• When i woke up in the morning my mom already had breakfast ready, i stuffed a pancake in my mouth and ran out of the door to catch the school bus, i saw the old man in the lobby and he winked at me i turned slowly and kept walking.when i got to the curb of the street the school bus was just coming up the road. As i got on a little kid named Jimmy threw a paper airplane at me and it hit me in the eye, As i walked past him i just flicked him in the head.

    It was a rough day at school but when i got home all i could think about was what that thing was in the hall! at the same time tonight i decided to go to the same hallway and figure out what it was. It was there but it stood still in the darkness and slowly turned it's head at me. Without a doubt i ran over to it in an Adrenalin rush and it put it's hand on my shoulder i noticed that it was a boy around my age, i gazed into his eyes and he gazed into mine, i slowly said "new at the hotel?" he quietly said "yes" and i asked "what are you?" he responded "are you sure you want to know?" i quickly said" yes i do want to know!" And that's when he started to tell me.