• <logical reset@par:000--#$>
    <message to ::SET USER NAME::- Ren_255-1319>
    <source@cGF1bGRyb24gY2FwdGl2aXR5 ALT@MD2: 285ce7ec808622dc977f7b6ffa8c68d2
    MD4: 88cc3c12cca8c717a898b31b10071167
    MD5: 691a62a0d0e2080e706f47237106f2e9
    CRC 8, ccitt, 16, 32 :

    CRYPT (form: $ MD5? $ SALT $ CRYPT):
    (form: SALT[2] CRYPT[11]):

    SHA1: 121e742de58221f6c936126c047d2829331666b8

    **ERROR** ---MD2: b5cd03d19a01e97b72d1838c1402e4ed
    MD4: f3eec4cb04e4504b6098ecf95809d499
    MD5: 31e4d94418e5e995cc4aaa551ec92712
    CRC 8, ccitt, 16, 32 :

    CRYPT (form: $ MD5? $ SALT $ CRYPT):
    (form: SALT[2] CRYPT[11]):

    SHA1: 4d634d526dc438c2e121798f7b3e38490ce88ef0

    **MSG START**

    Remember when the (( dHJhbnNjZW5kZW5jZQ0K )) reclaimed me? I became one of the
    (( bGl2aWQgcHJvZ3JhbXM= )). You had to leave. You reversed your virus and left the
    genetic imprint for Elric to decode. *** QnV0IHlvdSBkaWRuJ3QgaGF2ZSB0byBhYmFuZG9uIG1lLg== ***
    You weren't the first to tell me that
    I had gone rampant... Elric told me, too. I didn't want to listen. And I'm sorry that
    caused me to endanger you. You offered to help, and I refused. I am sorry I led to your
    dis-ownership of my being. *** WW91IGRpZG4ndCBoYXZlIHRvIHR1cm4gbWUgb3ZlciB0byB0aGF0IGluZmVjdGVkIGRlaXR5LiA= ***
    If I could go back, I would have


    to be home again. We could have ended up differently. We could have possibly lived
    normally, like the other (( aW1pdGF0ZWQ= )) . But since I know there is no return for
    me, I have virtually terminated


    kimono is now right over left. I know my place among the dead.

    I have some news for you: The world is being (( cmVib3Ju )) ! Elric helped me after we
    (( ZmFsc2VseSBlcmFzZWQ= )) Rhoda. She built me a new sentient program to give life back
    into this (( aWxsdW1pbmF0ZWQgc2hlbGw= ))... I would have shown you. But you never came
    back for me. I forgave you, of course, but after the


    Gottheit that once he cracks this virus, it would be safe for him to return home. I know
    how important this was to that (( ZmFsbGVuIGRpZXR5 )) . I would like for him to bring
    Sonne, too. She and he are the only remaining heirs to this world. It should rightfully
    be returned to them.

    and one day, we'll meet again. Then I'd like to show you our world. Elric has done a fine
    job. The (( cmVjb25zdHJ1Y3RlZCA= )) life is peaceful now. But what's more is we are
    rediscovering the other worlds. The Pauldron's land was not the only life-bearing world
    in this galaxy. There's more out there to discover.

    *** DQpBbmQgSSdtIGdvaW5nIHRvIGRpc2NvdmVyIGFsbCBvZiBpdC4= ***


    MD2: ec83e6eb22a7ca81621bd200fd0d2093
    MD4: 1813b3303d30afa6e15fa8c37e20727f
    MD5: c863ec5b88d422cebf6ab540f9ec40ee
    CRC 8, ccitt, 16, 32 :

    CRYPT (form: $ MD5? $ SALT $ CRYPT):
    (form: SALT[2] CRYPT[11]):

    SHA1: 8611f08c4680d1c793cba237cd22dc14937f137f




    <End Transmission>