• ~Tory~
    “Landen,” I said through gritted teeth.
    “That’s Commander Drake to you,” the holographic projection of him said.
    I snorted and crossed my arms, putting up my defences and not paying attention to him at all. One; he wasn’t my boss or my father, and two; I really hated him with a passion. And right now, I really didn’t like anyone in this room. Seth and Amelia included.
    “What do you want?” I asked in a voice hostile and agitated.
    “How dare you talk to the commander like that!” Theo growled as he rose from his seat next to Seth.
    “Theo, leave it alone already,” Seth mumbled, probably full aware that he wouldn’t take the advice.
    “Stop protecting her Seth! She’s and adult and she's responsible for her own actions,” Theo turned on Seth, he really didn’t like me and I didn’t know why.
    “Scolding her and name calling doesn’t help either! I don’t know where you got your people skills but they are lacking quite a bit,” Seth crossed his arms as he talked. I almost smiled, that was my Seth.
    “Why you!” Theo stepped forward. I unfolded my arms, ready for a fight.
    “Theo, Seth, you sound more like children than she does.” Landen’s image showed him putting one hand on his forehead, almost like he had a headache from their bantering.
    “Again, I repeat, what do you want Landen?” I asked, I couldn’t help but smile a little. That made it seem a little nicer than before.
    “I want you to explain your actions,” the hologram told more than asked.
    “And why, should I explain myself to you?” my hostile voice came back to me in a rush.
    “If you don’t explain yourself, we’ll have no choice but to call you a traitor,” Landen’s face was so impassive and straight. “You know what we do to traitors.”
    I snorted again, “Yeah, try it.”
    This time Landen’s impassive face turned to anger very quickly, probably because I wasn’t taking the threat seriously. And I wasn’t, I didn’t think it was something I should take seriously.
    “Felix,” Landen said, still looking at me, “kill her.”
    “No!” both Seth and Amelia called out.
    Felix and four other men started to close in around me in a circle; I tilted my head to one side then to the other so I could check out what the competition was like. I smiled slowly, blocking out the noise of Seth and Amelia screaming.
    “Bring it on,” I murmured very low.
    One jumped at me from the left side, I shifted a foot, lifted my hand and my field was brought to the surface quickly. He went flying backwards once he came in quick contact with it, landing on his a** with a grunt as he hit the ground. Another, one from the right side this time, went to take a step forward. My head snapped towards him, eyes glowing like blue fire.
    “Bad mistake buddy.”
    I swung my force field around in a wide arch; this made my force field be known to everyone by the slight glint. Felix and the other two guys jumped back, outer the way of the field. Unlucky for one of them, he was too slow to realise. My field hit him side on, sending him sideways and into the closest wall. He didn’t move after that hit.
    I looked at the last three standing around me and smiled evilly as I straightened and put my hands on my hips.
    “Who’s next?” I asked with a silly, cocky grin on my face.
    “What the hell! People said you have no power,” Felix shouted, almost sounding like he was afraid.
    “They were wrong,” I said.
    I went into action, leaping at the nearest man, I tripped the third one and when he hit the floor, pushed him along the ground into the first. The first one was getting up again; they collided and smacked foreheads as they fell. They slumped against each other, knocked out cold.
    I turned to Felix, “Just us now.”
    He smiled, “Not for long, love.”
    “Stop! Landen please!” Amelia cried out, they guy that had led us here was holding her back.
    “Amelia, the rules are set in place for a reason. We cannot break them for one person,” Landen’s holographic image said.
    “Landen, please wait!” she cried out again.
    But they didn’t, and I didn’t decide to stop either. Felix and I leapt at each other at the same time but I wasn’t stupid, I put a low laying force field up around my body. It was like a second layer of skin, the same shape of my body and it didn’t flicker in the light. I knew Felix had a strong power of some sort, I could feel it just by standing in the same room as him.
    He went to hit my swinging fist away from himself with one hand while he used the other to try to grab my neck. Before he made contact with my arm, my shield pulsed and pushed his hand away from me against his will. His eyes widened just a little, I lowered my shield around my fist before it made contact with his cheek bone. He stumbled backwards, reaching up to hold onto his broken cheek as I cradled my hand against my chest.
    “********!” we both cried out. With his cheek broken from my punch, I broke a few fingers in my hand.
    Pain flared in my hand, then up my arm to my shoulder. I gritted my teeth, my hand was going numb and it was making the pain duller.
    I moaned in pain, still clutching at my hand as I glared across to Felix; who was whimpering over his cheek.
    “Jesus Christ, you have a hard face buddy.” I moaned at the dulling pain, I couldn’t feel my hand or arm anymore.
    “You have a hard left hook,” he groaned and winced as he touched his cheek a bit more firmly.
    I took that as a compliment, it would be the only one I would get out of him. Or anyone for that matter.