• Chapter Four
    The Spirit Detective

    tab After my dream played through a few times I woke up to the sun light that came into my room. I looked over at the door then around the room. No Kurama? This is a first for him not to wake me up for school. What did that damn Hiei do to him to not want to come in here and wake me up?! I got up out of bed and went to Kurama's room. WHAT! He isn't here either! Now where did he run off to! I ran down stairs to see if he was there, but didn't see him any where down there.
    tab I started to look out side and still nothing. I sigh softly as I go into the woods. Don't tell me he went to the tree....That evil thing reminded me what I really am. I walked down the path and up a head I seen him sitting on the bench. I slowed down a little, not wanting to do anything that might make him want to attack me. I stopped at the opening of the path and stood there. “Kurama, what's wrong?”
    tab He looked up at me and smiled softly as he got up and came over to me, “Sorry, I thought you would want to sleep in a little today. I just came out here to look at the tree again.”
    tab Why do I have to do this? I know that your mother means everything to you, but don't you know that you mean everything to me? Would you really give your life to save her and not me? I put my arms around him and put my head in his chest as tears start to stream out of my eyes, “please don't do it Kurama! I don't want you to do this!” I had to keep up the act until after the full moon, he knows that I see the future, but some how I think he knows that he won't die, or at least from what I've seen. I had to play the part as long as I can, I wanted him to think that he was going to die, just so that he doesn't know that he would be spared and that his mother will live.
    tab He put his arms around me and kisses me softly, “don't worry, I'm sure that when I die I will meet you in Spirit world.” I cried a little more. I hate doing this. I hate playing this out so that way he doesn't get his hopes up. I just hope that this vision is right on that he won't die.
    tab He puts his hands on my shoulders and leans me back and looks into my eyes, “stop crying Aithne, I'll make it back, some how. If not I'll be in Spirit world waiting for you.” I had to force more tears out to keep the act going and nodded. “I know, I know. But I just don't want to think life with out you.”
    tab He drops his hands and takes mine in his, “come on, lets get ready for school before we are late, plus we still need to eat.” I nod as we both started up to the house, I was still thinking about that boy, that boy that will save his life. How am I going to find him and thank him a head of time for saving Kurama's life. I shook my head no, I can't do that. It might ruin everything. I have to stay like this and act it all out. After everything is done then I will find him and thank him.
    tab We make it to the house and up the stairs, I go into my room and turn on the phone. Mother had called again to wish me good night and that she was sorry to scary me like that last night. She said she was going to mail the types out as soon as she can to me so that I could see who this man was. I shut my phone and put it down as I started to dress and brush my hair.
    tab After I was done I raced down stairs with my school bag in hand and started to cook breakfast for the two of us. Kurama wasn't that much longer to get ready and was at the island waiting for me to finish cooking. I put his plate down in front of him and take my seat next to him, “ready for school today Kurama?” I smile softly as I look over at him, and nodded lightly.
    tab We finished breakfast and headed out for school, now this was how I like going to school me and Kurama, talking about things that we hope will happen to the two of us. This time it was high schools that we are looking into to go to. I was looking at going to an all girl college and study art as well as some business, and him the all boy's college that was right next door to mine so that way we could have lunch together. He of course wanted to go in for green house as well as business.
    tab We got to school and went to class and took our normal seats. Ever scene I stated going to school here Kurama and I would always sit next to each other. It was known that him and I were an item and was not to be broken. But with the high school coming up, that was a different thing. There might be some one there that wouldn't know that we are together and it might come to a time where one of us is sick and who knows what would happen.
    tab As the day went on things where starting to look up a little, Kurama and I had lunch at our normal spot and joked around a little, we didn't have many friends at school. The only ones that where around us most of the time was the kids that wanted to cheat off of us, but we always turned them down but offered to help them out.
    tab The day went by quickly, and it was the end of the day. We where on our way home and Kurama stopped. “Aithne, I'm going to go visit mother for a bit. I'll be home as soon as I can and help you with your homework.” I nodded and said, “tell her that I love her and hope that she gets better soon. Its no fun around the house with out her.” He laughed and nodded, “I know its no fun with out her, and I'll tell her.”
    tab He walked the other way as I made my way back to the house. I sighed deep as I made it to the door, I hate being here alone. It was fun when mother was well and here. Made the night go by faster. I loved cooking for the three of us, and now its just Kurama and myself. I should have gone with him to go see her. It's been a few weeks the last time I was there.
    tab I unlocked the door and went up stairs and put my book bag down. I took out my phone and checked to see if my mother called. Nothing, I guess that they had something going on. I'll call her before I go to bed. I changed my clothes and went back down stars, walking into the living room I turned on the t.v to watch the news. Listening to it I started to cook dinner, however something made me stop. I looked up to the news, children's souls where being taken and I knew that from how they where saying what they looked like. Well that low class demon knows how to use the orb of Baas. Its amazing that he can figure out how to use that. If Kurama would have let me in on this I would have shown them what I could do.
    tab When I got all the prepping for dinner done I sat down and watched more of the news. I looked up at the clock and seen that it was only 5 o'clock. I sighed as I flipped the tv off and made my way upstairs to my room. I took up my book bag and sat it on the desk and took out my homework for the night and started working on it. I'll just have Kurama look over all of this when he gets home, if he is going to be willing to after seeing his mother. When ever he makes a visit he normally is a little bit of a wreck when he gets in.
    tab I heard the timer for dinner going off down stairs after I got about half way through with my homework. By the time I reached the end of the stairs some one had turned off the timer, looking into the kitchen I seen Kurama standing in front of the oven pulling the meet loaf out of the oven. I smiled as I said, “welcome home. How is she doing today?”
    tab He looked up, his eyes distant, my smile faded. I know that look all too well, something was wrong with her and it wasn't looking good at all. “She isn't....is she?” He shook his head, “no, but its not looking good. They think that she won't make it to the weekend. She is starting to get better, but they think that it will take a turn for the worse.”
    tab I sat down on the chair by the island and put my face into my hands as tears came down, shoot I really hate acting like this. I know that she will be fine after the full moon comes, and that he and her will be alright, and the house will be back the way that it was. Why, why do I have to have the gift of for seeing things before they are to come?
    tab I felt his hand on my back as he rubbed it. “It will be alright, when the moon comes to the full point. However, I have a team to break up the team. They are going to be meeting in a few hours. I'll try and be back before midnight. Sorry I won't be able to help you with your homework, but Hiei ran into me when I was leaving mother. I'll check it before I go to bed. Now, lets eat.”
    tab I nodded as I got up and made to plates for us, I handed him his plate and sat down by him and started eating, “do you really have to go? I don't like how you have to take orders from that three eyed freak Hiei. But I guess if you have to go you have to go.” I put another fork full in my mouth and started to chew.
    tab He sighed, “this will be the last meeting that I take. After tonight I will no longer be taking over Hiei's orders. I know what he wants to do and I'm not for it. I just wanted the furlong hope to help mother and not for his plans. So just hold up on anything before it becomes too rash.”
    tab I smiled at this, as much as I hated Hiei, I hated that I couldn't spend more time with Kurama. Now that he told me this, I can spend as much time with him as I can. When we where done eating, I washed the plates, but this time Kurama dried and put them away. This was something that he hardly ever did, but this time I was glade that he was doing this. When everything was done, he hugged me and kissed me softly. “I'll be back as soon as I can.” I nodded as he left.
    tab When the door was closed I locked the door, knowing that Kurama has a key. I went back up stairs to finish the home work that I started. Half way through the rest of it my phone rang and I answered, “hello?” This time mother answered right away.
    tab “Aithne! How was your day dear?” This was the most cheer that I've heard from her the whole time. Something was going on now, and I wanted in on it.
    tab “It was fine mother, why are you so cheery today mother? What is going on?” Some thing was going through my mind, however, there was something that came in my mind as a vision. She was going to have a baby boy, just what father always wanted.
    tab “Well, you know how your father always wanted a boy. Well, I was just was at the doctors and we are 5 weeks pregnant! Your father thinks that this will be the boy that he wanted!” this was the most amazing thing that I've heard.
    tab “Call me before the due date. I want to fly out and see my new baby brother mother. I'm sure Shuichi would want to come as well. Mother, I hate to cut you short and all. But I have some more homework to do and then I need to get some sleep. I'll call you in the morning if that is alright with you.”
    tab “Honey, of course! Nothing starts the day like hearing your voice. I hope that you are doing well in school too. I hope Shuichi isn't getting you into trouble. Good night Aithne, can't wait to hear from you in the morning.” The line went dead after that.
    tab I flipped my phone closed and set it down, and started back on my homework. When I was done I turned my phone off for the night and hooked it up for a charge. I got ready for bed and went down stairs for a bit. It wasn't bed time yet and I wanted to see if there was another channel that had the news on just to see if that low class demon that Kurama teamed up with was still using the Orb of Baas.
    tab Nothing new stood out at me so, I flipped the tv off and went back up stairs to my room. Joy, what a life this is. Doing homework, cooking dinner, sleep and school. Why is there nothing to do here!? I know, I need a shower anyways, and I still have time before bed. I turned around and went to the bathroom, taking my clothes off and turning on the water. When it got to the right temperature I jumped into the shower.
    tab The whole time in the shower I was thinking of what life would be like with a baby brother, somehow I think that I will be pushed aside because I'm not there. Yet again, I know my parents love me very much and would never do that to me. But the thought was nagging at me the whole time. As peaceful my shower was it had to end at some point.
    tab I got out and dried my self off and put my pajamas back on. As I walked to my room I heard the tv on. Kurama must be back home, but he is early to come back, I thought he was going to be out longer then this. I walked down stairs and peeked into the living room. “Well, your home early!” I ran over to him and laid down next to him, my head resting on his legs. He looked down at me and smiled, “yes, there was some one that stepped in. The boy in your vision, I know who will step in when I make the wish. But I still want to know why he will do that.”
    tab He kisses my forehead softly and runs his fingers through my hair as he turns back to the news. So, the first act has started! Great, that means my roll for all of this will becoming up too. My eyes started to close and I started to drift off to sleep. Its been some time that me and him where like this scene this whole team thing started. I felt safe here with him, and I didn't want that to be taken away from me. I lost my self in sleep with in minutes, so after that I had no idea what happened. Although, I did feel myself get lifted up and that was it.
    tab The visions kept running in my head, all the things that were to come yet. Some of them I wanted, yet some of them I didn't want. Why was this boy, the one in green, why was it him that would bring all of us together, and meet the end of the world? Would the world really end or would there be away around it. But nothing to keep the demons out, would they hold true to their word. Things looked that way in my visions, but things have away of changing.