• Chapter 1: the emo looking programmer

    Zexion’s line of thought was interrupted by the pulsating beep from his laptop singnifing he had an instant message

    Dem_dem: hey zexion, wondering, do you have an A to B USB cable
    Zexion59: no, why
    Dem_dem: I need to print something
    Zexion59: why can’t it be printed over the network?
    Dem_dem: ‘because I’m at home
    Zexion59: don’t you have an usb cable for your printer
    Dem_dem: yeah, but I cut through it accidentally
    Zexion50 has signed out

    His concentration was interrupted again by a voice from behind him “do you know where I can get Photoshop?”
    He turned around to see a young woman in white wearing an id badge with namine lynch on it “uuuuhhhh, down the hall, in resources, then you have to head to the office next to it to activate it”
    “Thanks, I’m always getting lost, I’m really new here”
    As soon as she was gone, he started a chat with his friend in graphics, aqua

    Zexion59: hey aqua, are you there?
    aquaH20: yes, why?
    zexion59: you know the new graphics person, namine
    aquaH20: yes, she works with me
    zexion59: where is she?
    aquaH20: IDK
    zexion59: nether mind
    Zexion59 has left the chat
    Zexion59 has entered the chat
    zexion59: what’s her orgtalk name?
    aquaH20: nami4
    zexion59: THX
    Zexion59 has paused the chat

    Zexion clicked the add button in the toolbar of his chat window. It opened and he typed nami4. After that, he minimized the chat and went back to his program he was working on. After a while, the pulse played again, automatically changing to the chat

    zexion59: public void showDialog() {
    nami4: why did you type java codeing in a chat?
    Zexion59: I was working on a program
    Nami4: send the codeing to /dev/null, not me
    Zexion59: smile
    Nami4: what’s the prog supposed to do?
    Zexion59: tell u more about the org.com logo when we change it
    Nami4: so it shows in a dialogue?
    Zexion59: properly, but I’m wondering whether or not to make it a new page instead
    Nami4: why?
    Zexion59: ‘cause, it won’t work well on portable devices
    nami4: makes sense
    zexion59: GTG
    nami4: TTFN
    Zexion59 has left the chat

    “I need help for this” zexion stated and opened a new chat with his best friend in resources

    The_flury_of_dancing_flames: hey zexion
    Zexion59: hey axel, I need some help
    The_flury_of_dancing_flames: for the last time, no you aren’t too old to get a twitter account
    Zexion59: no I’m trying to impress a girl I like
    The_flury_of_dancing_flames: compliment her, buy her flowers, I thought you were smarter than this
    Zexion59: I am I just get a bit nervous around girls
    The_flury_of_dancing_flames: you talk to aqua, don’t you?
    Zexion59: yeah, but I don’t have a crush on her
    The_flury_of_dancing_flames: why don’t you ask her?
    Zexion59: cause, you’re my best friend, and you work
    The_flury_of_dancing_flames: is it namine?
    Zexion59: yes
    The_flury_of_dancing_flames has invited aquaH20 to the chat
    aquaH20: is this why you wanted her chat name?
    zexion59: yes
    aquaH20: listen, just talk to her, it can’t go to bad
    zexion59: fine
    Zexion59 has left the chat

    zexion59: hey namine, where are you?
    Nami4: why do you ask?
    Zexion59: curious
    Nami4: in the downstairs conference room
    Zexion59: why?
    Nami4: duh, I’m in a conference
    Zexion59: OMG, I’m so sorry
    Nami4: don’t be, it’s extremely boring
    Zexion59: you have a Facebook account
    Nami4: I don’t give that to people who I talk to over the internet
    Zexion59: I’ll come down as soon as your conference is over to see you
    Nami4: kk

    Zexion switched back to his program and started typing. A few minutes later, the computer beeped again and the chat window came back up

    Chapter 2: thank god for Wi-Fi

    aquaH20: how’d it go?
    Zexion59: I’m going to go see her after her meetings over
    AquaH20 has left the chat

    Zexion closed the chat window and the one he paused from earlier, and went back to some work on the mini program. After half an hour of work, his computer beeped again

    nami4: hey zexion
    zexion59: hi
    nami4: no code?
    Zexion59: no, that’s in my chat with /dev/null
    Nami4: smile my meeting is done
    Zexion59: ok, I’m coming
    Zexion59 has signed out

    The programmer unplugged his laptop, placed his stuff in a bag and went downstairs to see namine. After he got down stairs, he saw the beautiful girl with blond hair and a white dress on, holding a laptop
    “Hi” the girl said
    “I’m zexion”
    “Nice to meet you without being on a computer”
    “Hey, want to go to that café down the road; I hear they have Wi-Fi”
    “Sorry, I can’t, I have another meeting”
    “Ok, that’s fine”

    As she walked away, zexion went to the café and signed into chat

    aquaH20: how did it go?
    Zexion59: I’m on my date
    aquaH20: so it went well
    zexion59: no
    aquaH20: why not?
    Zexion59: she had to go to a ‘meeting’
    The_flury_of_dancing_flames: did you have to put brackets around meeting?
    Zexion59: cause I doubt it
    aquaH20: but she’s at the meeting with me
    Zexion59: I’m going to message her
    aquaH20: nnnnnnnnooooooo!!!!
    Zexion59: why not?
    aquaH20: because she’s presenting at the meeting, do you know how embarrassing it is to be in front of the staff and a chat come up in the middle of the presentation
    Zexion59: good point
    The_flury_of_dancing_flames: I’ll message you when it’s done
    Zexion59: hey aqua, could you give her my phone number?
    aquaH20: sure buddy

    After that, he zexion knew all he could do was wait at the café. Thank god for Wi-Fi, as that could take forever. It didn’t take forever, just a few minutes less for his phone to start singing ‘simple and clean is the way that you’re making…’
    “Hi zexion, its namine”
    “Hi namine”
    “Sorry I had to run off on you like that, I had this meeting with the rest of the graphics department. Anyway, where are you?”
    “I’m at the café”
    “Oh my god, have you been waiting for me”
    “Sorry, if I knew you were going to go there, I would have got your number off you, not axel”
    “It’s ok, they have Wi-Fi here and I bring my reader with me”
    “It’s an eBook reader from Sony”
    “Makes more sense now, see you in a few”

    Chapter 3: asking her on a date… sort of

    Zexion looked up as the bell for the café chimed, and there she was, the beautiful namine
    “Hi zexion” she said
    “So, what do you need?”
    “I have to go” and with that, zexion left the small café

    After he was in the sanctuary of work, he opened orgtalk

    The_flurry_of_dancing_flames: how did the date go?
    Zexion59: it started off well enough
    aquaH20: then what happened?
    Zexion59: I remember I couldn’t talk to girls
    Aqua59: so what did you do then?
    Zexion59: would you get mad if I said I left
    aquaH20: X-(I thought you liked her
    zexion59: I know, I just can’t talk to her
    aquaH20: I’ll help
    AquaH20 has left the chat
    The_flurry_of_dancing_flames: irk
    AquaH20 has returned to the chat
    Nami4 has been added to the chat, please wait
    Nami4 has accepted the chat invitation
    zexion59: <privet to aquaH20> why did you invite her to the chat?
    aquaH20: <privet to zexion59> cause, you can talk to her over the internet
    nami4: hey zexion, where did you go from the café?
    Zexion59: I have to work on some new algorithms for the search system
    Nami4: so you’re org chatting with your friends?
    Zexion59: I’m waiting for something to print
    Nami4: ‘waiting’?
    Zexion59: I meant waiting
    Nami4: smile
    AquaH20 has gone invisible
    The_flurry_of_dancing_flames has gone invisible
    zexion59: so I was wondering if you’d like to go to diner
    nami4: sure, how about Thursday?
    Zexion59: can’t testing out my new laptop
    Nami4: sad
    Zexion59: I’m free Friday, how about then
    Nami4: sounds like a date
    Zexion59: unless you’d like to come to my house and watch my new laptop run final fantasy in an emulator
    Nami4: I could bring my laptop and see which is faster
    Zexion59: bring the laptop Thursday and go for Italian or something Friday
    Nami4: I love Italian
    Zexion59: great
    Nami4 has left the chat
    AquaH20 has become visible
    The_flurry_of_dancing_flames has become visible
    aquaH20: so what are you going to do to talk on the date?
    The_flurry_of_dancing_flames: or the gaming testing
    zexion59 neutral I don’t know
    The_flurry_of_dancing_flames: I’ll be at the gaming thing, I could help
    aquaH20: and I can get a date with terra
    zexion59:-/ who?
    AquaH20: from accounting
    The_flurry_of_dancing_flames: we don’t know a terra
    AquaH20: he has the nick name rock head
    The_flurry_of_dancing_flames: oh him, he has a very fitting nick name
    aquaH20: lol, he does, I’m thinking of breaking up with him to go out with that person ventus
    zexion59: hey, we could double date
    AquaH20 has left the chat
    The flurry_ of_ dancing_ flames: where did she go?
    aquaH20: hey, ask if namine would be ok if it was a double date
    zexion59: why?
    aquaH20: I’m officially dating ventus
    zexion59: ok, that was fast
    aquaH20: that’s life
    Zexion59 has left the chat

    To: nami4@orgmail.com
    Subject: dinner plans

    Hey namine, I was wondering if you’d like to double date, my friend aqua just met someone and they would love to go on a double date

    After zexion sent the email it was time to play the waiting game. A small beep from the computer a short while later was what he was waiting for

    To: zexion@orgmail.com
    Subject: re: dinner plans

    Cool, see you and the other two there

    Chapter 4: a twist of FATE

    “Here it is,” zexion stated to axel and demyx, his roommate “the new alien wear quad core adamo star fire m13, with 8GB ram and 1 TB HDD”
    “Sweet” axel told zexion
    “I’m going” demyx said and started to leave
    “Fine” zexion stated, and axel nodded his head in agreement
    A few minutes after demyx had left; there was a knock at the door. I opened it to namine, in a pair of jeans and shirt instead of a dress. Also over her shoulder was a computer bag
    “Hi, zexion”
    “Hi, want to come in?”
    “Yes please,” she stated entering the house “this is a really fancy house”
    “One of the many perks of working at org.com”
    “I love that, .org.com”
    “It’s different”
    “So what game are you playing?”
    “This uhh new MMORPG, ummm crystal soul”
    Axel chimed up after this “yeah, we’re going to have a problem, I got twilight crystal instead”
    “And the difference is?” namine asked
    “Crystal soul is a 3D mmorpg, and twilight crystal is a text based one” axel explained
    “Oh well, I guess that could work, I think” namine replied
    “Ok, namine, pass me your laptop and I’ll put the game on” axel stated
    “Sure” and she got out a convertible tablet from her laptop bag, which she gave to axel that put a disc in the disc drive which had the app: throw random stuff at Justin bieber.
    “Thanks for the app it is not even my birthday” namine replied to axel inserting the wrong disc
    “Axel, the disc’s in the study”
    “Oh” and he went upstairs to the study
    “Oh yeah, I need to get your Facebook account name”
    “Right, namine lynch”
    “Ok, i’lllllllllllllllllll, umm send you a friend request” and he quickly went onto Facebook from his new laptop

    Zexion Kingsley has added namine lynch as a friend

    Axel ran down the stairs holding a disc that he loaded into namine’s computer within a few seconds, the program was loaded onto the computer

    You are in a forest with three other people.
    Zexion the conqueror: *walk forwards*
    Axel the pyromaniac: *walk backwards*
    Namine: what is this, and why do you two have weird names
    A large beast appears. You and the other people join forces to fight it. Your battle grid is zexion the conqueror in front, namine in front, axel in back
    Namine has signed out

    “Ok, that is a weird game” namine stated to the other two who were constantly typing
    "Ok” zexion quickly stated typing, unaware that namine had started to leave the house

    Chapter 5, you monster
    Zexion sat at his desk typing on his phone when the beeping from his laptop closing made him look up at a furious looking aqua
    “You monster!” she exclaimed almost slapping zexion
    “Do you know how namine was last night?” she almost exclaimed getting my friend demyx to come over
    “Hey aqua” demyx stated as he came over to zexion and aqua’s fight “what are you two fighting about”
    “I’m going” demyx stated leaving
    “Zexion, you better bring you’re a game tonight to that date.” She thought for a moment before continuing “and some lilacs”

    Chapter 6 the date 2.0
    Zexion parked his car outside namine’s house
    “Come on dude, you can do this” namine replied
    “Right” zexion stated as he left his car. And almost immediately jumped into it “I can’t do this”
    “zexion, you were the valedictorian in high school, one of the world’s most accomplished video gamers and one of the founding members of org.com. Nothing is impossible for you” namine stated encouragingly
    “Right” zexion stated as he went up and rang the doorbell. Almost immediately, namine came dressed in a white dress
    “Hi, zexion” namine stated
    “Hi…” zexion replied
    “Is that your car with namine and that intern person sitting in it?” namine stated looking at the car parked outside the house
    “Yes, yes it is” zexion stated quickly
    “So, to the Italian place?”
    “Sure” she agreed
    They hopped in the car, which as they drove the short distance to the Italian place, was filled with chatter like ‘hi’, ‘how are you’ and other small talk. As was the uneventful diner. And the simple drive to aqua and ventious’ houses.
    “I’m sorry about last night, I get” was all zexion could say before namine kissed him.
    “Did you just kiss me?” zexion asked surprised by that fact
    “Shut up” namine stated as she kissed him again. When she stopped, she simply went inside

    The second she went inside, zexion sent posted one interesting status update on his otherwise lifeless Facebook account: ‘nerd gets the girl’. This was liked by one young graphics artist named namine lynch