• Greetings. A visitor, are you?... Ahh, I see. You must be wanting to read this little book in your hands... Do you know what you're getting into? Because if you don't, I strongly suggest you put down this book right now and go pick up where you left off in "Harry Potter," or something. This is not the book for you. If you are, however, aware of what you are about to read, I welcome you to my world. I am your narrator. Your aid in the reading world. Your humble servent of literature and all things written for your entertainment... And who exactly am I, you ask?... Well, let's just say that I'm the one who does the talking in this story, and you're the one who listens. No first-name-basis-type-things. Got it? Good. And now, my story may begin.

    Ladies and gents, I give you...


    I can feel the shiny, steel object in my hands shake as I shudder, the vibrations from my own body effecting my grip on its hard surface. It doesn't help that my palms are clamy, sweaty, as if I'd just presented a speech to hundreds of people. I'm breathing heavily, my mind trying to comprehend the demand I'd been cursed with. Pull the trigger, pull the trigger, pull the trigger. That's all that's going through my head--those last words from Gentx before she stormed out of the room, leaving only myself and the silver pistol. I knew what I had to do... I just couldn't do it. "Close your eyes," she'd told me. "You'll never know you did it."
    Of course, that was all bull. I would know, and it would stay with me for the rest of my life, haunting me... Better get it over with... Aiming, I closed my eyes, and...--


    That was my last memory from that night.

    I thought I had it...

    The next thing I knew, I was in a hospital bed.

    So close... I thought I could hold out...

    Not just any hospital, no. The hospital inside A.A.I.H.B.

    That was the first person I'd killed...

    Yeah, I know. The A.A.I.H.B? What the hell is that?

    He was a runaway--he'd somehow escaped from jail...

    It stands for Assassin's Assosiation for Iregular Human Beings.

    They didn't even expect me to kill him... They just wanted to see what I would do...

    I know what you're thinking--what kind of name is that? Why would you name an assosiation that?

    And I did it... I killed him!...

    Well, that's just the way things were, I suppose.

    All I wanted was a home...