- "Detective Robbins" A women said politely, "Detective Robbins, There is a, Benjamin here to see you, he says its impotent" I got up out of my office chair and went to the front desk to see no one at all in the lobby, I thought this was a joke until i looked down and saw a small, black, button the size of a nickle... I went to scan it for fingerprints still thinking this could be a joke, but the only fingerprints on it were my own from when I picked it up. I went to check the security cameras It started skipping around the part the women from the front desk called me down until I could see myself standing, holding the button. Just then my cell phone rang and I jumped a little, then answered it. It was my friend Marty, a cop. "Hello?" I said still sounding a little worried, Marty answered quickly "Ben escaped! He's gone! He just disappeared off the security camera!" I dropped the phone... I could still hear him through the phone, "Hey? Alec? You still there?" I picked up the phone, "Yeah, I'm still hear" Waiting for an answer I realized he had already hung up. I went back to my office... why were the only fingerprints on the button my own? Gloves? Did the lady at the front desk see anything? How did he escape?