul really been bleached of all imperfections?
    Of all emotion, sensations, feelings, and petty infatuations?
    I feel like a robot, incomplete and yet still broken,
    Of which these undetermined feelings remain unspoken,

    Why can I no longer express myself, in any way shape or form?
    Why do my mind and heart fight, never willing to conform?
    My body rebels against me, my mind is my own enemy.
    Why will no one just befriend me? Why must everything contend me?
    I’m my own subordinate, my own inadequate advisory of a fool,
    I can’t understand my self any longer, my mind no longer is mine own tool,
    I can’t trust it, trust myself or anyone,
    I’ve given up, my own thoughts I shun.
    ******** life, love and affection, all emotion and all suspension
    I give up, no more.. no more, no more feelings or anything, just nothing, I am just an empty carcass, devoid of all life, love, everything…