Usagi Tsukino was at home when she recieved the call on her communicator. There was a youma at the local park, believed to be the work of Queen Beryl. Rei sounded frazzeled on the phone. Usagi transformed and ran as fast as she could towards the park. Half way there She was stopped by Emerald. The green haired beauty smirked at her and snapped her fingers. two youma appeared out of no where and attacked her.
"Moon Tiara Action" She shouted, hurling her tiara, but it didn't even dent the youma. One youma emitted blue smoke causing Usagi to gasp and choke. She didn't notice the youma behind her until it grabbed her by the throat. She tried to speak but she was slowly being choked. Emerald smirked again and watched in satisfaction. Usagi kicked the youma in the shin and it released her. She tried to run but was hit by an exploding fireball. The blast knocked her to the ground. She tried to move but the pain was too much. as her eyes closed her last thought was the Sailor Senshi.
"Where is she?" Rei bellowed, holding the youma off with her fire attacks. Ami tried to talk but there was smoke everywhere. Makoto ran forward.
"Supreme thunder" She cried, eliminating the last of the youma. When they regrouped, Rei was furious.
"I called her thirty minutes ago" She barked.
"Maybe something came up" Minako suggested. "I can't always get away"
"But you're famous" Rei snapped. "You have an excuse" Minako shrugged.
"Well, Artemis and I better head back. I have a demo CD to do tommorow." She detransformed and jogged away from the park. Rei turned to the others.
"This is the last straw" She said, "Usagi has been late a lot. She's a princess, she should start acting like it"
"I agree" Mamoru said. "She is clumsy and she is never on time. What kind of princess is she? I've been thinking about this for awhile, and I think we should eliminate her" Ami gasped.
"You mean, kill her?" She asked in disbelief. Mamoru looked at her in surprise.
"No" He said. "I mean from the group. If she can't be a team player, Than she can't be on the team" The girls looked at each other. The plan sounded good to them.
"Tomorrow than" Makoto said. They nodded and left the park. Luna had heard the entire conversation, but she couldn't believe it. How could they do this to Usagi. She had to find Minako and Artemis.
Minako was in her hotel room when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in" She said. the door opened and Luna entered the room.
"Minako, Artemis you have to do something. Tomorrow Rei, Ami, Mako-chan, and Mamoru are going to kick Usagi out" She said in a rush. Minako stood up.
"What, but they can't. We have to fulfill the mission from the past life and protect Usagi. Don't they realize that she'll be an easy target if she's got no one protecting her?" Minako exclaimed. She grabbed her coat and rushed out of the room.
Usagi woke up in a hospital bed with an IV stuck in her arm.
"Where am I?" She asked. The nurse in the room answered her.
"Jubann Medical Center" She replied. "you were found lying in the street badly hurt. Do you remember what happened at all?"
"There was a youma attack." Usagi whispered. "Sailor Moon tried to help me but got wounded." The nurse nodded. She had expected a response like that. There had been more and more attacks recently. In fact, Usagi occupied the last available hospital bed.
"Do you have any family to call?" The nurse asked. Usagi didn't want her parents involved in this mess.
"No" She said quickly. "When can I be released?"
"We still have to run some tests, but this afternoon should be okay" The nurse replied leaving the room. Usagi reached for the phone next to her bed and dialed the shrine. Mamoru answered.
"Konichiwa" He said into the phone.
"Mamoru, Where are the girls?" Usagi asked. "I need to speak to them"
"They're here" He replied. "Listen Usagi, The girls and I have been talking and We don't think you are right for the team"
"What do you mean?" Usagi asked. Mamoru sighed.
"It's not that we don't like you, but you need to show up when we call you and frankly, you've been late a lot. We want you to take a break until you can act more like Princess Serenity. Also, I don't think we should date anymore. Goodbye Usagi" He hung up without letting her say anything. Usagi stared at the phone in disbelief.
"Nani" She whispered, not being able to believe what she just heard. Kicked out, just like that. They didn't even here what she had to say. A tear slid down her cheek, but she brushed it away angrily. Who cared what they thought. The tears fell more heavily and she tried to brush them away but the sting of his words still hurt. Maybe he was wrong, She'd go to the shrine when she was released and see what the girls had to say for themselves. When Usagi was released from the hospital, She headed over to the shrine to get some answers. She told herself that no matter what, She wasn't going to cry. From a distance she saw Minako walking away from the shrine. She wondered if Rei and Minako had had another fight. When she entered the shrine, her friends just stared at her.
"What are you doing here?" Rei asked harshly.
"I came to see if everyone was okay, and to apologize for not being there" Usagi told her. Makoto stood up.
"Apology is not accepted. We really needed you. Didn't you here what Mamoru said on the phone?" She asked.
"Yes" Usagi whispered, "But I thought maybe, if you'd let me explain..." Ami cut her off.
"There's nothing to explain" She snapped. "Come back when you can act like Serenity" Usagi looked at the faces of her three friends. She couldn't believe that they would do this for her. A tear trickled down her cheek, but she brushed it away. Not knowing what to say, she left the shrine and headed to her house. Once there she called her best friend Naru and asked her to come over. When Naru arrived Usagi was a mess. She was throwing things around her room and screaming. Naru dropped her purse and ran over to her friend, grabbing Usagi's hands.
"Usagi, what's wrong?" She asked calming the blonde down. Usagi sat on the edge of her bed and as she cried, She told Naru what had transpired, now that Naru knew that she was Sailor Moon there was nothing to hide. Naru could not believe that Usagi's friends would do this to her.
"I'm leaving" Usagi whispered. "I am going to go study in America and live with my Aunt Keiko." Naru nodded, knowing that there was no way she would be able to talk Usagi out of it. She helped her friend pack and they took a taxi to the airport.
"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Naru asked her friend. Usagi nodded.
"I have to Naru-chan" She said. "I'll miss you and my family, but I need to start over, away from here. Please give these letters to them for me" She handed four envelopes to Naru and the other girl took them. Than she hugged Usagi tightly.
"Motoki-kun and I will miss you" She said. Usagi wiped a tear from her eye.
"I know. I'll miss you guys too" She said. Her flight was announced on the intercom.
"I'd better go. I'll write to you, I promise" Usagi said crossing her heart. She hurried to the terminal and boarded the train. she felt sad about leaving her old life behind. Naru wiped the tears from her eyes as the plane took off. She slowly walked out of the airport and flagged a taxi. Minako was at the recording studio when she heard a commotion. A young girl was struggling with two guards.
"I have to see her, please" The girl begged. "It's important" Minako opened the door.
"Let her in" She commanded. The two guards let the girl go and she hurried to Minako. She was clutching an envelope.
"Usagi-chan says you are friends" She said. "My name is Naru and I am Usagi's friend too. She asked me to give this to you" She handed the envelope to Minako and turned to go.
"Wait" Minako said. She opened her purse and pulled out two concert tickets and handed them to Naru.
"Thank you" Naru said and rushed out of the studio. Minako slowly opened the envelope and pulled out a sheet of paper. As she read it, tears filled her eyes.
"Dear Minako,
I am sorry to have to tell you this, But by the time you receive this letter I will be gone. You have always been good to me, even taking on my identity to keep me safe, But the other scouts have kicked me out and there is nothing I can do to change that. Inside this envelope you will find my new number and address and name. Please stay in contact, This is not good bye forever,
I will be back,
Minako sighed. She had thought that her talk with the scouts would do some good, but apparently not.
When her plane landed, Usagi stretched.
"What a long plane ride" She muttered. When she got off the airplane she spotted someone who seemed to be waiting for her. He looked familiar. As she got closer, she saw that it was Zoicite, one of Beryl's generals. He had saved her life once, but she had thought he was dead. She walked over to him.
"Zoicite" She said nonchalantly. He smiled at her.
"What's going on? I thought you were dead?" She said. He nodded.
"I was, but your mother, Queen Selenity cleansed me and brought me back. She said you needed help and wanted me and the others to look out for you" He replied, brushing his platinum blond hair out of his eyes. Usagi grinned.
"I couldn't ask for a better protector" She said. "I still am very grateful to you for saving me"
"One thing I don't know is why you are here instead of Japan, and why aren't your scouts or prince helping you?" Zoicite asked. Usagi sighed.
"They kicked me out" She said, running a hand through one of her pigtails. Zoicite couldn't believe it.
"Anyway, I'm laying low for awhile, just until I can gather my wits about me and cool down" Usagi told him. "I have even changed my name to an American name."
"Really, what is it?" Zoicite asked.
"From now on I'd like to be called Serena. It is a condensed version of Serenity" Usagi replied.
"Okay, Serena it is. Here I am known as Zachary" Zoicite replied. Serena smiled. Life was going to be great.
Rei was working on her scrying when there was a knock on the door. When she opened it she recognized Naru, a girl from Usagi's school.
"Can I help you?" She asked. Naru shifted a bit and pulled an envelope out of her bag.
"Usagi asked me to give this to you" She said. Then she turned and jogged away from the shrine.
"Thank you" Rei called after her. She opened the letter and read it.
"Dear Rei, Ami and Makoto,
I am sorry for being such a burden. I didn't realize how much I had to live up to. I had hoped that you could accept me for who I am today and not who I was 1000 years ago. That wasn't even me, that was a past me. Serenity and I are two different people, I have talked to her even, and we are nothing alike. I may be the princess but for your information, I don't want to be the princess I was. Serenity thought of nothing but Endymion. She destroyed planets for him and the moon kingdom. I don't want to be her. She wasn't perfect and neither am I. I have left Japan for awhile to perfect my skills. Hopefully when I return I will be able to forgive you for the harsh words I have received. inside this envelope you will recieve a small disk. watch it on Ami's computer and it will show you where I was during the youma attack. I think you'll find it worth seeing.
Sincerely, Usagi"
"What have we done" Rei whispered. She pressed the emergency button on her communicator. "Emergency meeting, now" She said.
Mamoru Chiba was just leaving his apartment when he ran into Naru.
"Mamoru, I was just looking for you" She said pulling out an envelope. "Usagi wanted me to give this to you" She turned and jogged away. Mamoru opened it and froze as the pendant he had given Usagi fell out along with a note.
"Dear Mamoru,
I loved you with all my heart and you dashed it to pieces. I wish you could understand that Our past lives are not who we are today, but who we were 1000 years ago. We don't even have to be together, we fell in love on our own, or so I thought. But if you were only dating me because we dated in our past life than that's low. I am sorry I am not perfect, Serenity wasn't either. She destroyed Earth, I am not going to let that happen again. I have left for a while and please don't attempt to find me. I will come back when I am good and ready.
Mamoru closed his eyes as a tear slid down his cheek.
Ikuko was cooking dinner when the doorbell ran. Answering it she saw Naru, Usagi's best friend on the door step.
"Hello Naru, have you seen Usagi?" Ikuko asked. "She didn't come back last night" Naru sighed.
"She asked me to give you this" She replied holding out the envelope. After Naru left, Ikuko read the letter aloud to Shingo and Kenji.
"Dear Mama, Papa and Shingo,
This may come as a shock to you but the legend of the Moon princess and her kingdom are true. I didn't want to tell you this before, but I am Sailor Moon and I am also The princess of The moon. 1000 years ago The Earth and the Moon were two countries full of abundance and peace until the princess, (Me) fell in love with Prince Endymion of Earth. our love was forbidden and as such caused a war between the two great nations. Endymion's own guard struck him down and Serenity could not bear losing him that she destroyed the Earth and the Moon with her power. Now 1000 years later I have a chance to live a life free of the past but to do that I must move on alone. I will write to you when I get to America. I love you.
Usagi Tsukino
Ikuko burst into tears while her husband comforted her. She was worried that she'd never see her baby girl again.
It had been four years since Serena walked away from Jubann, Japan. She wrote to Minako, Naru and her family often and was kept up to date with the things happening in Japan, but one day Serena got a letter and she knew that it was time to return.
Dear Usagi,
We need your help. I know that the other scouts were harsh with you but things have been getting worse. There are more and more youma attacks everyday and the hospitals are slowly filling up again. Naru and Motoki are among the many citizens of Japan in a coma because of this new development. The scouts are ready to apologize and I hope you come back. We need you, We want you to come back.
Minako Aino.
Serena sighed and folded the letter. She turned to Zach.
"I must return" She said softly. "I want you and the others to come with me" Zach looked a little nervous.
"It wasn't your fault Zach. Queen Beryl brainwashed you and the others. My friends will understand, I promise." Serena said encouragingly. Zach nodded.
"We are prepared to go with you wherever you go" He said bowing. Serena sighed. No matter how many times she tried, the generals insisted on bowing.
"Let's go" She said. Now, it had been four years and Serena was a completely different person than she had been when she left. Her hair was no longer done up in the meatball style she always had, but rather hung down. She had it cut to her middle back and layered with streaks of silver in her blonde hair.
Minako had received a call from Usagi/Serena asking the pop star to meet her at the airport. Minako had agreed as long as she could wear a disguise so she would not be recognized. She spotted Usagi right away. The girl looked different and she had the four generals with her, just like she had said. She knew that Usagi would not be able to recognize her so she ran toward the other girl.
"Usagi-chan, it's wonderful to see you" She exclaimed. Usagi smiled. She knew this must be Minako.
"Please, call me Serena. That's who I am now" She replied. Minako nodded.
"Okay. I did what you requested. I told the others to meet me at the crown arcade at 4:00" She said. Serena nodded appreciatively.
Rei, Ami, Makoto, Luna and Mamoru waited in the meeting room. Suddenly the door opened and Minako entered. Another girl was with her, One that they didn't recognize. She seemed to be about 19 or 20, the same age as most of them. She was wearing a tight mini skirt and knee high high heeled boots. she wore a blue halter top and her dark hair had streaks of silver in it. She looked cool. Minako took off her disguise and came further into the room. That was when they noticed the generals behind the other girl.
"What are they doing here?" Rei asked harshly.
"Calm down Rei" Minako commanded. "They are here on behalf of the princess. Not a negative word shall be said against them. What happened in the past, stays in the past, got it" Rei frowned but nodded.
"Who's your friend, Minako?" Mamoru asked. Minako smiled.
"Everyone I'd like you to meet Serena Moon" She said. "Or should I say, Usagi Tsukino" The scouts gasped, but Serena said nothing.
"I am here to help, that is all" She said. She and the generals turned and left. That night, Serena was getting ready for bed in her hotel suite when she felt the presence of a youma.
The sailor scouts were trying to battle the youma but it was too strong. suddenly the youma was hit with something and they all turned to see Sailor Moon but she looked different. Her blonde hair was no longer in pig tails and it had a streak of silver in it. her skirt was white with a blue fringe and the bow was light pink. her boots were silver and a tiara appeared on her head.
"I am Princess Sailor Moon and in the name of the Moon, I will punish you" She said, hurling an attack at the youma. The scouts were astonished. Princess Sailor Moon was different than the previous one when Usagi was possessed. They realized that she must have come to her full power. None of the scouts knew what to say. Serena/Usagi stared at them for a long time before turning and jogging out of the park.
"You'll have to excuse her, she really doesn't want to be here" Jason/Jadiete said. The generals also left the park. When they reached the place where Serena was staying, they were surprised to find her passed out on the couch. Jason knelt down beside her.
"Serena, darling are you okay?" He asked gently. She slowly opened her eyes.
"Jason" She whispered. "I'm going to die" The generals looked at each other shocked.
"Why?" Zach/Zoicite asked, knowing that he wouldn't be able to bear it if his angel died. Serena smiled.
"Don't look so sad" She said. "I did my part to make this world a better place to live. But you can't stop this, Zach, there is no cure"
"Are you sick?" Kent/Kunzite asked. Serena nodded slowly.
"I have Moon Fever" She told them. Zach's blood ran cold. He remembered all about Moon Fever.
"She's right. There is no cure" He turned to her. "But how did you get it?" She sighed trying to remember.
"I don't know" She said. Just than there was a bright light and Queen Selenity appeared. She knelt by her daughter's side.
"Your majesty" The generals bowed. "How did she get it? She's an earthling now! " Zach said softly. Serenity nodded.
"That may be true, But when I sent Selenity to Earth she was bound to Prince Endymione, which is why she ran into him so many times before it was revealed that they were lovers 1000 years ago. I had to bind them together to keep my daughter from dying soon after Ikuko gave birth. For those of you who don't know, A Lunarian can only be on earth for four months at a time. Never did it occur to me that this might happen. When Mamoru broke up with Usagi, he cut the chain of love that bound them together, causing her to be a target for Moon Fever as she became more and more Lunarian. four months ago, the last bit of Lunarian blood was restored in her veins. Now she has Moon Fever and there is only one way to help her and that is by binding her to another Earthling. That person would have to be willing to nurse her back to health and go with her everywhere, and be her sole protector." Everyone turned to stare at Zach. They knew that he had a thing for Serena and that he'd follow her to the ends of the earth
"I'll do it" He said immediately. Queen Serenity nodded and vanished. Zach knelt beside Serena as there was a knock on the door. Jason answered it and was surprised to see a senshi that he did not recognize. She had long green hair and held a long staff.
"May I come in?" She asked. Jason allowed her to enter.
"Who are you?" Kent asked.
"My name is Setsuna, and I am Sailor Pluto, Senshi of time and space" She told them. "Queen Serenity sent me to perform the bonding ritual" Zach nodded and stood up.
"Tell me what I have to do" He said. Sailor Pluto smiled. She was glad that the Princess would always be protected and she knew how loyal the generals could be.
Minako sighed deeply. She knew that there was no way that Serena was going to take Mamoru back. She almost felt sorry for the man. Almost. She sat stroking Artemis's fur.
"Artemis, I feel a pain" Minako said softly. "As if someone is hurting" Artemis knew that it was time to tell Venus the truth of the stuff she had not remembered.
"Minako, I was waiting for you to recover the rest of your memory" He told her. "But the time has come for you to know that when we all lived on the moon, you were the leader because you were Serenity's younger sister" Minako stared at him. "We were waiting to see if the princess would come out in you on your own. Your mother married a prince of Venus aligning the two planets."
"Why didn't she tell me herself?" Minako asked. "We talked to her" Artemis nudged her cheek comfortingly.
"In the past life, you were sworn to do what it took to protect you sister, even though you were younger. with that, the enemy couldn't know who you really were, so Princess Selena/Selenity died and you became Sailor Venus/Minako leader of the Sailor Scouts. not even the scouts learned of your true identity. To the kingdom, and the universe, the youngest Moon child died of an unknown ailment. It hurt your mother, to not be able to love you and cherish you, and to make it more real, your memories of time at the crystal palace were erased." Minako stared out the window, thoughtfully.
"What happens when the enemy finds out?" She whispered. Artemis stared into her eyes and memories poured into her.
Hey, Selenity, look at me, I'm flying" Selenity's older sister had just received her moon wings. Selenity sighed. She wished she could have wings too, but she knew she would have to wait another year.
"Serenity, be careful" She called. Serenity made a face, but landed gracefully.
"You sound like mother" She pouted. Both girls giggled.
"Serenity (Serene), what is going on?" Selenity (Selene) "You aren't yourself" Serene barely heard her. "Are you listening"
"What!" Serene snapped, startling her sister. She had never yelled before. "I'm sorry" Serene said quietly, but it was too late, the damage was done.
"Do you, Princess Selenity, vow to protect your sister until the end of time?" Kin Chaos asked.
"I do" Selenity said. He touched her forehead. Her long hair became shorter. When he released her, she fell to the ground. The moon from her forehead was gone. She looked up.
"where am I?" She asked.
Sailor Venus watched in horror as Prince Endymione was struck down.
"Endymione" Serenity cried. She knelt beside him, the crystal shone brighter.
"Serenity, no!!" Venus cried, but it was too late. The moon was engulfed in light.
"Serenity" Each scout whispered.
End of memories.
Tears filled Minako's eyes as she looked at Artemis. He smiled as the golden moon started shining on her forehead. Her long blond hair curled into the same style as Serena's.
"Your transformation will be Princess Sailor Venus" Artemis told her. "It is time for you to reclaim your right by Serenity's side"
"I have to go see Serena" Minako said. Artemis nodded and hopped onto her shoulder.
Jason was cooking dinner for everyone when the door bell rang. He opened it and stared speechless at the girl on the front step. It couldn't be. She placed her hands on her hips.
"Jediete, Aren't you going to let me in" She demanded. His mouth dropped even further.
"Selenity" He whispered. She smirked.
"What's it to ya." She walked past him and entered the house. He followed her.
"We thought you were dead" He told her. She nodded.
"I know. But I've always been there" She replied. She looked more like Minako that Serena looked like Usagi, So Jason was able to figure out how she had always been there.
"Does Serena know?" Jason asked.
"It wouldn't surprise me if she did" Selena said. "Where is she?"
"Resting" Jason replied. As it turned out, Serena had already figured out who Minako was, and Luna had emphasized the fact. They all sat down to dinner, but when Jason placed it on the table, They promptly lost their appetites. Serena poked hers with a fork.
"Jason, what is this?" She asked.
"It's spagetti" He told them. She looked at it again. The sauce looked like vomit. No one else was willing to try it, so Serena put a forkful in her mouth. Suddenly she started gagging asnd ran to the sink to wash her mouth out.
"Um, I'll order pizza" Zach said leaving the table. Jason sighed and Selena felt bad for him.
"I could always have Makoto teach you how to cook." She said. Jason shrugged.
"Maybe" He replied. Selena stood up.
"I have to go take care of something. Tell Serena that I'll be back" Selena said. Once she was out of the house, She took on her princess transformation.
The Sailor Scouts and Mamoru were at the shrine when a beautiful Princess appeared.
"Who are you?" Rei asked.
"Don't you recognize me Rei?" The princess asked. She detransformed to show them who she was, even though her hair was now in the odango style.
"What are you doing dressed like that?" Makoto asked.
"I'm sure some of you remember, if vaguely, of Princess Serenity's younger sister, who died of a sickness. Well I am Princess Selenity. I never died, I was turned into Minako, Sailor Venus and leader of the scouts to protect My older sister. To keep the enemy from finding out, My father erased my memories and put out word that I was dead. Than he brought me to you, to train you to fight for the kingdom. I am highly dissapointed at your treatment of My sister, which nearly got her killed. She is recovering right now, With new friends by her side" Selenity stalked out of the shrine, with the others staring after her.
Michiru Kaiu and Haruka Tenoh were playing with their adopted daughter Hotaru (No slash in this, thier jusy good friends) when Selenity appeared. The light was blinding.
"Sailors Neptune, Uranus and Saturn" She said. "The time has come for you to fulfill your destiny and protect the princess." She pointed a finger and the planetarian symbol appeared on their forheads. Michiru, Hotaru and Haruka stood up.
"We accept" They said unanimously.
Serena finally decided that it was time to go visit her family. She hadn't told them that she was coming, because she wanted it to be a surprise. Nervously, She rang the doorbell and smiled when she heard someone running to the door. The door swung open and she smiled as Shingo stared at her. He was a lot taller now and he was growing into a handsome young man.
"Hey Shingo" She said, grinning. Shingo's eyes widened.
"Usagi!" He shouted hugging her until she was sure that her bones would break. When he finally let go, she was able to step into the house.
"Are mama and poppa here?" She asked. Shingo nodded. Just than Ikuko entered the room.
"Shingo dear who was..." She stopped when she saw Serena. Tears filled her eyes as she ran to hug her daughter.
"I missed you" She said squeezing Serena so hard the poor girl could hardly breath. Once She had been reunited with all her family, They sat down to a nice hot dinner.
"So I want to know about everything that happened in the Americas" Ikuko said as they ate. Serena sighed.
"You know everything Mama" She said exasperatedly. "I wrote to you every day" Ikuko smiled.
"Well where are those nice young gentlemen that you wrote about?" Ikuko asked. Kenji stiffened. He didn't want to think about a bunch of college guys hanging around his daughter. Usagi grinned.
"Thye're adjusting to Japan" She said. "You'll meet them tomorrow" Just then there was a knock on the door. Sammy answered and came back with a dark haired man. Serena stood up.
"Kent, what's wrong?" She asked.
"There was an attack on the house. We think the attackers were after you. Jason tried to hold them off but he's in critical condition. Nathan went to get Minako." Kent told her. The fear in his eyes was evident. Kent rarely lost it but Jason was like a younger brother to him.
"The popstar?" Sammy asked.
"Never mind. I'll explain everything later" Serena said grabbing her coat. When She reached the house, there were dark clouds circling it, She began running.
"Wait" Kent called. "The enemy..." It was too late. Prince Demando swooped down and grabbed Serena. Kent drew his sword.
"Let her go Demando" He hissed. Demando smirked and in a puff of smoke, he and Serena were gone. Kent ran into the house where Zach was trying to stop the bleeding in Jason's stomach.
"He took her. I couldn't stop him" Kent said. Zach looked from Kent to Jason, just as Minako and Nathan ran into the room. Minako assessed the situation.
"Where's Serena?" She asked.
"Demando has her" Kent said softly. Selena sighed.
"I am going to stay in my Minako form. We can't let the enemy know that there are two powerful princesses until the time is right." She headed for the door. "I am rallying the scouts together, We need all the help we can get" She rushed out the door. Jason's eyes fluttered open.
"Take...care...of...her" He gasped out.
"Stay with me" Zach pleaded. "You can't die" Jason shook his head painfully.
"It's too late" He whispered. "Too late" His head fell back against the pillow as his eyes closed for the last time. Zach stared at his best friend and brother forlornly and gently brushed the hair from Jason's eyes. Tears made their way to the corner of his eyes and when he turned to Kent there was anger and hatred in his vivid green eyes.
"I will avenge Jason, Demando will know the wrath of my power" He vowed.
Serena awoke with a start. Had it all been a dream? She sat up and realized with dread that she was in some sort of dungeon. Her brooch was gone. Just than Prince Demando's brother Saphir entered the room.
"What am I doing here?" Serena asked. Saphir sighed.
"Esmeraude and Demando have brought you here as bait. Since your refusal of Demando, he has sworn to get back at you by whatever means neccesary" Saphir told her.
"What about you?" Serena asked.
"I don't agree with my brother's methods. He was never one to let go easily" Saphir explained. Saphir sat down on the edge of the cold cot. Serena leaned against the wall.
"Is Jason..." She trailed off, fearing the worse. Saphir lowered his eyes.
"I watched through the spyglass. Jason is dead" He replied. Serena stood up.
"I have to get out of here" She said urgently. "Please help me" Saphir sighed.
"I can try, but if we get caught, Demando will kill me" He said. Serena gasped.
"He'd kill his own brother?" She asked, astonished. Saphir nodded.
"I will be back" He promised. After Saphir had left the dungeon, he hurried to his lab. There had to be some way that he could smuggle Serena out, without being caught.
"Don't even try it" Came Esmeraude's voice. She stepped out of the shadows and crossed her arms.
"What do you mean?" Saphir asked feigning innocence. Esmeraude shook her head.
"Demando and I know what you're up to" She hissed. "And if you even attempt to rescue her, I will make sure you die a painful death" She turned on her heel and stalked away. Saphir grew worried. If they already knew his plan, any attempt would be futile. He picked up the brooch that he had grabbed before Demando could see it. Using his magic, he cloaked it over so that only he and friends of the princess could see it. If he had any hope rescuing her, she would need it. He smiled and headed down to the kitchen, Where one of Demando's servants was getting ready to take some food to the dungeons. He secretly slipped the brooch onto the tray.
Serena sighed angrily. How could Demando do this. She had to get free so she could heal Jason. A tear slid down her cheek. Just than a tray was pushed into the room through a small slot. She walked over to it and found a hunk of bread and a glass of water and her brooch. She stared at it for a second. As she picked it up, she found a note.
Dear Serenity,
I am having trouble. The brooch will help you. Esmeraude and Demando know about my plan. I am working on contacting your friends. Demando may visit you, or he may not. Keep that in mind. Sincerely,
The sailor scouts, including Neptune, Uranus and Saturn were assembled at the generals house.
Minako stood in front of them.
"Okay, we know that the enemy has Serena" She turned to Ami. "Can you track her with your computer?" Ami took out her laptop.
"I can try" She replied. Just then, Saphir appeared before them.
"What do you want?" Makoto hissed, getting into a fighting position.
"Relax, I am here on behalf of Serenity" Saphir said.
"I don't believe you" Makoto hissed. Rei stood up.
"Guys, we have to listen to him. I get no bad vibes" She said. Makoto sat back down.
"Serenity is being used as bait. Demando wants to kill off all the sailor scouts one by one. Than he will either force her to marry him or kill her." Saphir explained. "She's fine right now, but Demando has discovered my plan to free her, so my life is on the line" He handed Minako a silver ornate ball. "Use this to get to Demando's lair. Sailor Pluto will know how to use it" He dissapeared in a flash. Minako turned the object around.
"I call upon Sailor Pluto, guardian of the time stream" She said. Sailor Pluto appeared before them.
"Yes, your highness" She knelt. Minako smiled.
"Rise, Sailor Pluto. For now, I am simply Minako" She said. Sailor Pluto stood.
"Saphir is right. This is a transportation device. I created them to help the people of the moon and surrounding kingdoms transport back and forth, without using much power." Sailor Pluto told them. They gathered around her.
Serena paced her cell wondering if Saphir was okay. She was wondering if there was a way to break out of the cell, when Esmeraude strode in.
"Prince Demando wants to see you" She said. Serena stood tall as four guards and Esmeraude led her to Demando's throne room. The white haired Prince was seated on his throne.
"Ah, good of you to join us, Your highness" He mocked.
"Let me go Demando" Serena siad harshly. "Or the concequence will be severe" Demando and Esmeraude laughed.
"You are not in a position to make threats, Milady" Demando told her. He snapped his fingers and two guards entered, dragging a nearly unconcious Saphir. Serena gasped.
"Let him go" She hissed angrily. Demando snapped his fingers again and the guards through the blue haired man at her feet. Saphir looked up at her in sadness.
"I have failed you princess" He whispered, falling completely unconcious. Serena looked up at Demando with hatred in her eyes.
"My friends will come for me" She declared. Demando stood and walked over to her.
"All I want is you" He said. "We needn't go to war, if you'll marry me" Serena spat on his cheek. In one swift move, he slapped her, causing her to fall to the floor. She raised a hand to her cheek and glared at him.
"Moon Princess Power" She shouted. Demando watched shocked as she transformed into Princess Sailor Moon.
"Impossible" He said. "I took away your power"
"Nothing is impossible" Sailor Moon replied. Demando shot an energy beam at her, but she deflected it with her sword. "Perhaps you have forgotten how powerful I am" She mocked. Just than two guards ran in.
"The sailor scouts have breached the gate" One of them told him. Demando signaled to Esmeraude.
"Stop them. Do not let them get closer" He commanded. everyone left the room and Sailor Moon raised her sword. Demando held out a hand and a sword appeared in his own. As they fought, Demando realized that Serena was a skilled swordswoman. She smirked at him as she remembered something from her past.
King Chaos watched his daughter with much enthusiasm. It was her 16th birthday.
"Darling, I have a special gift for you" He said warmly. She ran over to him as he pulled out a hand made crystal sword. Serenity gasped.
"Oh father" She exclaimed. "Can I actually use it?"
"Yes. Jediete, one of Endymione's generals has offered to teach you. Now remember this is not a toy" Chaos said sternly. Serenity nodded.
"I'll remember" She said, kissing his cheek.
End of flashback.
"You have skills" Demando said, clearly impressed. "Join me and have all the power you want" Sailor Moon swung the sword around.
"I have all the power I want and need. You killed two friends of mine, What makes you think I'd join you" She asked , spinning around.
The Sailor Scouts and generals were having trouble. Youma after youma appeared out of nowhere.
"Mamoru, Zach, go!" Sailor Venus cried. "We'll hold them off:" Mamoru and Zach took off while the scouts fought their best. Mercury was hit in the face, and fell backward against the wall.
"Mercury!" Mars shouted. Venus knew that it was time to reveal her identity.
"Venus Princess Power!" She shouted. Esmeraude, who had come to fight watched as Venus's outfit changed. her skirt was white with an orange fringe, and her bow was made of silk and was a light gold. Her shoes were gold and there was a tiara on her head.
"I am Princess Sailor Venus and I shall punish you" She shouted.
"Two princesses?" Esmeraude asked. She was so confused that she didn't see the flaming torch headed her way, until it hit her and she crumpled to the floor.
"Lets do this" Venus said aiming her chain at one of the youma.
Mamoru and Zach ran to the throne room and saw Sailor Moon engaged in a heated sword fight with Demando. Demando saw them and in a flash, Zach felt himself being dragged towards the prince. Demando held Zach in front of him, causing Sailor Moon to falter. There was fear in her eyes.
"Drop the sword or I'll kill him" Demando commanded. Sailor Moon slowly dropped the sword. Demando grinned and plunged his sword into Zach's heart. Sailor Moon screamed and ran to the fallen general. Tears spilled down her cheeks.
"Zach, you can't die. Zachary!" She screamed. A light began to shine from her.
"Usagi, No!" Mamoru shouted, but she didn't appear to hear him. Demando took a step back as Sailor Moon transformed into Princess Serenity. The castle started to shake and the walls fell down around them.
"Zachary" Serenity cried as the crystal engulfed them.
The sailor scouts saw it before they felt it. The sweep of blinding light.
"Serenity" They said in unison as they were engulfed in the light. The blinding light engulfed the planet of earth, wiping out everything in it's path until earth was void of any human life or city. The Earth had once again, been destroyed.
The Earth was void, save for a lone soul. She was a fair haired beauty with soft olive skin. She looked around and dropped her moon wand onto the sand and fell to her knees. Tears filled her eyes.
"I have failed you mother" She whispered.
"Serenity" She heard a voice and looked up. Zoicite was standing there in all his glory. She stood and ran to him, hugging him tightly.
"I was a failure" She said, sobbing into his chest. "Even though I swore not to destroy the planet too.." Zoicite put a finger to her lips.
"Shh" He whispered. "It's not over yet." She looked up at him. "Use the crystal to restore the planet, but it may cost you your life" Serenity looked out over the vast plains, than took his hand in hers.
"I will do whatever I must to restore this planet" She vowed. Zoicite smiled. And leaned down to kiss her. As he kissed her, the crystal shone over the plains and a bright light once again, engulfed the planet. When the light was gone, Serenity and Zoicite lay on the beach, hand in hand, a sense of calm had washed over them.
The sailor scouts looked around at each other and smiled.
"She did it" Rei said. "She saved us" Makoto nodded.
"Where is she?" Minako asked. They looked worried as they exited the shrine temple.
"Usagi" Ami shouted as she ran down the street. They each took a separate route to look for their lost princess.
Usagi was lying on a hard floor when she heard her name being called out.
"Usagi" She whispered, sitting up. She looked to her left and saw Zach. Together they stood up.
"Where are we?" Usagi asked. Zach shrugged, unsure. Just than, Queen Serenity appeared before them.
"Mother" Usagi whispered, running to her. Queen Serenity hugged her beloved daughter.
"What happened?" Zach asked.
"When Usagi restored the planet, The crystal shattered, but in the end left Usagi with her life. The past life has been fulfilled my darling, You may now live in the present." After Queen Serenity had vanished, Zach and Usagi found themselves outside the crown arcade.
"Usagi!" Ami called running towards her. She was suddenly bombarded by all of her friends hugging and laughing. Usagi hugged them back. Once everyone was settled in the secret room at the Crown, Usagi explained what had happened.
"I understand why you did what you did, and I forgive you" She said smiling. "Mother said that we no longer have to worry about the past and we must live for the present, including Minako and I as Minako the pop star and Usagi the ordinary girl. The princesses in us are gone" She took Zach's hand.
"Also, Zach and I have an announcement. We are engaged" She told them. It was dead silent until the girls began chattering excitedly.
"Usagi that's wonderful, we have to help you pick a dress, do you have a cake planned..." Usagi laughed with her friends. It was good to be home.

- Title: A Change in Destiny
- Artist: Ranewan
- Description: I wrote this awhile ago on fanfiction.net, many of my viewers there liked it, I hope you do too. I hope it is not too long.
- Date: 06/18/2009
- Tags: change destiny
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Dargelus - 06/18/2009
- Most readers will get bored with extensive dialogue. Some is okay but there needs to be a balance between speaking and narration. Even if it's just as simple as one of the characters moving to do something meaningless to the story, it builds realism, which is very important.
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