• Here I am, sitting alone in my room with nothing to do. It all started when that girl Brittany Lane came over and poured her soda all over me. And on purpose too! So as she walked away I attacked her from behind. She was lucky that one of the lunch supervisors came over and pulled me off 'cause I was about to sock so many times she wouldn't be able to see straight! At least I got her right in the mouth once. Made her bleed too.

    But the stupid principal let her go back to class and sent me home! So unfair. Then Leon, the vampire my Dad hired to watch over me, thinks he has the right to ground me. So, he stuck me in my room at our penthouse and locked the door.

    I glared at the door and shouted, "You kow this isn't going to keep me in here!"

    "I know," came Leon's voice through the door, "That's why I charmed it so you couldn't."

    My mouth fell open in shock. "Why you little-" I shouted as I formed a ball of fire in my hand and threw it at the door. The ball bounced off and landed on the floor. "s**t," I quickly stomped out the fire. Great, now I have a big black spot on my carpet.

    Giving up I sat down on my bed glaring at the door. Leon suddenly shouted, "I'm going out." Then I heard the slam of the front door.

    That b*****d was leaving?! Now I deffinately have to get out of here. I mean what's he care if I attack a girl at school. He is here to drive me around and keep the evil deamons away. He is up to something and I'm gonna find out what.

    So, with that thought I started to look for and escpae route. The only other exit was the window but we were on the top floor of a thirty story building. I could survive the jump if I just lept out the window but father said to make sure no one saw me use my powers. And I think that might attract a little attention.

    Although, I could climb to the roof... I opened my window and climbed out onto the ledge. Then, grabbing the wall I threw myself upwards and landed swiftly on my feet.

    I was about to go down the stairs to run after Leon when I saw him coming out of the lobby.

    Damn. He turned a corner and was walking down the street. I thought vampires can't go out in sun light. I'll have to ask him about that later.

    If I don't think of something fast I'm gonna loose him. With out thinking, I found an alley way and jumped down making sure no one saw. Brushing off the dirt on my cloths I tried looking for him. I spotted him not too far away talking to some creepy looking butcher.

    When he walked off I followed keeping a good distance between us. I trailed him for about three miles until he stopped and went inside a club called 'Blue Drop'. Finally, my feet were starting to hurt.

    I saw that they were checking ID's in the front and knowing the age that I looked I wasn't gonna get in. Walking down the alley way next to it I looked for a back entrance. There was one man standing and holding the door open while taking a smoke.

    I could easily get past him. And focusing on his head I put in a suggestion to close his eyes, which he did. Then I snuck around him and went through the door. I walked into what seemed like a back stage.

    Looking around for a way out I found Leon talking to another man who started to lead him away. Quickly I hid behind a speaker and waited till they were further away to follow. I started to walk towards them when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. s**t, why hadn't I sensed them.

    Suddenly I was thrown up against the wall and pinned there by a guy with black skin and scars all over his face and body. I looked up at him, fresh blood dripping out of his mouth full of razor sharp teeth, and knew why I hadn't sensed him. He was a shadow deamon.

    There were very few who could sense shadow deamons and even fewer who survived after coming in contact with one.

    He gripped me by the shoulders digging his nails into my skin and slammed me against the wall. My head smacked the wall so hard I saw stars. And the deamon was screaming so loud I thought I would go deaf. Then he was thrown off of me and I fell to the ground holding my head.

    Leon stood in a crouched position hissing at the deamon. The deamon jumped trying to slash at Leon but he was too quick and easily moved out of the way. Leon was able to get a couple hits in at the deamon but that wasn't going to kill him and Leon knew that.

    I stumbled to my feet and ignored the searing pain coming from my head. Moving to stand next to Leon I closed my eyes and pushed engery to my hands. With one flick of my wrists blazing blue fire flew out of my palms, burning the deamon.

    What was left of the deamon fell the floor in a heap of ash.

    Leon turned to me shouting, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

    I smiled, "You look cute when your angry."

    His anger only faultered, "Don't try and change the subject."

    I sighed and headed for the back entrance, "I knew you had to be up to something so I followed you. I'm surprised you didn't read me before you left to know what I was going to do."

    He looked away and cleared his throat. With one eyebrow arched I asked, "What?"

    "It's nothing. Let's go home so we can clean those cuts on your shoulders." He grabbed my arm and led me out of the alley way.

    I moved out of his reach, "My shoulder will be fine it's already almost healed. Now tell me."

    He sighed turning to look at me, "I can't read you."

    Confused I stared at him, "What do you mean? Is that bad or something..?"

    He shoved his hand in his coat pockets, "It's nothing really. Just with my people when you can't read some one it usually means they're your.. beloveds or Life mates."

    My mouth fell open in shock. He thinks I'm his Life mate?!

    To Be Continued...
    Please comment.

    (Also have a picture of what Raine should look like.)