• With tiny feet that barely cause ripples in the purest waters,
    You dance across my fingertip like a fragile ballerina;
    Short, unruly locks of milk chocolate tinted hair
    shimmer with the faintest drops of morning dew;
    That same dew that sparkles upon gossamer wings,
    reflecting the morning light like an intricate spider's web,
    that only serves to remind me just how fragile they are;
    How fragile you are, beloved;
    How many times have you kissed my eyes under a pale moon?
    Or whispered your name to me in a fleeting dream,
    only to leave me with wisps of sounds almost painful to remember,
    but soothing to the my heart as I daydream of your return;
    Let me wake to those eyes so small,
    like tiny sunlit emeralds telling me a story of unrivaled love;
    How I wish I could join you in your little world;
    To touch those translucent, wild yet dainty butterfly wings,
    To inhale that enchanting scent;
    I envision running across flower petals, hand in hand;
    Swimming in rain puddles,
    and drifting with gentle spring winds;
    Chattering of nothing before the setting sun;
    Please return to me with your tiny kisses as I slumber,
    from your forbidden ring of tricksters;
    Tell me your name and your secrets,
    and tell me you love me;
    I pray I remember when the morning comes.