Never fully Dressed Without...
Carson squinted into the summer sun as it began its descent to the horizon. The cool breeze was picking up, messing up her hair, but she barely noticed. They sat next to each other, neither said a word. She swallowed nervously, hoping that she didn't look too anxious- or too eager.
She wiped her sweaty palms onto her thighs, glancing over at Zach. His eyes were closed as he leaned back against the sand dune. She looked down at the sandy beach before them, scooping up the dry sand before letting it fall from her hands. The beach was empty, everyone else had decided that it was too chilly to be in the water.
She wondered for the fifth time why he’d asked her to meet him there. She’d had a crush on him ever since her sister, Terri, had introduced them. last school year. When he had hung out with Terri, he would always invite Carson along. He never made her feel as “Terri’s little sister”, with him she was just Carson. He became her best friend.
The dreamer in her was hoping that he had finally decided that he was just as much in love with her as she was with him. They glanced at each other at the exact same time, breaking into smiles, and laughed. “Sorry, I was going to tell you something, but I kind of got nervous.” He laughed a little sheepishly.
She grinned, her heart speed picking up, “It’s okay. You don’t have to be nervous around me, you know. This is a no judge zone.” She made a wide circular motion with her arms and they both laughed again.
Zach exhaled, his shoulders deflating, as he tried to relax. He looked her in the eye and smiled shyly. Carson smiled back encouragingly. He looked down at his lap, and she almost giggled at his nervousness. She waited for his next words, sitting on the edge of her nonexistent seat.
“Do you think Terri would go out with me?”
Her smile faltered and she almost choked. Her eyes watered a little, but she blinked back the tears. Her lip quivered and she had to look away. Drawing a few short breaths through her nose, she prayed that she wouldn’t burst into tears. Looking back up at Zach she felt relieved that he wasn't looking at her. Putting on a bright smile, she nudged him with her elbow and he looked up at her. “I don’t see why she wouldn’t. You’re a great guy Zach, have more faith in yourself. I think you guys would be great together.”
“Really?” The hope in his smile made her heart break. She ignored the pain inside as she continued to smile.
“Really, just ask her, I think she’d say yes.” She forced the words out, trying to keep a light tone. Zach smiled as he looked back out at the horizon. Carson bit her lip, suppressing the ache.
“Thanks, Carson, for always being there to talk to.” He hugged her before getting up. “I’ll ask her tomorrow. Wish me luck! I’ll text you later.” He waved as he started towards the boardwalk.
“Good luck!” She called after him, laughing a little as she waved. As soon as he was gone, she dropped her facade. She stared at the dimming sunset as the tears fell.
Never fully Dressed Without...
...A Smile.
Prompt: A smile can be part and parcel of almost every emotion. There are grim smiles of anger. Broad smiles of flattery. Thin, apologetic smiles through tears. Wide, aggressive smiles. Meek, shy smiles. Choose a character who is feeling a strong emotion that isn't joy or happiness. Describe their expression and include a smile.
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