- He shreiked and looked down. Right in dead center of his chest a sharp pointed pole was protruding from his torso. It was violently ripped out causing blood, another one if his human functions, to pour out. He stood there, clutching the hole in his chest, while the creature that calmed him ran away. Either it was his fading vision, or that creature was a silver glowing fox, or rhino, or gorilla or something. Blood poured out of his chest, while the creature that nearly destroyed him flipped him over and pounded on his chest. He coughed up blood. As blood poured out and sharp pains in his chest were becoming more and more present, he felt something. This feeling was pure confusion, some kind of mental trauma. He felt himself shiver in it's presence. His limbs numbed up, and his head felt like it was going to explode. Next thing he thought was negative things. Finnaly he came to his senses and knew that this was a human emotion, anger. As if he had no control he brought his leg up and knocked the creature who was trying to kill him 5 feet away. The creature wimpered and ran. "Wow, i'm more human than I thought!" thought Rondus. He climbed up, he had gotten rid of the creature, now he needed to seal his wound. If you are a student, then you know that in a circuit if you cut the path all contacts with the connected area will be lost, well Rondus was a machine, or at least thought he was. Due to this he could not move his lower area. From his middle torso down to be exact. The hole was to big, the only thing keeping his upper area upright was the built-in physical support bars, since his mechanical spine was snapped. He decided to do something out of pure imagination. Rondus as you know if you read part 1 and this part. He was a cyborg, half human, half machine. This is pretty complicated programming, a project like this would take years just for vocabulary and behavior commands. Therefore you could assume Rondus had a bit of wits programmed in him, or possibly some common sense. "Emergency auto repair systems on" he said. "Negative, nearby resources are scarce" said the multi-gender voice in his head. "Okay, it's a real command at least, now, resources..." he thought. What he needed were resources, the only question was, how and where to get them. He thought "Okay, there's metal on the floor, I can find some computer equipment in that vat I was in, but what if it's not enough? I may as well expiriment...". He fell to the ground, having no use of his legs. He pulled, being on the ground with the gravity just made the blood flowing out worse. He finally made it to the vat and slammed his hand on the console, as much as it hurt his torso. The console broke, and the liquid inside poured out. As the liquid soaked him, he felt peace. He floated there in enough liquid to fill a pool, obiously they didn't want the supply to run out. As he floated there in the liquid, his body felt cleansed. The pain was still there, but it felt as if cold water were running through his veins supplying a blast of cold to his every cell, that is, if he had cells and veins. He noticed the water level lowered, that meant it was all going somewhere, an exit! He said once again "Emergency auto repair systems on". He heard a clicking noise then what sounded like a blast door opening and a few gears turning. Soon about 50 cables came out of his head, moving around like cobras. They reached towards the nearest resources, and pulled them in. He felt his torso where he was bleeding slowly fill. Then suddenly it stopped when it was 82% done, out of resources he thought, and that's just what the voice in his head said. He could walk again at least, but barely. He stood up, he suddenly felt weak. "Ugh, systems diagnostic on.". An icon in his Heads Up Display (H.U.D.) showed a human, with a green light moving across it's body. "Blood level low" said the voice. "Uh-oh" thought Rondus. He knew what happened, the liquid that calmed really DID go through him. It cleansed out every vein (or wire) of blood. Just knowing what had happened had answered alot of questions about his human functions. He knew now that his human functions were for survival. He was an android , with blood instead of a battery, since blood cells reproduced it would be an infinite power supply. Now without any blood his systems were on a power conserving mode causing his bodily weakness. "Crap" Said Rondus.

- Title: A.I. Part II
- Artist: HLP210
- Description: After avoiding nearly avoiding death, Rondus learns a bit about himself.
- Date: 04/06/2010
- Tags: part2rondusartificialinteligence
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