After Roger was voted off, the former Blue Team members, Alex, Willow, Snow and Leland decided to stick together. Lucky, Ririsu and Kiah we're on the outs.

    Lucky planned to win immunity, and pissed Willow off.

    *Clip of them both.*

    *Clip of Willow putting out the fire with water.*

    At the challenge, Kiah, unexpectedly bought immunity at the survivor auction.

    Leaving Lucky and Ririsu in DEEP trouble.

    At camp, Lucky tried getting Snow to vote with him, Ririsu and Kiah.

    In the end, Lucky was voted out, and became the first member of the jury.

    Yummi: Lucky...teh tribe has spoken :[

    *He snuffs his torch out.*

    CAN Kiah and Ririsu make a move or a come back to keep them in the game longer?

    6 are left....who will be voted off..NEXT!?!


    Blue Team:




    The Beautiful DDS



    Green Team:




    Gerald Roy




    Merged Team - Day 19 ((Willow, Ririsu, Snow, Alex, Kiah, Leland.))

    *Kiah and Ririsu are walking though the woods picking up coconuts.*

    Kiah: I think this one is ok.. o:

    Ririsu: I'm scared ;-; They're gonna vote us two off! =[

    Kiah: I knowww Ririsu, I know. =[

    Kiah: (camera) Well, it's only me and Ririsu left from the Green Team >w< We have to hope that SOMEONE changes their mind. I didn't make it this far for nothing =[

    *Ririsu picks up a coconut.*

    Ririsu: I wanna smash this into one of their heads >____>;

    Kiah: XD

    Ririsu: (camera) This is SOOOO unfair :[[ ;-; They're gonna vote me or Kiah off next. I'm not ready to go! Me and Kiah NEED to do something.

    *We then see Alex and Snow walking along the shore.*

    Alex: Hey, thanks for not voting against us :]

    Snow: No problem o:

    Snow: (camera) I stuck with Alex, Leland and Willow because IF i were to go against them...it wouldn't be good. And i didn't wanna be kicked off. I wanna be in the finals ;D

    Alex: Snow, so, just promise you won't consider it again? XD

    Snow: Yeshhh XD

    Alex: (camera) It's SOOOOO fun to see Ririsu and Kiah in danger....they should've made an alliance or something, that's how you get far in this game. Not by flying under the radar, dammit! D<

    *Clip of Willow and Leland by the fire. Willow puts the pot of water on the fire.*

    Willow: Now i have no one to complain about my fire! XD

    Leland: LOL!! No >__>

    Willow: <w<;

    Leland: (camera) Hmmm we made it to the final 6! Exciting! I feel kinda bad for Kiah and Ririsu though...they have no where to turn :[

    *Kiah and Ririsu come back to the shelter and sit in it.*

    Ririsu: Uugghh this sucks =[

    Kiah: I know :/

    *Snow and Alex come back to the camp. Snow gets in the shelter as Alex sits with Leland and Willow.*

    Snow: Haii! ;D

    Kiah: Snow, are you still solid with those 3?

    Snow: Mhm, why?

    Ririsu: Snow, ok, just here us out. We can make it to the final THREE. All you have to do is join us and force a tie with either Leland or Alex >__<;

    Snow: o---o

    Kiah: I mean, look how close they are.

    *Clip of Willow, Alex and Leland talking.*

    Kiah: Do you REALLY think they'll take you to the final 3?

    *Clip of Snow looking down.*

    Snow: (camera) Well this sucks .___. Just as I thought it would be a piece of cake voting for Ririsu and Kiah, it's not. It SUCKS that I may be the swing vote again >___<;

    *Clip of Snow.*

    Kiah: (camera) If Snow is SMART she'll go with us. Cause she has to remember it's a GAME. I don't think Alex is gonna take her to the final 3 >___<

    *Clip of Kiah and Ririsu in the shelter.*


    END OF PART 1 OF 3!!!