• ''Beautiful Plains... Perfect for Farming.'' Remus said, Gazing at an Open Plain surrounded by Mountains. " Yes, its a great place for a new village. We may be potentially safe from the northward Etruscans....'' Romulus and Remus were the best of brothers, always helping one another. They had immigrated to the province of latium to start their own village, free of Etruscan rule. They both stared back at their group of beloved family and friends, who decided to support Romulus and Remus in their journey. " Lets start heading down the plains,Remus.I fear animals will come at the break of darkness." Building their camp site, Romulus and Remus were conversing for the plans of the village.
    "We should build wooden walls at the first sign of light. The earliest start, the better." Remus agreed, and both headed back to their tents for the night.
    Romulus had woken up to the sound of Bronze tools clanking against wood.
    " Have you already begun the wall?" Romulus asked. "Yes, you would not wake up early enough, so I decided to start on it early. some people are already helping." As soon as they were done talking, Romulus walked over to the opposite side of the wall and started to build a new section, though differently built than the wall on remus' side. Nearly done, remus decided to look at the progress of romulus. Remus was somewhat angered. '' Romulus, what have you done!'' Remus yelled. "....you tell me,what have I done?" "That construction is to thin, and completely flimsy. I thought you were a skilled constructer!'' '' I am, maybe its just your construction that was hastily made.'' "Oh, now its to my Fault for your terrible construction? you know what, I exile you from this village!'' '' You have no right to do that!''
    " Im sure most of the villagers would agree with me." In a blind rage, Romulus unsheathed his sword and cleanly decapitated his own brother. Romulus dropped his blade. " What have I done?..... The villagers will surely exile me for this, I must bury him." At nightime, romulus carried away his brothers body, and buried him in the center of the campsite. " Forgive me, remus. I promise this village will soon be a mighty empire....I will name this place...Rome.'' He made a stone altar near the burial site, and caught some well needed sleep. The next morning, a villager asked him why a stone altar was in the campsite, and were Remus was. " Remus has left... I never bothered to ask him why. that altar will be in dedication to him." the villager walked away, and Romulus stared at the altar. He knew something will be made out of this place.

    When Romulus passed away,The village soon grew into a town, then into a city. The villagers adopted the republican government, and the many legions of rome were made.Rome soon conquered all of Italy, and cut through the punic wars.North africa Was taken, and Greece soon after. All of Europe and the Mediterranean were soon under Roman control, and the Republic was now an empire. Asia minor would be dominated, and trade with Asia was settled. Rome would rise as an unknown village, and fall as the known worlds most dominant force.