• chapter one

    "ohmygod!apuppy!thisisthebestbirthdaypresentever!" my words were shoved together due to excitment and to many surgary snacks. i gave the tiny little dog a hug and sat it in my lap. "it was hard to find, it's half wolf and half vimeroner. now go to bed, you've got another surprise early in the morning." i looked up at george, he was my adoptive father. he was a towering six foot seven and a gigantic wall of muscle. he had mop like dirty blonde hair and startilingly bluegreen eyes. he forever had a tan from being in the military. i was found on his stoop one night and he has taken care of me since. i've always been a natural at camping, hunting, fishing, anything that involves the wilderness. and due to military boot camp i'm as tough as nails. it's my sixteenth birth day and i'm still four foot nine, skinny and have not even hit puberty yet. but i don't care because i've been to diffrent countries AND to fort knox. not every sixteen year old can say that. i sauluted george and headed off to bed. my new puppy bounceing happily after. "now what should i call you?" i pick the little guy up, and yes it is a boy, the fur on his back was in swirls of dark and light gray and his belly and legs were white. the backs of his ears were brown. he had bright blood red eyes. he yawned to reveal long sharp canines that glistened in the light of the moon. "how about we name you dracula?" he barked and wiggled his little doggie butt and peed all over the hallway carpet. great happy pee. you will never believe this but when puppies get really excited the pee. because when there still young there mom licks there rumps to get them to pee and they like the feeling so in result it's happy pee. it's totally weird and gross but it's true. i ran back to my room and gave him a quick bath. "no more peeing in the house got it?" i gave him my you must remember this glare and he whimpered and shook his head like he was noding. i threw on one of my big t-shirts that should fit me perfectly. i jumped into bed and there was a soft fwomp. i lay back against my pillow and look out the window. i automaticly find orion and draco and the little dipper. i stare at the big full moon; it looks so close, as if i could reach out and touch it. i have a sudden urge to go out into the woods and run free and hunt. i look away and close the curtains and the urge is gone. dracula curls up next to my head and i fall into a deep slumber.

    "thank you for takeing care of her all these years." the sound of a womens voice. it was so beautiful and lyrical i could listen to that voice for hours on end. "it's no problem ma'am. i'm glad to have helped" this time georges voice. i must have left the door open if i can hear there conversation. dracula barks gleefully in my ear and licks my face. "okay i'm up i'm up." i'm trying not to giggle to hard so i don't disrupt georges conversation with the guests. i look over to the door and see it closed with the poster of bleach. weird, the vents must be open i've never had freakish hearing. i walk to my dresser to get my clothes for today, but when i see myself in the mirror i do a double take and scream. my heights gone up extrodinarily. my bright red orange hair stops at the tops of my thighs and it twists in curls. my face is angular but not sharp. my eyes are a pale blueish gray and are surrounded by long black lashes. my skin a light tan. i've some how managed to make it to a double d cup over night and i have amazing curves. george comes running through the door then instantly falls over in shock with a nose bleed. what is it with men? then a very large saphisticated man walks in and a woman follows behind him. the man has dark brown hair in a sort of beach boy style. his eyes remind me of the forest with it dark greens and browns and flecks of gold. he has rather pale sikn. the suit he's wearing looks like it was custom made. the woman next to him looks just like.... me. the woman looked up at the large man and said in a 'i told you so' voice, "see, she looks like me." then i promptly fainted from the shock of it all.