• Waves come to shore as Taren begins to wake. The sounds of a boat being drug to a halt on the shore bring him closer to the light.
    “Well, well what do we have here,” said a man with a gruff voice not far away.
    “Looks like a survivor from the attack should we question him” said a second voice
    Taren’s eyes came open with sudden realization at what was happening. He saw then that not 30 feat from where he was lying there was a man trying to get up. The two men standing over him had to be where the voices had come from.
    “Na they have enough prisoners up at the fort so we might as well end his suffering”. With that he quickly pulled his sword and ran the man through. “Let check for more survivors then head up to the fort for orders.”
    Snapping his eyes closed and lying still as stone the men past him by like all the other dead bodies; as the footsteps finally fell away Taren stood and began running along the beach looking for a sword or bow. A sword lying on the ground next to a dead soldier was easily spotted.
    “Sorry but I don’t think you’ll be needing this anymore” Taren said sympathetically.
    “Perhaps, perhaps not I don’t think that’s for you to decide;” said the man lying on the ground.
    “What the hell you’re still alive?”
    “Yea I’m still alive what the hell did you think I was some sort o’ undead heathen?”
    “No I just thought you were dead. So what are you doing lying hear on the beach not trying to catch some sun on the job are you.
    “I wish but if you haven’t noticed its’ the dead o’ night so what’s your name friend?”
    “Taren and yours?”
    “Nice to meet you Uldesky” Taren said holding out his hand.
    “Likewise” Uldesky said shaking Taren’s outstretched hand.
    “Let’s get out of sight no use getting caught just after meeting.”
    They quickly vanished behind some nearby rocks along the cliff face as group of four soldiers past by talking amongst themselves about another group of survivors. “Hey I heard there were some survivors up by the cliff entry should we go help our guys out.”
    “Na they ought to have it covered I heard it was only two men, and a woman.”
    The men laughed as they passed “That would be Alexia we should go help them.”
    “Taren we wouldn’t stand a chance there’s bound to be thirty men up there.”
    “But it’s the only way up, and we could get more help fight these barbarians.”
    “Fine but if we get ourselves killed it’s your fault.”
    “Don’t worry if I know alexia she could fight off an entire army herself if she had to.”
    “Well let’s get going and try not to fall behind.”
    “Alright and thanks Uldesky.”
    “We’re going to die aren’t we?”
    “Yeah but not today my friend” Taren said with a chuckle
    “ha, ha well let’s get going.”
    “Alright try to keep up.”