• So at my school every beginning of the year to show school pride in its ethic pool of diversity they hold pride week, a tribute to the races
    Day 1 native americans
    Day 2 Hispanics and so on and so further
    well back in high school i was the wall flower

    i was a geek, a dork, awkward and more or less in the closet
    here's the problem
    day 1 i was the only native american in the school
    but the problem was
    i wasn't the typical native
    strong stoic and muscle and charm oozing out from every pour instead
    i was 6ft4 155 lean muscle below the butt straight virgin hair
    hips the scream hold me a butt the begged to be lol you can guess
    but in all purposes i was a girl but really a boy
    so when they asked me to do this i was measure for the brave outfit
    then when i failed they tried chief or medicine man
    both fails
    so i was force to be a squall ( the woman )
    and walk around all day
    so it was neat at first till the jocks and band people started to tease
    here i am in a shin length dress. hair braided and makeup aglore and my voice at this point hasn't dropped so being cornered was really embarrassing. and for four bloody years it went like this though three i didn't mind cause of my bf but still.
    i look back at my high school year books and blush seeing how i was than, and smile at the high school awkwardness.