• The New Girl In Town By Ifeoma Kuchler

    Location: England

    School: The Briarwood School for Girls

    Scene 1

    Three girls are sitting near the fountain- it’s where they always sat. The place is specially reserved for them. It’s a nice sunny day, which is rare for England- the garden is surrounded by brick walls, moss and ferns.

    Sam: I had the best weekend ever. (Laughing loudly) Guess who I was with?

    Lila: Who?

    Jinni: Not-

    Sam: Danny Wood!

    Jinni: What? You were with- with Danny Wood. OMG! Explain? I need details…

    Sam: I know. Danny Wood- the buffest dude on the planet.

    Lila: Aw, Danny Wood! Now he’s a babe.

    Jinni: Agreed.

    Lila: You’re so lucky; you don’t get loser Will pestering you. He’s absolutely butters. (Whispering) Butters…. Nuts to think he can go out with me. Don’t know how he became popular.

    Sam: Yuck. Who’s that girl over there? (Pointing) I don’t like her clothes.

    Lila: Neither do I. Newbie’s… They’ve got no sense of freaking style.

    Sam: What’s that song we sing? (They all sing) Uh huh….
    Newbie is in town. She’s wearing an ugly gown. Don’t let her in.
    ‘Cause she belongs in the bin!

    Jinni: (Sighing) I feel so sorry for her.

    Lila: (Rejoicing) Yeah. Such a pity.

    Sam: Such a lovely day. Wish there was a sea nearby.

    Jinni: Perfect day to bask in the sun- such a shame we have to go to a place called school. It’s sheer torture in disguise.

    Sam: Ha-ha, that was quite witty.

    The new girl spots them, smiles and then walks over to their direction. Sam, Jinni and Lila wave at her gingerly.

    Ella: Hi, my name’s Ella.

    Sam: Why why. Really?

    Jinni: And?

    Lila: Go away.

    Sam: (Patting Lila playfully) My rude friend was just joking, weren’t you? (Smiles sweetly)

    Lila: (To Sam) No I wasn’t.

    Ella: Oh. I’m new in town and haven’t really found friends yet. Hoping-

    Sam: (Cutting her off) What was your name again?

    Ella: Ella.

    Sam: By the way I’m Sam.

    Ella: I know.

    Jinni: (Whispering) I think her name should be Smella. She’s a bit whiffy.

    Lila. Ooooh.

    Sam: We have a party on Sunday, that’s if you want to come.

    Ella: (Smiling) Oh boy, I would love to. Thanks!

    Sam: You’re officially invited. Meet me later for details. We’ll swap phone numbers.

    Ella: (Running off) Cool.

    Sam: She must be American.

    Scene 2

    Sam: Did you see her face?

    Lila: I know. She looked like she was about to cry. Shrimp.

    Jinni: And that is how we get rid of the newb.

    Sam: I know, right? (Chewing nail) Stuck up biyatch.

    Lila: She is so swotty and prissy. (Quoting Ella) I’m new and I’m so good.

    Jinni: Aha- and I’m an angel. I hate them kind of girls.

    Lila: Jeez, get a life will you?

    Jinni: (Looking annoyed) Sorry.

    Lila: I didn’t mean you- should I start calling you newb?

    Jinni: I thought you were talking about me.

    Lila and Sam: No, the new girl. Dim twit.

    Jinni: So sorry Gods All Mighty.

    Sam: Jinni stop squabbling and Lila just say sorry- she’s sensitive.

    Jinni: Am not!

    Sam has lost interest with the conversation and is now frantically texting Danny. She puts the phone down and then adds to her little piece of the conversation.

    Sam: Have you guys made up?

    Jinni and Lila: Shut up!

    Sam: (Faking a yawn) Bored- let’s move on. Anyway. And to feel so rejected when we gave her the wrong address. The party wasn’t even that weekend.

    Lila: We are pure geniuses. Sam, you should definitely be an actress.

    Jinni: She was dumb enough to fall for it.

    Sam: I acted like a saint.

    At that moment the light hits Sam.

    Scene 3

    Mr Lyon: We are going to be covering an important topic today. Bullying…

    Sam: (Looking across and giggles) Yawn.

    Mr Lyon: Is there something you find so funny Sam?

    Sam: (Meekly) No sir.

    Mr Lyon: Next time you talk. I’m sending you out, understood?

    Sam: Understood sir.

    Sam looks around bewildered and notices that there is giggling in the background. She shoots a furious look. Everyone shuts up.

    Mr Lyon: (Continuing) Bullying is not a nice thing so I’d like you to write some thoughts on it. I would also like you to write about a time when you were bullied and how you felt. (Starts writing some points on the whiteboard) You have (looking at his watch) fifteen minutes.

    Sam raises her hand.

    Mr Lyon: Yes Sam?

    Sam: (Smirking) What if you’ve never been bullied? Then I suppose this exercise isn’t for you, then?

    Mr Lyon: Instead then- as I suppose you’ve never been bullied. Write about your feelings on bullying.

    Sam: (To audience) I remember being bullied in Year Seven…. That year I swore that I would never be the outcast or misfit because I never wanted to experience that feeling of hurt and loneliness.

    As soon as class has finished Jinni and Lila rush towards Sam, they are screaming like stupid teenagers and run down the school stairs.

    Sam: (Out of breath) Meet me at my place at five.

    Lila: At five, got it.

    Jinni: (Texting) Oh yeah, five.

    Sam spots L.P Dawson and dashes over to her. L.P is short for Lydia Phoebe. They hug.

    Sam: Where have you been?

    L.P Dawson: I snuck off yesterday. Jasmine, Kina and me- we were like who gives a toss about school? I knew I wasn’t going to get into trouble because my mum isn’t even here.

    Sam: Are you going to the party? You have to come babes. If you do: bring all the hot lads.

    L.P Dawson: Sure, my dad is in the music business. He knows everyone and is called the father figure. Why would I miss the party if my favourite bezzie of the year is hosting it?

    Sam: How’s Nan?

    L.P Dawson: Nan, she’s great. She’d never report me to mum. She’d make up some terrific lie.

    Sam: If I could be adopted into your family.

    L.P Dawson: We would be the best of sisters- and the girls that guys want.

    L.P Dawson: Do you know Dana Gioni? She might be coming. That’s if you’re nice enough to Ella, my dad can’t do it on his own. She’ll probably do a song or two- then maybe a couple of autographs for some star struck fans.

    Sam: Oh My God, Dana Gioni is coming? Nooooooooooooo way!

    L.P Dawson: Don’t forget the might.

    Sam: (Laughing) Okay.

    L.P Dawson: Yeah. Anyway-apparently she’s the cousin of Ella.

    Sam’s eyes become wide. She now has a plan.

    L.P Dawson: I know, I freaked out when I found out. Got to go my love.

    Sam: Love you.

    L.P Dawson: Love you too babes. You are the best!

    Sam: I know. Ditto.

    They hug again and L.P Dawson leaves the school’s front door.

    Scene 4

    It’s lunchtime; Ella is sitting by herself and is gently crying.

    Sam: Look we….

    Ella: (Dramatically) Leave me alone. I’m not your punching bag.

    Lila: Let’s go.

    Jinni: (Whispering) No, remember what we came here for.

    Sam: We wanted to offer a place at our table. We were testing you all along and…

    Lila: (Hiccupping) You failed miserably.

    Ella: (Still sobbing) I thought you guys didn’t want to be friends with me. I thought I wasn’t cool enough or pretty enough like you guys.

    Sam: I know what you mean.

    Lila: No I don’t.

    Sam: (Pinches Lila) Shut up.

    Ella: I just wanted to fit in.

    Jinni: Come on idiot- we are giving you the opportunity.

    Ella: (Standing up) Really?

    Sam: Yeah, come on. Lets go shopping. Ella, sorry to say this but you definitely need a new look. No offence.

    Ella: None taken.

    Lila: When’s the party? Be sure to invite anyone and I mean anyone who’s hip.

    Ella: (Beaming) I think I know someone….

    Later on….

    Ella: (To audience) It was great to finally fit in, after days of trying to be accepted and turned down it felt so- I don’t know, liberating to finally fit in for once. Even if it meant they were using me.

    Sam: (Entering) What’s up Ella? How did you like the clothes we bought? You looked fantastic, I could barely recognise you. It was as if you were a new you, person.

    Ella: Aw, thank you.

    Sam: We have a party this weekend, like a tryout- see if you can socially hack it and then we move on from there.

    Ella: Sam you’re like a sister to me, you’d tell me anything. (Looking at Sam) Wouldn’t you?

    Sam: Yeah, sure- go ahead.

    Ella: You’re not just using me right? I’ve had it done before and I never learn. From the mistake and… I wan to trust you.

    Sam: Using you darling? We took you shopping, why would I do that? See it’s not the way I work and sweetie, if you’re going to be with us stop thinking like that. Now let’s enjoy watching the crapola film St. Trinians. Popcorn? (Handing her a bowl).

    Ella: (Breathing slowly) Good.

    Sam flashes the fakest smile on earth and begins to ramble on about boy problems. She isn’t really paying attention to the movie.

    Sam: I don’t know what to do with Danny Wood. I thought we were an item and I was completely infatuated with him but now I’ve met someone else. Who in my opinion is so much more delicious, he keeps giving me these suggestive signals but I’m lost in what I should do. Do you think I should end it with Danny?

    Ella: Who is he?

    Sam: You don’t know him? (Laugh shrewdly). All the girls want him.

    Ella: Then why are you thinking of breaking up with him? Plus I’m new here.

    Sam: Look Ella, you have to understand I can’t keep going out with the same guy forever. It’s ridiculous, like incredibly stupid. The new lad who can’t take his eyes off me is a senior. Look what it would do for my reputation and you my friend can have (to self) discarded Danny. You can have Danny.

    Ella: It sounds kind of mean.

    Sam: Mean, Ella please don’t be stupid. You need a boyfriend. Maybe the first you’ve ever had. Jesus Christ I can’t have a boyfriendless friend. How retarded does that sound?

    Ella: (Quietly) Pretty retarded. I was just saying you could stay with Danny. He’s cute right?

    Sam: (Groaning out loud) This conversation is going nowhere. I think you’re getting tired, go to bed.

    Ella: Sam!! I’m not tired, it’s only friggin 12 am in the friggin morning.

    Sam: There is the lioness I was looking for. I think with some help you can make it.
    (Continuing) So how does my plan about you having Danny sound?

    Ella: (Frustrated) Wrong. Completely wrong. Let’s talk about something else. How about let’s watch the movie instead?

    Sam: Ha, ha, ha. The movie. Ella, Ella, movies are for sad, sad people who watch films to get away from their miserable lives. A.k.a, emos, geeks, science and math nerds and plain sad romantics who can never get a date, those are the types who watch movies and sob about the heroin that tragically died. The world is sad.

    Ella: Sam, then why did you put the film on?

    Sam: Background stuff. Come with me.

    Sam leads her to the bedroom; it’s decorated in purple and blue. Sam’s room is humongous, thrice the size of Ella’s.

    Ella: Cool room!

    Sam: Thanks. Thought you’d be used to it.

    Ella: Whatever that means.

    Sam: (Sitting down on bed) Come sit.

    Ella dutifully follows and sits close to her.

    Sam: Have you ever kissed someone?

    Ella: Yeah, I’ve kissed loads of people.

    Sam raises her eyebrows questioningly.

    Sam: Righty oh. Who exactly?

    Ella: I’ve kissed my brother, my mother. Jeez why?

    Sam: Your mother, your brother?

    Ella: (Defensively) Yes, what’s so bad about it?

    Sam: I meant like a boy silly. I’ve kissed many and I could teach you.

    Ella: Teach me, how?

    Sam: Don’t be such a novice. I’ll show you…. So open your mouth, not too much. You don’t want to look like a deer caught in headlights. Wiggle your tongue out and move it around your teeth in a circular motion. Then I will come and give you a kiss and that’s why it’s called the tongue.

    Ella: (Throwing a pillow at Sam) Eww, no, please, no. Hmm, no way.


    Ella: Uh, yes.

    Sam: (Applying lip-gloss) good, now do what I say.

    Sam leans in and does more than a kiss. Ella is smacking her lips in a disgusted manner.

    Sam: Now that wasn’t too bad?

    Ella: Does that mean I’m gay now?

    Sam: Um, not really. Seriously? (Meanly) That was quite offensive, my godmother is bisexual. Imagine if she was here and heard it. She’s a movie star by the way. I think you’re tired, why do you have to be a killjoy, Ella? Why? I’m doing so much for you.

    Ella: Sam, I-

    Sam: (Saying snappily) What?

    Ella: I didn’t mean it. To, offend you. Maybe I should pack my stuff and go?

    Sam: (Pretending to cry) Maybe you should.

    Ella: (To audience) I’d really blown it this time. Really messed up my life at Briarwood and for what? She didn’t say anything: even when I was two steps from the landing. Nothing. I was such a fool for thinking she cared about me.

    Sam: (Turning around) What are you doing?

    Ella: Leaving?

    Sam: Why? Don’t be an idiot. Really.

    Ella: Thanks for having me over. See you later.

    Sam: Not if you leave.

    Ella takes of her shoes and goes up the stairs where Sam is. She has no choice but to return, Sam rules the school.

    Scene 5

    Lila: Where’s Ella?

    Sam: Not here.

    Jinni: What did you do?

    Sam: (Biting lips) Nothing. She sent a text saying she wouldn’t be able make it into school. She sounded all right except for the runny nose.

    Lila: (Cracking up) Poor, poor diddums. Baby ill of-

    Sam: I didn’t realise how innocent she was, she’s never kissed a boy. I gave her lessons and she completely freaked out. Saying something derogatory about Gays. I gave her a right telling off.

    Lila: Sammy is using big words now.

    Sam: That’s right. Can’t wait for the party and then after I can get rid of her.

    Jinni: She was that bad?

    Lila: Did she want to watch St. Trinians? Excuse my French but who the f**k would want to see it? I mean at least watch something with more depth and meaning.

    Sam: Exactly Lila. My point. Jinni to answer your question she was a disaster. She wanted to leave; no one wants to leave when they’re with me. Not even Myra Hawks.

    Jinni: Mrs Dodd’s is being a biyatch; she’s pissing me off. Why would we want to see the Tempest? And she’s making us see it tomorrow. I’m going to die; maybe we could do something outrageous and get expelled from the trip.

    Sam: (Shaking head) No don’t be dumb. This school is for the privileged.

    Jinni: She’s acting a bit weird, ever since the only pretty teacher in school came Mrs Dodd’s the fat beluga whale has been pouncing on her.

    Lila: What was the new teacher’s name?

    Jinni: Uh…

    Sam: Imogene Perquy.

    Lila: Sounds French. Ooh la la, my name iz Imogene Per-kwee. I am from Fron-say and I speak-erz On-glay.

    Sam: Okay- enough.

    Lila: No, no- not done. And ze orrible teacher az a humongous crush-er on mee. Mrs Dodd is a whale, a gigantic, fatty lump of waste and from my impression she vonts to do zings with me.

    Sam: Gay. I didn’t see that coming but Imogene is way out of her league. I mean to a point where the guys want her. No guy wants Mrs Lump.

    Jinni: Hilarious.

    Lila: Fat Mrs Dodd’s needs to stick to oompa loompa husband.

    Jinni: Now that’s cruel.

    Lila: Whatevs. I’m a biyatch sucker.

    Mrs Dodd’s: (Angrily) had enough chitchat?

    Sam: (Politely) Sorry, miss?

    Mrs Dodd’s: Don’t pretend like you’re innocent. Talking about me in such ways.

    Sam: (Paralyzed expression) (To self) Oh crap, poo.

    Mrs Dodd’s: I find it sad how you girls have such potential and yet you use your potential in the wrong ways.

    Lila: Your point being??

    Mrs Dodd’s: Don’t be rude young lady otherwise you girls have detention tonight in my office.

    Jinni: (Poking Lila) Just shut up!

    Sam: We weren’t actually talking about you. See at my old school there was a teacher who was plain evil. Nowhere near as nice as you, so we made a little joke, maybe went a little too far. But she had this big lesbian crush on one of the teachers, they were found in the nudie pants getting it on and both got expelled- if that’s the right word.

    Mrs Dodd’s: Discharged.

    Sam can see Mrs Dodd going red.

    Sam: What was worse is, her husband and kids had to face the consequences of her terrible actions. At least she didn’t commit statuary rape but as you can imagine lost her position at school. I was reflecting on how sad it was. That’s all. Regrettable.

    Mrs Dodd’s finding no reason to tell them off, tells them to leave snidely.

    Lila: That was close.

    Sam: (Conceitedly) You’re right. I should be an actress.


    Katie runs up to hug all three of them.

    Katie: Come sit with us.

    Katie was in the year above and was the most popular girl in her year. She looked like an exact clone of Megan Fox, Lila looked like Halle Berry but darker and Sam was a blonde bombshell. Ella was like, half Indian. Jinni looked like the cutest pixie on earth.

    Sam: Thanks love.

    Pushing a girl out of the way she makes space for herself and her friends.

    Katie: Badgirl, go get a drink for me.

    Anita: (Coldly) I told you to stop calling me that.

    Katie: But that’s what you are, bad bad girl. Get over it. Now get me a drink. Be quick.

    Sam: What’s her problem?

    Katie: Don’t know, she thinks she’s it because she does ballet, I mean I’m a ballet dancer and I’m expected to be a prima ballerina.

    Sam: (Snorting) Why? Ballet is for losers; when you look like Megan Fox, go for something interesting and sexy.

    Katie: My dyke of a parents won’t let me.

    Sam: Did you hear about the new play? Che Guevara?

    Katie: I’m going to try for Belladonna.

    Sam: Me, I’m going to be the star- his lover.

    Katie: You’re blonde. I think I should be the star.

    Sam: I thought you said you were going to be Belladonna.

    Katie: (Smirking) Changed my mind!

    Sam: So what, if I’m blonde. He’s Argentinean. That’s practically white.

    Katie: If they put you in it, it will become a sob fest.

    Sam: I don’t do sob fests, only art and acting itself.

    Katie: Fine, you’re on. The audition is in two weeks.

    Sam: (Both standing up) Fine.

    Katie: Love you Pooka.

    Sam: Love you, Winnie the Pooh who is about to burn, burn down. Come on girls.

    Katie: Burn it down it is. Nolee, Hannah and Christy let’s go.

    Katie blows an air kiss and then makes a face. Sam does the exact same thing but with more passion.

    Sam: I can’t let her be Maria.

    Scene 6

    Ms Hamlet the creative arts teacher made the year 9, year 10 and year 11 girls sit in a circle.

    Ms Hamlet: I have a feeling that it will be hard to choose the parts but what ever happens be proud of yourselves….

    Sam: Get on with it.

    Ella: I know right.

    Sam: Peace?

    Ella: What you going for?

    Sam: Maria and you?

    Ella: Maybe Consuela. I don’t really know yet.

    Ms Hamlet: First up is Sam.

    Sam: I’m auditioning for the role of Maria. I’m going to read the extract and then sing a song.

    Maria: Ever since I met you my life has changed.

    Che: Not a star in the world as bright as you.

    Maria: (Giggle softly) Why thank you sir. You know I have tender feelings for you.

    Che: I’m busy fighting the war. There’s no time for romance.

    Maria: Oh, well I guess I should go then.

    Che: No- stay….

    There is a round of applause as Sam curtseys.

    Sam: Now my song! ‘Because You Loved Me’

    Maria: For all those times you stood by me.
    For all the truth that you made me see.
    For all the joy you brought to my life.
    For all the wrong that you made right

For every dream you made come true. 

    For all the love I found in you. I'll be forever thankful, baby

    You're the one who held me up Never let me fall

    You're the one who saw me through through it all

    You were my strength when I was weak

    You were my voice when I couldn't speak

    You were my eyes when I couldn't see

    You saw the best there was in me

    Lifted me up when I couldn't reach you gave me faith 'cause you believed

    I'm everything I am
Because you loved me, ooh, baby

    You gave me wings and made me fly

    You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith; you gave it back to me

    You said no star was out of reach

    You stood by me and I stood tall I had your love, I had it all

    I'm grateful for each day you gave me

    Maybe, I don't know that much
But I know this much is true I was blessed because I was loved by you

    You were my strength when I was weak you were my voice when I couldn't speak

    You were my eyes when I couldn't see

    You saw the best there was in me

    Lifted me up when I couldn't reach you gave me faith 'cause you believed

    I'm everything I am because you loved me

    You were always there for me, the tender wind that carried me the light in the dark shining your love into my life

    You've been my inspiration through the lies you were the truth my world is a better place because of you

    You were my strength when I was weak

    You were my voice when I couldn't speak

    You were my eyes when I couldn't see

    You saw the best there was in me

    Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed

    I'm everything I am because you loved me

You were my strength when I was weak

    You were my voice when I couldn't speak

    You were my eyes when I couldn't see

    You saw the best there was in me

    Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

    You gave me faith 'cause you believed

    I'm everything I am because you loved me

I'm everything I am because you loved me.

    Ms Hamlet: Wow. Next up is Katie.

    Sam gives a smug little grin in Katie’s direction, a challenge to say see if you can do any better than me.

    Katie: I will be Maria.

    Maria: Leave me alone Cruz. I don’t like you.

    Cruz: Yes you do.

    Maria: No, I really don’t.

    Cruz: Yes you do.

    Maria: (Flipping hair) Can we stop going round in circles?

    Everyone laughs at this, which makes Sam more jealous.

    Maria: So Cruz, you know your friend Che. I was wondering if you could introduce him to me. You’re his friend, right?

    Cruz: Che is no friend of mine.

    Maria: Sounds like someone is jealous.

    Cruz: Me jealous, beg your pardon.

    Maria: Bye Cruz.

    Cruz: Bye.

    Ms Hamlet: (To self) it is going to be hard to choose. Anyone else like to go up for Maria?

    Ella: I’d like to.

    Sam: No.

    Everyone gasps.

    Katie: I’d like to see how that goes. Probably going to be a disaster.

    Ella: I’m, um, my role is going to be Maria. Probably won’t get it.

    Ms Hamlet: Confidence.

    Katie: So right. Hope shrimp survives and doesn’t die on the spot from fear.

    Ella: I’d still like to try Miss.

    Ms Hamlet: Go ahead. One, two, three and action.

    Maria: (Speaking softly) I didn’t hear from you last night. Have you gone off me?

    Ms Hamlet: (From chair) Speak up.

    Che: Maria dear, never could I go off such a… beautiful woman as you.

    Maria: I don’t believe you.

    Che: Why?

    Maria: Because I see the way you look at her, you’re in love with Consuela. Tell me the truth.

    Che: Consuela. She’s just a girl.

    Maria: (Chuckling) A girl. Che stop playing with me.

    Che: I’m a man; I need to satisfy my needs.

    Maria: Now, what’s that supposed to mean?

    Che: I’m away at war. What am I supposed to do, sit and mope?

    Maria: I gave my life to you.

    Che: Don’t be so dramatic.

    Maria: We have two kids together who need you more than ever.

    Che: Why do you have to be like this?

    Maria: I admired you once but now I am not so sure. (She moves to the end of the hall)

    Ella is holding her breath, wondering what people are thinking. The whole room is stunned. It was the most real performance ever, maybe not the bubbly Maria they were expecting.

    Ms Hamlet is stunned to silence. Her mouth is open lost for words.

    Ella sits back down.

    Ms Hamlet: Does anyone want to try out for Consuela or Belladonna?

    Several students get up and act their hearts out, but the world knows that they are not destined for greatness in showbiz.

    Ms Hamlet: After a heartbreaking, heart rendering decision I will announce who got the part. Maria goes to…

    The drums roll.

    Ms Hamlet: (Continuing) the part of Maria goes to Ella Faye.

    Ella’s mouth is hanging, as she can’t believe it. Katie and Sam look as if they are about to cry.

    Sam: There’s still hope that you can be Consuela. Please. I’m begging of you.

    Ms Hamlet: This was the toughest decision to decide. The part of Consuela is awarded to Samantha Torres. There is clapping, Sam is the supporting actress.

    And the final main goes to Katie Burgoise- Dunham. Katie, you are Belladonna.

    Katie looks really defeated.

    Sam: (Approaching Katie) Well-done getting the role as Donnabella.

    Katie: We both lost okay, don’t need to rub it in my face that you got the better role. Ella Faye won the role as Maria beside Geoffrey, the dashing senior. And it’s Belladonna for your information.

    Sam: I know, my boyfriend.

    Katie: I thought it was Danny?

    Sam: Nope. Danny’s going out with Ella now. I’m with a senior, the hunky Geoffrey.

    Katie: Shocker. That was totally unexpected.

    Sam: You don’t know how seething mad I am and when I’m angry nothing can stop me.

    Katie: (laughing) You go on an unstoppable rampage.

    Sam: Yes, pooh, this stinks. This wasn’t my plan.

    Katie: We can both join the TWMPG.

    Sam: The what?

    Katie: This Wasn’t My Plan Group.

    Sam: Sounds like torture. I’d rather commit suicide than join.

    Katie: Peace?

    Sam: Friends?

    Katie: Always! (They hug) Badgirl.

    Anita: Really stop.

    Katie: Just kidding. Get lost.

    Anita: Thank you.

    Ella comes up with a big smile that makes Sam feel sick.

    Ella: Sam, you okay?

    Sam: (Says when Katie has left) No you got everything. You got the part, my boyfriend as well as my old boyfriend. I get nothing. It’s not friggin fair. I really wanted to be Maria but you took her from me.

    Ella: We can swap if you want?

    Sam: No the play wouldn’t be as good. You were amazing.

    Ella: You know the play is fictional with some historical references. Anyway thank you. Sorry about the other night. Let’s not get into any more fights.

    Sam: No sorry. I have something to tell you.

    Ella: What.

    Sam: It’s a secret, promise never to tell. Swear. If you tell I will kill you.

    Ella: Okay.

    Sam: I transferred schools because in the other one I had no friends. I was teased mercilessly and for jack what. I new I had to change. That’s why I was so mean to you in the beginning.

    Ella: Is this the real Sam I’m talking to?

    Sam: No, now shut up.

    Ella: That’s more like you. To cheer you up all four of us should go shopping for the party.

    Sam: Why not have the big party this weekend? You’re ready.

    Ella: I know. Uh, meet you at your place, then we’ll go down to Hampstead high to do a bit of shopping and then we’ll go to the west end where all the real shopping.

    Lila: No, let’s go to Camden. It’s better, hipper and edgier.

    Sam: (To Ella) Who’s the cool person you’re inviting? My godmother is coming.

    Ella: My cousin.

    Sam: The cousin who is called Rachel?

    Ella: No, Dana Gioni.

    Sam: Oh my god, she’s coming!!!!!!!!

    Jinni comes in hearing the commotion.

    Lila: Stop hyperventilating.

    Jinni: Actually carry on so I can take pictures.

    Lila: For what?

    Jinni: (Ruefully) The school magazine.

    Lila: I forgot you were the editor.

    Jinni: Did you? You forget everything that I do because you want to hang out with Sam all the time.

    Lila: No, you’re my second best bezzie.

    Jinni: (Sadly) After Sam.

    Lila: Sam prefers you to me.

    Jinni: No she doesn’t. What makes you think that?

    Lila: I just know. (Waving) See you people!

    Sam: You don’t get it. Ella’s cousin is Dana Gioni!!!

    Lila, Sam and Jinni: OMG!!!!

    Ella: Ha-ha.