Ryou was a rather thin boy, and pale too, but how frail he looked could not match his speed. He had, brown hair, red eyes, and a smile that stretched from ear to ear, sprinting home with excitement and curiosity. for someone who had just turned 18 that day, he had the expression that a six year old boy gets when he gets his first game system. “Well, couldn’t 18 wait another day”? He thought as he noticed his childish behavior. Two more houses, one more house, “Finally!” he said as he arrived at the door, jamming his key into the lock and almost leaving them there. He threw everything down and rushed to his computer. He had a copy of a game in his hand that he had received from his aunt for his birthday, it was labeled, “The World”

    “Way to go nana!” he said aloud. And started to set up his equipment.
    One virtual visor, check
    Microphone, check
    Controller, check
    He could not believe his luck, he looked at the date he knew only too well, 10-16-2017.
    “Best birthday ever!” he thought aloud, as he picked up the instruction Manuel.
    The World was a virtual reality game that had spread through the nations as quickly as it came. Thos game would allow you to create a character and see through the eyes of the character, able to adventure the world by making friends, battling monsters to level up, and more. Ryou read aloud the last sentence of the Manuel, “Are you ready to log onto the world”? He was ready, he created a new account.
    Name: Ryou
    Age: 18
    Character’s name: Tenkotsa
    Job/Class: twin blades
    Ryou finished the account and put in his email for verification. “C’mon! You take so long!” he thought. A popup on his computer said, “Welcome, Ryou! "You may put your visor on!"
    He immediately warped into an open field. “Whoa, this feels so real, too real.” Ryou had chosen a character that looked almost exactly like him, except with electric blue armor, and a blade. In the corner of his eye he noticed a girl, younger than himself being attacked by what appeared to be a goblin. Instinct took over, and he rushed in between them, the girl was wide eyed in fear. The goblin seemed to not even notice the change of people, “that’s what you get for a lv. 1 character,” thought ryou. “Stupid girl.” He said to himself as he clashes with the goblin. “Obviously someone didn’t read the Manuel before they played.” He thought. He approached the girl, “What’s your name?”
    She didn’t seem to know what name to use, her real name or character name. She thought about her classmates finding out she played the world, after all, she didn’t fit in with “that group.” “Kuruni” she said after a moment’s hesitation. She thought she had better play it safe and use her character name. “Yours?” “Tenkotsa” he said with ought batting an eye. He sheathed his sword. ”you need to be more focused” said tenkotsa, “there are stronger players that like to kill younger players sometimes.” He said in a stern but friendly voice. She had turned to look at the goblin and the new character for the first time. She had her tilted head to him as he began fighting. She watched him walk to her after and she stepped back, nervous somewhat.
    "Thank you for that, and I can do just fine on my own, I was just distracted" she stuck her tongue out at him then crossed her arms.
    “I was expecting a thank you”, he said walking away. ”w-WAIT?!? Where are you going?” said kuruni. Tenkotsa replied softly, “to train.” He said. He still was not used to the reality of it all. He still had adrenalin pumping through him. Something wasn’t right. It all felt so real. Kurini stared in awe; he would help someone like that and leave as soon as they came? How ungentlemanly.
    But Tenkotsa kept on walking, thinking, “I wonder what the boss in this area is like?”

    Ryou knew if he wanted to take on the boss, he would have to get stronger. “But there is nothing here on this tundra of land, is there even a town near here?” suddenly, the ground shook, 6 goblins surrounded him. “Come back for more did ‘cha? Or are you upset that I took out your little friend back there? Either way I’m ready! Bring it on!” the goblins all attacked at once. Tenkotsa dodged and the goblins collided, taking advantage of the situation tenkosa jumped up and yelled, “REN-GEKI!!” a red aura surrounded the blade as he crashed down and killed the goblins. “Whoa.” He said as power flowed through his veins, “I feel much stronger! Is this…leveling up?” suddenly, all was quiet, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, The ground was shaking like crazy now, “what the hell?” Tenkotsa turns around, to see a huge troll standing behind him. “HEY YOU!” tenkotsa screamed, “YOU’RE BLOCKING MY SUN!!!”
    The troll looked down stupidly. “GUGH?” and the troll decided he did not like the screaming figure yelling at him. “Guess we are going to have to do this the hard way…REN GEKI!!!” As tenkotsa lunged his double blade at the 20 foot monster. “Damn it!” Said tenkosa as he bounced off the troll. “I just bounced off him! How can that be?” The troll smacked him into a tree. A figure came from the shadows, “you need team work” the voice said. “Who are you?” asked tenkotsa.
    “Doom’s desire, but you can call me doom for short.” Said doom. The figure emerges from the shadows, a boy of about 16 comes out, and looking like he’s had a very hard life. With one red eye and the other blue. Tenkotsa asked after a while, “are you strong enough?” doom replied cheerfully, “well I hope so! Otherwise I would have faced 4 goblins and a goblin war chief for no reason!” tenkotsa was impressed/surprised for someone who looked so…depressed, he was awfully cheery. “So what do you imply we do then?” accepting doom’s help. “We chain it down, and then go for the heart.”
    They both agreed to the plan while the troll was examining the toe jam between his toes, thinking that he rid himself of his problem. Doom came up and smacked the troll on the head, distracting him while Tenkotsa chained his arm down. The troll was stuck! “Halfway there!” yelled tenkosa as he chained the other arm down. Doom walked up on the troll and pointed is open palm to where the heart was,”PULSE” He yelled and closed his and to a tight fist. The troll let out a terrible cry, then died.
    “Good job.” They said to each other when they were walking to the chest that appeared behind the now fading troll.
    Tenkotsa then opens the treasure chest and his reward is...

    Common Item:

    Speed Talisman (Allows the player to attack twice before the enemy can attack for 3 full battles.)

    Rare Item:

    Weapon Ability: Quick "REN-GEKI" (Allows the player to activate a "REN-GEKI" skill after a set of 4 attacks instead of 5.)

    "These items sure will give me the upper hand, but I need to level up to level 5 in order to use that weapon accessory I just got."
    Doom decides not to share what he got, but the look on his face was sinister. “I’ve got to go eat dinner, bye” and logged off. Ryou looks around and spots a warp point. “I better go eat too.” Ryou thinks as he logs off

    Ryou takes off the visor and sets it down on the table. “Ugh, so many collages I need to apply to, but first things first, I’m starving!!!”Says Ryou. Ryou goes downstairs and check the refrigerator
    “I wonder what that doom guy got from the treasure chest...” says Ryou while pulling out last night’s pizza to eat. “I should call nana, thank her for the game” he says as he picks up the phone. Ring, ring, ring, RI- it goes to voice mail. You are too tired to call again so he falls asleep on the couch.
    The next morning
    Ping! Ping! Ping!
    “where is that sound coming from?”