• The walls appeared to be getting closer and closer. My throat was dry. It felt like it was closed off like I couldn't breathe. Maybe I'm not supposed to breathe. Maybe, as people walk by, they imagine dancing on my grave. My feet are slowly moving to my next class. The school is so big yet so small and cluttered with hundreds of hateful beings. As I walk by you snicker. Gossip. A pitiful thing brought to this world out of pure hate and boredom. My books are slammed and forced to the ground. Embarrassment. Created to taunt the innocent soul of a child. The bell rings. The halls clear. I am left alone. I leave my books on the ground and continue to trudge along. The laughter plays over and over in my head like a broken CD. The devil is near. It's time to go. I slammed against the wall and slid to the floor, weeping.
    Things are blurry. I can't hear. I can make out few things. My teacher? Classmates? X-friends? Enemies? My best friend having a panic attack. Someone is talking to me. I can't respond. My vision went dark and my heart suddenly stopped.

    I wasn't supposed to die, but I did.