I was against the wall, in chains. Oh, sure, they cannot afford to put me in an 'insane' asylum. But I am not insane. Really. REALLY. Just because I failed all of those 'sanity' tests, or whatever they are called, doesn't mean I am insane, got it? DO YOU GET IT NOW?! I'm not in denial!
Their explanation is that London is going through a terrible depression, and they can't afford to put me in a cozy little asylum, I ALWAYS wanted to go to one of those, the white cushions just look SO comfortable, ehehehe! Yeah right, just because even the wealthy people are thrown on the streets and the government went bankrupt doesn't mean that you can't get me in the pretty little room any more! Some people even have the nerve to tell me that asylums with padded walls don't exist anymore! Liars, I saw the little rooms on TV. So I just got thrown into some dumb bloody jail instead, which, by the way, is smelling pretty dingy at the moment, not that it has not smelt dingy before. No, no cozy little white fluffy room for me. Not even a sodding prison...
Except, I am not an ordinary inmate, I am scheduled for execution, violent execution, to be exact. Apparently they can't even afford lethal injections anymore, so they are gonna behead me or hang me or something. It cannot be that bad, I mean, come ON. I hear pain REALLY brings you alive, AHAHAHA! Ah, whoops, I think I just hit my head again there...hehe!
I am in a dirty little jumpsuit right now, it is colored a really pretty shade of red, I quite like it! I wish I could have it buried with me, along with all these chains after I kick the bucket, certainly not that bucket below me for faeces, though, I really like the jumpsuit, actually.
I am crammed in this bloody corner, I want my own space! Why couldn't they just get a space in that asylum, it's been my life dream. Dream. Dream!
Those other blokes are laughing about the 'madman mass-murderer'. I wonder who that could be, I'd like to meet him, he sounds like a nice guy! It just sounds like warped demon noises though, I'm not sure what the concept of 'laughter' is all about.
My head hangs down in the position I'm set on the wall. Heck, with my arms this high up, it looks like I want a high five! But my hands are dangling, they look awfully white...My head looks like it's going to be chopped off, that's for sure.
My face screws up with a twisted grin as I thought of all of that blood, as my irises shrink, my eyes begin to roll back into my skull, as insane laughter fills the room. These morons, why stare at me when I could easily break through these bonds if I tried, when I could kill every single last one of those mindless fools with my bare hands? Why even bother to laugh and giggle like gits when your demise is also coming soon? If not from me or a executioner, then from god? "Laugh all you would like, death is coming for you soon as well," I stated, with as much malice as possible, with my grin growing wider, threatening to tear at the edges of my face as a dark look took over my features. "Sound all the alarms you would like, transquilize me all you'd like, you will never escape your fate."
A loud beeping was soon to be heard, the grin slide off my face as it got replaced by another odd, but more clueless look. "Huh, weird, something came over me for a second there, ehehe!" Those blokes are backing away from me, so cute and frail looking, they remind me of my younger brother, Alexander! Ah, Alexander, twas so easy to break your bones back then! Snap, snap, snap, hehehe! A lady is coming awfully close to me with a needle...ow! ...Ah...I'm feeling pretty drowsy right now...hehe!
Hah ha ha...
Ha ha ha ha...

Comments (1 Comments)
- Chevya - 08/18/2011
- .....Wow. somehow, it all makes sense. the main character does sound amazingly insane. are you gonna write a sequel? biggrin
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