Story of our king SonyTV
That time when SonyTV registered on the ee forums. And posting happy,pretty pictures. Then suddenly there is an evil person called Hummerz, that is trying to do a cruel job to ban someone without second chance. Sonytv feeling sad after he got banned, and counterattack in any posts, that is absolute correct that don't want to ruin EE, and guess what?
Hummerz banned sonytv, 1 month ban again.
SonyTV is raging and trying to kill Hummerz so hard.
That shocking time, when hummerz died. Sonytv got fans because he saved them from a cruel moderator! suddenly koya callin him in the pocket: u suck, gonna ban u tomorrow at 3:00 PM.
Fans want to declare a war with koya, sonytv started travel to the KoyaLand with fans. So there are many soldier group called Mirin Squads. And they started to fight with mirin squads. so the great fox sonytv found the hidespot of koya in the central tower. Sadly it's not much time to ban sonytv right away. Sonytv have greatest power called ''Sonic power'' for fast speed to tower! And more power called ''Beast mode'' to stronger. 2ghOZGr.png
And started to fight with koya.
Sonytv thinks that he will become the greatest ee staff of all time. Who knows? Let's find out. He dodges every attack from Koya. And then brutally knockout from the koya's behind and then back is fatality injured.
Then koya died...
In the EE's headquarters in Germany. EEJesse tell nvd that koya died. So he is shocked about that and hates sonytv so much. EEJesse moving to their office room, and crying every time. Remembers about past with koya. And then Commit suicide. NVD is in 100% rage mode and flyin to Sonytv's location to brutally kill him. But there's good news for sonytv. He have best team! 3 Captains: IntelTV,SamsungTV,AppleTV. They are quite strong! But they cant beat the king Sonytv combined. They hear something noisy from the sky. And Nvd landing to the ground. And fight them together.
Nvd says:
-You are the worst person, I have seen. Why did you kill my best moderator in EE... I WILL KILL YOU AWAY!!!!!!
-Ok, I deserve to become the greatest moderator in EE. -Says SonyTV
They start to fight together, but there is hidden helicopter. It's the Bruce TV! Reporter Jorc says:
-Oh my god, why are they fightin? Oh, I heard that SonyTV killed Koya. 3 unknown foxes are fightin around the NVD? That's strange. Oh my god. SonyTV with fastest sonic speed is stabbin NVD's heart. Oh noooo!! That's it...
-And then 3 captains brutally killing him, ugh it's gross. GET OUT KIDS FROM DAT CHANNEL. IT'S FOR 18+!! -Jorc told kids from watching TV
-Ok, get out kids. We need fly to the Minecraft. -Parent called Greeny.
NVD died after that...
So many fox army is celebratin around the world, for SonyTV killed 3 most important people in EE: Hummerz! Koya! And then NVD! So many ee players that isn't wearing fox smileys are afraid, and suddenly they are listeing to SonyTV right now.
SonyTV told people in the TV broadcast:
And becomes owner of ee, and king of New Zealand.
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Revenge of SonyTV 2
That time after SonyTV becomes owner of EE,king of zealand. So he's moving to the balcony to appreciate fans about what did he done to unity,hummerz! and sonytv have a sentence to speak:
-To all the foxies and people! I will move out to Europe, Germany! And I will have a vacation here! So have a fun in New Zealand and EE!!!
Sonytv takes foxy bazooka,2 agents. And resting in here. In the night at germany. There's unexpectedly someone is at sonytv's mansion roof at germany. It's the DANIELCOOL1.
Of course, he have reasons to kill SonyTV. For admins's sake,thinks that sonytv is a traitor. So he moves to sonytv's bedroom, where sonytv is sleeping at. He tries to kill SonyTV, but daniel's foots making noisy at that room. Agents are running very fast. And shoots dangerous taser to daniel. Sadly Danielcool1's assassination failed. And ended in jail for 30 years for tried to kill king of new zealand,owner of ee.
So sonytv tried to ask him:
-Why are you trying to kill me?-Sonytv asks
-Youtube!! Guys!! SonyTV tries to cyberbully m... *Sonytv stoles phone from recording*
-Pls stop it. ur annoying. and hi im sonytv.-Sonytv talks
EE's headquarters in Germany are very angry from SonyTV. They are working a plan and strategy to battle against SonyTV's army. After 1 week, they are done for a plan and strategy! So they are moving to justice court to talk about SonyTV's bad behave.
SonyTV appears to eating junk food at bench and watchin them and he's thinking: ''Wtf what are they doin during center of Berlin?! Thats stoopid''
Toop talks:
-Hello everyone from germany and ee. We are here because of SONYTV'S BEHAVE!! they are assaulting NVD,KOYA,HUMMERZ! Because sonytv doesnt care about them and killing them!!!-Toop talking so mad
-Ok prove it, Toop. I killing hummerz because hes doing unfairly on forums,koya called me: a suck,nvd flies to me and attack me for no reason. So shut up you motherf**ker.-SonyTV answers
-That doesn't mean, because you did wrong in forums. you didnt listeing to the rules like a lazy b*m *ss.-Payback Toop
-I did listen, but these posts made me uncontrollably crazy. Oh! How about that your members like processor,thanel,nvd and other admins are lazy to program for unity? That's a shame for you, shame shame!-SonyTV says the truth.
-Because they have a school,college or university, whatever.-Toop answers.
-That doesn't mean. They should quit that education and to do money for games.-SonyTV said the truth again.
New zealand citizens are fighting with german people in center of berlin. And SonyTV calls australia Prime Minister for help. To battle with germany. So they starting a war!
SonyTV the king,New zealand army and Australia army are coming to germany to fight. So they are fighting too long. There is Showpath that showing to SonyTV to fight! And showpath talks:
-Hey! You noob fox! Come with me, beginner!
And sonytv is running to showpath. And someone is doing an unknown power to kill SonyTV... It's TOOP! SonyTV don't have a time to dodge. because showpath is fighting with him!
SonyTV says:
-Oh no...
Toop is happy that he got him! It's finally over!!! Australia army,new zealand army are retreating and losses! So they are sad, some of soldiers are killed...
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Revenge of SonyTV 3: The revival
That time when Toop is doing unknown power to kill SonyTV. But they didn't know that sonytv got saved by someone else. Who is it? We will know, so shut up. One fast alien take sonytv away from them, and it is doing unknown hand sign to make sonytv sleep. after many many hours, finally he is wakin up. he don't know what's goin on. King of mars,god of kk introduces to him:
-Did you save me?!-SonyTV asks.
-I didn't help you, noob fox. I take you here, because i want to know what's going on in the earth.-Jakub321 answers.
-FINE! I'll tell you about what's going on.
-Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah (after 10 mins)-SonyTV telling what's going on.
-You killed Koya?! Best person ever! Tbh, I said **** yourself to him. So he was unhappy about that, and almost taked me out to area 51.-Jakub321 telling the story.
-But pls can you train me enough to kill EE staffs... pls.-SonyTV begging.
-k, i need to do another job, come with me. just dont do anythin ok?-Jakub321 asks.
-Ok.-SonyTV responses.
So they move to a man called Mysterion, that got kidnapped by aliens.
Jakub321 said:
-He is german, so he want to have a power called Mr. Riddler. So that's pretty stupid. like hardcore batman fan.-telling about mysterion
-Ok so wut.
-Ok mysterion, why the hell are you trying to become german mr. Riddler?-Jakub321 asks.
-*No response from Mysterion*
-uhh jakub321. You tied a handband and then putting an apple inside. thats why he doesnt talk.-SonyTV telling about what's wrong
-Shut up, I am mastermind, not you stupid fox! Last time and i will call you **** yourself.-Jakub321 is angry
So then, Jakub321 attempted to kill him with plasma gun. Suddenly Mysterion died with no pieces. Jakub321 told to SonyTV:
-Ok, lets train, listen to me. I won't help you for training,not even survive!-Jakub321 told sonytv important guide.
-NoooOoOoOoOOoooOOOo!!!!-SonyTV screaming.
-Ok are you completed?-Jakub321 asks.
-Yes! I can possess my strongest power!-SonyTV answers.
-ok. then we will go to earth to kill germans as possible.-Jakub321 is ready
SonyTV,alien and jakub321 wears a futuristic space suit.
-LETS READY!!!! GO!!!!!-random alien screaming
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Revenge of SonyTV 4: Final Chapter
They flying to the ground near to justice court. To those who flies to the ground are 40% aliens. Other aliens are 60% in UFO to shoot people.
So EE staffs found out that there is an alien attack in our country. they dont know the cause. There's space suit man, trying to invade EE's headquarters to kill all ee staffs. Toop ordering all ee staffs to kill all aliens outside. Toop is gonna fight him. Space suit man fastly punches toop's head strongly, Toop didn't made it, but there's unexpectedly moment, HE UNMASKES HIMSELF. Toop is shocked, and says:
-You... ARE ALIVE?! HOW CAN YOU JOIN ALIEN SQUAD!!-shocking toop.
-I won't answer what you asking. Because ur worst person ever since minecraft notch quit MC. So i'm gonna shoot you.-SonyTV talks.
And then SonyTV shoots him, but there's something horribly happening. SINCE WHEN TOOP IS TERMINATOR?!?!
-What the?! When did you become terminator?!-SonyTV asks.
-I won't answer you, since you did.-Toop says.
And then he becomes ''Super SonyTV'' it's the 60% whole power of his!!
-whatever you say, cuz i don't care.
SonyTV continues to raging, and throws Toop to far far away from city. To the forest.
Toop's last words:
-God damn, r***rded fox.
And then SonyTV brutally killing Toop, breaks many bones,smack the head, and everything that Sony did.
SonyTV is pretty tired,and walking to the city, so now is middle. But there's big footsteps's voice are louder and louder. Who might that be?
-Oh god d*mn hell no. That monster?! Wait, NOU?!?-SonyTV shocked.
-But how did he know? Oh maybe smelling? Well whatever, HEY YOU NOU! YOU ARE A BIG FAT PIG!-SonyTV shouting.
Sadly Nou takes him and throws far away from that place.
-OW, it's hurts. So he knows my another power, huh? I should play MC instead of EE. It's pretty bad, I will use 80% of my whole power. *Transforms*
Nou running to SonyTV,sees transform of Sony. He is feeling strange after that and says:
-Where's the SONYTV?! WHERE IS HE!?-Nou asks.
-*Sony takes nou to the ground* It's me Sony. *PUNCHES*.-SonyTV answers.
-ok.-SonyTV responses
Sonytv is still feeling tired. Walking to the city, and sees what's going on and says:
-Oh... Moderators? Ok. I will do my final power... 100% whole power of mine, max power... I will kill all that hates aliens,me,captain foxes...
Jakub321 sees and hears what he says:
-You god damn s*it, are you trying to die?! What a shame, noob fox.-Jakub is shocked.
-MY... FINAL... POWER!!!! CURSE OF TOMB!!! *collects powers from dead people* *Curse of tomb flies to the sky* OK YOU WILL BE DEAD!!
-oh noes! i need the date with Megalamb!-Phinarose says.
The sky is suddenly red, it doesn't mean that it's afternoon. It means, that people are cursed for hatin sonytv,aliens,captain foxes. People are screaming, wow!
-So... It's finally... Over... I am god d*mn tired...
Jakub321 carries SonyTV to create a tomb of SonyTV, still something Sony want to tell the legendary last words:
-Please... Make BEE owner of ee... Gosha... Need to become an admin... Make Sonic great... Go tell Sega's creator Hajime Satomi to check my tomb... Thank you...-SonyTV tells and dies.
Jakub321 puts SonyTV to inside of tomb. And happily rest... So king of mars is crying because SonyTV was great guy for him...
SonyTV becomes angel and flying to Heaven, and meet Benjaminsen... And everything that he want to meet...
He is the greatest EE player of all time!

Comments (1 Comments)
- soniiiety - 12/17/2017
- ummm idk what is wrong wtih the pictures
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