• Darkened blood which rushes to my palm,
    sing your song of sorrow and pain.
    Let every note reflect time,
    nights and days spent alone.

    I'll bathe in you, so that,
    you may wash the undesired from my body.
    May every last drop fall out,
    and make me a perfect, beautiful creature.

    If to what I awaken, when and where all is right,
    I will not walk down the same dirt roads again.
    May I be the only one who can untangle the threads of fate,
    where Nike, Aphrodite and Fortuna have turned a blind eye towards me.

    The most painful illness is one which can not be cured by medicine,
    one that exceeds the physical realms of humanity,
    And land itself within the realm of emotion.
    Pull thy dagger from my heart, untie the knots from my navel,
    lift thine weight from my mind.

    What liquid fall from high above?
    Greater than sweat, greater than blood.
    Beith tears which fall from my own eye,
    to fall to the ground,
    the ground of reality which hath sealed my dark fate.