~Undead lover~ ~Chapter 3~ (sucks)
Chapter 3- Nightmares once more ....
That night I thought about the letter I had read. I could still remember the letters written in blood. I could remember everything it had said.
'Dear Ashley,
Since you don't remember me killing you will just be easier, I gave your fri- boy friend a call as well, you guys should be expecting me soon. When Summer ends so will you and your new lovers life.
From yours truly beyond the grave,
An old friend....
P.S. I still love how you look after all this time....
The words jambled in my head. The ending is what scared me the most, from beyond the grave it said. Was that a prank or could it be true. Can the dead really send letters to the living? Even so what did I do to the dead to make it so angry at me? The letter said by the end of the summer me and Alex will die, all this just leads me to the same question why? Then it says it's from an old friend... How many of my friends have died exactly?
As I thought of this another vision entered my head. Two years ago when I was thirteen I was crying for days on end. Why was I crying? I can't remember I remember after whatever happened I cried so much my mother put me in classes to forget everything and anything related to it, I can't remember now. I have to ask my mother....In the morning right now it's time to face another nightmare.
As I walked a couple steps in front of me I thought of Alex, I loved him... how could I not see this before? I stopped walking, "Alex, I love you" I said aloud. I smiled then continued walking nowhere. I looked around, purple lights everywhere. I looked behind me there was someone there. They were coming to me, was it Alex? No, this person was taller. I stared as the person showed their face, it was a boy about my age. I must admit he was extremely cute , he looked almost like Alex except his hair was silver and his eyes were blue.
I looked at him for a couple of minutes until he spoke. "Do you remember me Ashley?" I froze. This voice, it was the same voice on the telephone. I backed away and he smiled. "You have until the end of the summer Ashley...." he said before kissing me. His lips were cold. When the kiss ended he hugged me then faded.
I awoke not screaming for once. Was that really ow the killer looked? I Must tell Alex. I jumped of my bed and headed for the living room. My brother James was using the phone, "James get off the phone I need it!" i yelled. He looked up at me and stuck his tounge out, "No way Im using it, wait till I'm done!" I rolled my eyes. My stomach growled then, I was hungry..
I walked to the kitchen, it smelled of pancakes and eggs. I saw my mom pouring maple syrup ll over the pancakes. The syrup moved too slow for my hunger. When Breakfast was finally set I ate it fast. "Ashley calm down do you want a stom-" my mother stopped, I heard her scream as I closed my eyes and fell.
"Ashley.....Ashley?......Ashley please wake up.....Please wake up my love...." I opened my eyes. Alex was in front of me. I shook my head, "what's going on?". Alex frowned "You fainted I came over as soon as I heard, you really had everyone worried" I looked around. My mom and brother were here along with Alex. I put my hand to my head, "Why did I faint?" My mom shook her head, "I don't know just rest until the ambulence arrives.". I frowned, I never was a big fan of medic.
When medic finally arrived I was put in the back, I hated the back they asked me all sorts of stupid questions.
Like this:
1) How old are you (How old do I look dammet?)
2) What grade are you in? (You figure that out ill give you a hint I aint stupid!)
3) Have you ever had sex? (-.-..........WHAT THE FLIPPIN FROGS DO YOU THINK?)
After question number three the medic women saw I was pissed. "Please calm down I had to ask you that, it's jsut alot of pregnant women usually faint and well yeah"
4) Are you pregnant? (WHAT THE HELL DIDN'T YOU JUST ASK THAT?)
"No I asked if you ever had sex this is different, you couldve been raped or well etc" I shook my head
"Your a bad liar..." I wanted to slap this women up the side of her face.
She didn't let me finish
Did the father rape you? (OH MY GOD THATS IT DAMMET)
I jumped out of where I was laid down and smacked her on the side of her head.
After that I jumped out the ambulence. I tumbled over into a bush. I blinked a couple of times before getting up. Ill tell my mom it was a ambulence full of rapist....she'll believe me.
Now where the heck was I? I turned around.This looked like a bad neighborhood. I looked at a whole bunch of signs. One of them said 'Welcome to San Diego' WAIT WHAT? SAN DIEGO? WHAT KINDA TRICK IS THIS! IM SUPPOSED TO BE IN NEW YORK!
Then the words hit me. San Diego. I began to day dream. In my day dream i was thirteen again and with another boy. It wasnt Alex, it was the dude from my dream. I thought he was going to kill my past self but no, we started playing with eachother. The boy walked up to my past self and hugged me. We both started crying and I heard the boy speak. The same voice from the telephone and dream, but younger. "Ashley, I have to move to go back to San Diego now. It was so wonderful meeting you I'll never forget you..." The past me fell to the ground with tears. "I don't want you to leave me! I LOVE YOU!" said mini me. The boy began tearing more.
The past me got up and kissed the boy. They both just stood there hugging and kissing, never wanting to let go. "I'll love you always James!" I came back to reality.
What does my brother have to do with anything? No, that wasn't my brother in my dream though Could it have been someone else named James? Is the killers name James? If so why was I hugging him. Why did I say I love him. This was getting out of control I needed to ask my mom about my past. I need to find out who that boy is, but first I gotta get back to New York.
I'm three hours away!How'd I end up here without noticing? I would have noticed a three hour long drive! Wouldn't I? I shook my head and began walking around. I look inside my pockets. I only had a hundred dollars. Surely not enough for a plane ride. I had to call my mom. I walked over to a public telephone but before I could pick it up to call, it rang.
Did I dare to pick it up. No, I ignored the call and walked away. As I walked I heard another public telephone ring. Ignored it. Then a couple of home phones began ringing. Cell phones.... Why wont the owners pick up their phone? I began ranning away but each phone I has passed just rang louder! FInally it became an annoying ringing in my ear. I fell to the floor crying. "Make it stop...please!" I hard a voice beyond the ringing. "What was that I didn't quiet hear you...." it said. "I SAID MAKE IT STOP PLEEEEEEASE!" I screamed.
A couple seconds passed till the ringing stopped. My ears hurt like crazy, the sounds were so unbearable. ......I couldn't decide on whether to look up or not. I was so scared to look up. I Just Knew This Was My Murderer. Did i dare look him in the face? As I looked up I felt cold lips touch mine......
I couldn't believe this. My murderer was....kissing me? I looked at him. He had blue eyes and brownish hair. Hi hair was curly and he was extremely tall. When the kiss ended he raised an arm up. I screamed, in his arm was a knife, and it was faced straight torwards me....
~Undead Lover Chapter 3~
Ash The Tiger
kinda sucks sorry oh well chap 3
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