WWWWIt can be said that ultimate logic is the ultimate existence. In truth, rationality is surely an honest goal to pursue but yet is also impossible. Logically, then, the pursuit of utter logic is quite illogical. What point is there in chasing the unattainable? However, rational thought is yet a value to be obtained. Logic is the pathway to the truth. Truth is the pathway to life. Betraying the truth is betraying oneself. Finding the truth of things is the art, the lifestyle, of logic. However, man cannot live on logic alone. Time and again men will leave what is logical to follow their emotions. As one can surmise, it is impossible to know all circumstances or factors, and therefore it is quite impossible to follow the straight path of logic. What might seem logical is very often not, due to things unknown. As such, humans forsake rational thought for emotions and intuition. They are not always wrong. Passion can and does rule reason. Virtues are not absolute. They can and should be broken at times.
WWWW“A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals” (Men In Black (Film)). People, in general, are evil, greedy, selfish, stupid beings. Only an individual person can be otherwise. For this very reason, being an individual is one of the greatest pursuits of my life. I must stand out or be trodden down. Individuality is everything. My opinions are my own. Not everything I do is unique to myself, but the sum total certainly is. My name is but a label, not a descriptor. I fit no mold but my own. I cannot perfectly mold to any stereotype. In reality, though, stereotypes are what they are for a reason. They are stereotypes because they are true of the most visible portion of a group. And indeed, the most forceful, oppressive, and generally disliked members of any group are always the most visible. One cannot see without intense scrutiny those who do not try to force their opinions on others. There will always be fools. Every man is entitled to his own opinion, even when it is wrong. However, as so very many overlook, this does not mean he is entitled to share it. “[People] will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true ” (Wizard's First Rule (Book)), and, in turn, “Everybody lies“ (House MD (TV Series)).
WWWWRelationships are an essential and integral part of human life. Without knowing others, at least in part, growth is impossible. It is impossible to go everywhere, study everything, or test all ideas in a single lifetime. Others supply us with information, whether through face to face conversations or recorded media. The art of others expresses how they think and believe. Knowing the motives and emotions behind others allows us to empathize. This also allows us to create our own art. Relationships are one of the most empowering things in existence. We give to these relationships, but in giving we are not reduced but strengthened. Relations allow the tempering of both spirits and bodies. We do not add together; we multiply. This is true between any two people. If there is shared enmity, it grows. If there is shared love, it too grows. Even the recluse relies on his teachings. Even the hermit relies on his memories. Even the scholar relies on his books. Even the monk relies on his God.
WWWWFirst, it must be established that my religion directs my life. I do not feel a need for it to be forced upon others. If another does something against my beliefs, I am certainly not going to hate him for it. I cannot perfectly follow what I believe and know to be right, so what justification have I to condemn others? It must also be said that everyone has at least slightly differing beliefs, even within the same religion or philosophical group. With that, I may state that I follow the God of the Bible. It is how I was raised, but it is also how I have decided. The Bible itself is simply a tool. The important thing is not the rules and ideas and fine details behind it all but the relationship with God. Of course, there is no proof for the existence of God, but there is evidence. The beauty of nature supports this very idea. In every religion, including atheism, there is no concrete beginning. Many disbelieve that there could be an eternal being, or eternal life, and yet they maintain that the universe is both temporally and spatially eternal. Humans want to know something is true, but they cannot really know anything. Things are only true until they are proven false. “Fifteen hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat... Imagine what you'll know tomorrow” (Men In Black (Film)).
WWWWLife is but a long march to death. It is certainly a depressing period for most, although the lack thereof seems slightly more distressing. Life forces interaction along with many other unpleasant things. Above all, however, life is confusing. Ideas come from all angles. Many of these ideas are utterly useless and should be discarded, while a few precious gems must be held onto. Everything affects everything else. Few things are absolute. Things which seem to be contradictory spring up out of nowhere but are simply not fully understood. Contradictions do not exist. And yet, despite the hardships, pleasures of all sorts abound. There is joy to be found in life if one would seek it urgently. Many have tried to find true happiness, but many have failed. There are false pleasures which promise ecstasy and delight but in the end sap a man's life and steal his soul. Other things bring happiness to some but pain to others. Losing oneself in past events and regretful memories is a trap that so many fall into. In reality, “Life is the future, not the past” (The Pillars Of Creation (Book)).
- by Lord Haragorn |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/24/2009 |
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Comments (2 Comments)
- DOMO PH - 05/25/2009
i think this ones too long!!!!
but its ok!!! - Report As Spam
- Rytiko - 04/24/2009
It is very verbose and flashy, and certainly sounds nice, but it is also incredibly circuitous and, somehow, disorganized at the same time. You don't seem to have any rational transition between your points. Not to mention, you really failed to keep my interest. I read it because the words were nice, but you didn't tempt me at the beginning.
It's missing that literary donut at the end of the path. There was not really anything gained by running down it, in my opinion. - Report As Spam