This is just the first three chapters I have written. If you like them and wish to keep reading you can find it in my journal.
Between a Truth and a Lie
By: Inoxsaas
Chapter One
Something about tonight just didn't feel right, she thought as she sat down by the window. She turned and looked in her mirror; she was a girl of nineteen with long dark hair that fell down to the middle of her back in graceful curls. She was very fine featured, pale skinned and kind of short for her age. Her eyes are a really deep blue; her parents insisted her eyes were like the sky, which didn't match any tone she had seen in the sky. Not that she was looking very hard.
She frowned and glanced outside it was beautiful out tonight and it wasn’t to cold out either which was strange for October. She opened her window and smelled the crisp air. The wind blew into her bedroom and sent her curtains flying about.
She laughed gently if her mother knew she had her window open she would be in big trouble. Her mother never let her have the window open even during the summer. That was due to the fact that she always got sick.
She yawned and stretched out; she really needed sleep for tomorrow her mother had said that they would be meeting her going to be husband tomorrow. She really didn’t like the prospect of an arranged marriage but father said it would help the family and she was willing to do anything to help.
She got up from her spot by the window and sighed; she really wasn’t looking forward to tomorrow but knew it was going to happen either way. She closed the window and moved over to her bed. She reached for her brush that was sitting on her nightstand.
It had become a habit for her to brush her hair before she went to bed. It was that or spending hours in the morning trying to untangle it. She smiled as she ran the brush through her long dark hair. She ran it through several times, the reached across the bed and placed her brush down where it usually sat on her nightstand.
She crawled under the covers and closed her beautiful blue eyes. She hadn’t even realized she was this tired until she had lain down. She heard the horses in the barn neigh in terror and she jumped out of bed to look out the window. As she approached the window there was a horrible howling heard.
She heard the door slam and watched her father walk through the yard with his gun in his hand. Lately some wolves had been killing some of the horses and father had been determined to end this. Which she hoped would happen because she was sick of all the noise at night making it hard for her to sleep.
She yawned sleepily and headed back to her bed. Her father would take care of it, she knew her would. She crawled under the covers and lay back down; she then closed her eyes and actually fell asleep.
It hadn’t even been twenty minutes when she was woken by a high pitched scream. She jumped and sat up in her bed, something about the scream sounded very familiar. She wrapped her self in one of her blankets and got off the bed.
She really needed to figure out what was going on. She walked out of her bedroom and looked down the hall. It was dark and a little scary looking, she sighed knowing she needed to do this. She walked forward and headed towards the stairs.
As she walked down the hallway she accidently stepped on one of the boards that creaked loudly. She jumped and almost screamed, but managed to calm herself. Why was she scared anyway? It wasn’t like she was going to die.
She made it to the stairs and sighed in relief now she just had to make it down the stairs and into the kitchen. She stepped down the first stair setting her wait on the front of her feet so she wouldn’t make a lot of noise.
When finally she made her way down the stairs without making any noise she smiled and sighed in relief. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her body and walked towards the kitchen.
“Mother?” she questioned as she entered the dark room.
She looked around the dark room, but her mother wasn’t in there. This was strange because mother was always in the kitchen cooking something to keep herself busy. She shivered and readjusted the blanket so it sat on her shoulders. She looked at the door and decided to go to the barn.
Her mother might be out there with father helping him take care of the horses. She nervously approached the door. She then took a step outside the house and stood on the porch for a few minutes.
She had to admit that it was beautiful outside tonight, the ground was covered in frost, which the moonlight made glitter. She smiled at it, but then got the strange feeling that she was being watched.
She shivered out of fear and stepped down the porch steps. She glanced left and right and hurried to the barn. Why she was so nervous she would never be able to tell anyone, she had never felt this way before while walking through her yard.
She approached the barn’s side door and slowly opened it. As she stepped in she found that she felt a little warmer, but she still felt like she was being watched. She looked around the barn and didn’t see anything so she let it go. She was probably just being paranoid anyway.
She walked into the center of the barn and saw that the horses were munching hay quietly in their stalls. She approached the first stall which held her favorite horse, a silvery gray mare with a white mane and tail. She gently ran her hand down the silver mares face and smiled.
Then she remembered what she was really in there for. She frowned when she realized that she hadn’t been yelled at yet. She turned around and went to the tack room, because he could be in there cleaning up the tack.
She looked into the room and found that it too was empty. Where was everybody? They couldn’t have disappeared. She ran her left hand through her dark hair and sighed in annoyance.
She finally decided that she would just go back to the house and go to bed. They might have gone somewhere to get last minute supplies they needed for tomorrow. When she looked into the tack room she found that one of the pulling sets was gone.
She smiled and walked out to the horses again. She patted the mare one more time and then began to walk towards the door. When she was maybe less than five feet away from the exit a giant silver black wolf jumped out in front of her.
She screamed in fear and shrank down. It was really a gorgeous creature with it’s dark silver hair. It was much larger than any wolf she had ever seen before, she looked into the creatures onyx eyes and flinched it was looking at her like she was something to eat.
Throwing her blanket at it she ran out the door and slammed it behind her. She knew she wasn’t going to get to far ahead of it, because it would probably crawl out of the hole it found to get into the barn and chase her. She heard the huge paw steps hitting the ground behind her and almost screamed in fear again.
It launched itself at her and drug it claws down from her right shoulder all the way down her back. She fell down screaming in pain, it looked at her mockingly and drug it claws down both her arms all the way to her hands. She felt her blood began to drain out and soak her white night gown turning it red.
Every minute felt like an hour to her, the monster stood above her about to give the finishing blow. She watched it bring it’s claws up, and knew it was the end. It’s not like she would survive if it left now. Her blood was draining out of her rapidly, and she knew she didn’t have much time left.
Before it could deal the final blow she heard a gun go off and the beast howled in pain. She heard a huge thump on the ground and it took her a couple seconds to figure out it was dead. She closed her eyes, the effort of keeping them open becoming too much. She jumped when she felt herself being lifted off the ground. She cried out in pain, for whoever it was had bumped her ripped flesh.
She opened her deep blue eyes and looked up. When she looked up she saw the most gorgeous man she had ever seen with a short golden yellow hair, and metallic brown eyes, he was pale and looked to be around twenty-five. She felt him move her head on to something soft and he whispered soft words into her ears that she didn’t all together understand.
“You poor human girl,” he stated in a soft and beautiful voice that sounded like wind chimes. His eyes shone sadly as she stroked his fingers soothingly across her face.
He seemed to be contemplating something, his eyes looking at her thoughtfully and she gave him a questioning look.
“I can save you, do you want that?” he asked.
She nodded her head slowly and he gently grabbed her hand. He ran his index finger in a strange soothing pattern on her hand. He smiled revealing sharp white teeth it was then she realized her mistake. He moved in towards her neck and bit down. She screeched in pain and he covered her mouth so the screams came out muffled.
Chapter Two
Ember sat up in bed gasping, she glanced around and realized she was in her normal room at the mansion. She sighed in relief and ran her left hand through her hair. That was the second time this week she had had a dream of her turning and it was only Wednesday. She slowly moved the blankets off and slipped out of the bed.
She looked into the mirror as she walked in front of it. Much had changed since that night. She still had the body of a nineteen year old girl of course, but her hair no longer fell in delicate curls nor was it quite as long as it used to be. It was medium length, layered, and a purple black. Her eye’s once a beautiful deep blue were now a metallic blue; her skin had also paled considerably. It all came with the change though.
She finished the walk to the dresser and opened it grabbing a black tank top and a pair of black jeans. She slipped the top on and then hurried to pull the pants on. Under normal circumstances she would have taken her time with it, but she had an assignment today, and she wasn’t about to be late. She slipped on her combat boots and laced them up as quickly as possible then grabbed her gun holsters and put them on and reached for her guns. She jammed them into place. She had already had extra bullets for the gun, so she grabbed her dagger and slipped it into its hiding spot in her boot.
When she was sure she was prepared she grabbed her trench coat and slipped it on. She smiled slightly then headed to the door; she was one of the leaders for this mission so she had to be one of the first down there. Truth was she was excited to be going out. She smiled ever so slightly and launched herself out into the hallway. She walked down the long dark hallway and took a left, went down a flight of stairs and walked through the main room.
The main room was elaborately decorated with old Victorian style chairs, couches, and tables spread though out the room. This was where everyone generally hung out, well everyone who had the night off or were lazy and never went on missions. There were a lot of vampires that did nothing except for the servants. They were always busy trying to go up in ranks sucking up to the council of elders. She hadn’t had that issue, she had been adopted by Nathaniel so she had nothing to worry about.
She took a right and opened to huge metal doors that led to the training dojo; this was where all the NightStalkers were taught. She had started her training here just like every other young vampire with the hopes of being accepted into the ranks. She had been trained under Kaine, one of the best teachers. He had taught her everything she knew now.
She walked into the room and saw her friend Raze standing in the middle of the room, he was her only friend. It had actually taken them a while to become friends, because when she first joined she had been so depressed from being separated from her family. He had taken it into his own hands to make her better. Raze himself had only been a part of the coven for two years.
“Hey,” he yelled a goofy smile spreading across his face.
She rolled her eyes and looked up at her friend, Raze was much taller and very bulky making her looked fragile as if one mere touch would break her into a million tiny pieces. That was very much so untrue, she was stronger than most of the vampires in the coven and had taken down several opponents many times her size. Raze smiled even wider at her his metallic green eyes lighting up.
“You need to shrink,” she gave him a teasing smile.
“Or maybe you should get taller.”
Raze laughed he was the only vampire other than her sire that she showed any love and compassion to. He was the only one she joked around with, which made him feel incredibly special. She didn’t give anyone else any attention, it was like she thought none of them were worthy of her attention. Which most of the time that was true, most of the vampires in the coven just laid around and tried to claw their way to the top. She herself was already on the top; she was Nathaniel’s adopted daughter. This made her basically the next in line for elder when he was killed. Making many vampires jealous and causing males to constantly hit on her, this for some reason made Raze angry.
He also figured that she thought that most of the vampires were like people during her time. Laying around, wearing the latest styles and gossiping. She herself had been brought up in a poor farm family, but they worked hard and survived. What he understood was that they worked until they had enough money to send her to a really big school. By the time she was about eighteen she had learned as much as a noble did.
They then had set her up with a young rich man, who she wanted nothing to do with. They had met several times and she hated him, but she wasn’t about to tell her father no. He knew what it was like to live back then. Marriages’ were generally chosen by the parents. She was to be married a week after her nineteenth birthday, but as everyone in the coven knew she was turned a couple days after she turned nineteen.
When he thought about it only Nathanial and he knew anything of importance of her past. Everyone else only knew the date of her turning and other they managed to get a hold of. He sighed and looked into her beautiful metallic blue eyes, he felt special to know that much about her. He was one of the lucky few she liked. This eliminated competing for her attention.
“What time do we set out?” he questioned.
Ember looked at the clock and sighed they had about fifteen minutes till they were to set out and none of the team was down here yet. She looked up at him again, and frowned. She really didn’t want the mission to go wrong, but with how all the NightStalkers had been acting lately nothing would go according to plan.
“We should leave in about fifteen minutes, but it depends on when everyone gets here.”
He nodded and went about looking around the room; the dojo hadn’t changed not once in her four-hundred and fifty-three years of being with the coven. It was boring always seeing the same stuff all the time, but who could complain when they lived in a mansion.
Chapter Three
Ember frowned and glanced at the clock on the wall, they had about ten minutes left. Well, it made sense most of the ones coming on the mission were apprentices. Raze noticed Ember huff in annoyance and hugged her.
“It’s okay, they will come,” he laughed when he gave her a sour look.
“They are going to be late.”
They both jumped apart when the door opened, walking in the door was an apprentice who stood a little shorter than Raze with short spiky blonde hair, and metallic golden eyes. Ember glared at him and Raze put his hand on her shoulder.
“Are you here to go on the mission?”
The apprentice jumped and looked over at the two, he seemed nervous when he saw Ember glaring at him. He shifted his weight from left leg to his right. He seemed to be thinking about the answer he gives.
“No, I just started being trained last year. I wasn’t allowed to train until this year.”
Raze looked down at Ember who seemed to relax a little. She hadn’t been allowed to train until two years after her turning. The wolf had injured her badly enough that there were still scars there. When she had been allowed to train she became top student easily, so when test day came along she had nothing to worry about or so they had thought.
“Ember you are up against Raze first,” the vampire to his left had said
He entered the ring and she followed shortly after, they circled each other then she went at him first tripping him before he could successfully pull an attack on her. He got up fast and kicked towards her stomach, she backed up avoiding it and he frowned in frustration. He was already a Night Stalker he should have been able to beat her up with one kick, but beating Ember had proved to be hard and something he would never be able to accomplish.
She surged forward flipping over his head, turned fast and kicked him in the back, he fell face first onto the mat she smirked and he flipped up onto his legs. He kicked her in the back and she turned around and hit him in the face. He fell backwards and she pinned him. He tried to throw her off and she hissed and pushed down on him.
Then Edgar, the vampire who had been to his left, decided that wasn’t good enough and Raze had sat there and watched as the people she was put up against got tougher and tougher. Each time the battles got longer and longer. And he started to worry, they weren’t exactly friends yet but they did talk occasionally.
As the battles wore on she was taking more and more hits, it was to the point where she was at her last battle. He watched her do a lot of dazzling turns, kicks, and punches. Most of which hit their mark, after a bit though her opponent started to land many kicks to her stomach and back. Causing her to gasp in pain, all she could do was try to defend herself. This wasn’t working the greatest.
She punched him in the face, and he kicked her in the shin. She ignored the pain as best she could and he could tell her weight was put down on the opposite leg. She took another hit but in the back of the head. He watched her sway dizzily, her opponent took the opportunity hit her several times in the back of the head and she fell forward.
He watched her fall, and before they could even call for help he ran to her and picked her up. Many of the other vampires in the room stared as he took her out. He could tell that Edgar had overworked her on purpose. He didn’t care about the health of an individual vampire he just wanted good fighters. He was lucky that Nathaniel had been out to visit the other coven, because if her would have seen this He would have been a dead man.
Most of the vampires in the room knew it, and they just stood by and watched like him. They probably figured that since she was the top student they would put her up against twice as many people as the ordinary students. Not that any of them really cared to begin with, they knew she was going to get a rank meaning some of them would not.
Ever since that day she occasionally had problems with her head, and he knew why too. Sometimes a vampire when turned would gain a special ability, and the last vampire she had gone against had a special ability that he couldn’t quite control yet. What they figured out is that it gave him the ability to give his opponents different human problems and weaken there immune system to the point where it was human like.
They still weren’t sure of the full effects of what she had, they also couldn’t cure it. The vampire who had given it to her had died a few months afterwards due to a lycan attack on his squad. They hadn’t even known anything was wrong with her, until the night they had gathered to celebrate the killing of the person responsible for his squads death.
Ember sat there next to Raze with a small smile on her face. They had just managed to kill the Lycan’s responsible for Gabin’s death. Then Nathaniel had proclaimed tonight a night to celebrate. So they had gathered in the main room to celebrate.
Raze frowned when he noticed that Ember was much paler than usual. Come to think of it she didn’t look like she was feeling good, but vampires weren’t supposed to be able to get sick.
“Ember, are you feeling okay?”
She just nodded and took a drink out of the glass of blood sitting in front of her. He jumped when she began to cough; Raze rubbed her back gently thinking she had just swallowed wrong.
It was then she began to cough up blood, which even though she had just swallowed it was a sign of her body rejecting it. Which was never a good thing, the rejection of blood to the body when not caught in time killed several vampires.
Raze picked her up and rushed her to the medical bay in the mansion. There was a lot of different places in the mansion, they normally didn’t use the medical bay unless some one was injured badly.
It had taken several hours straight for the doctor to determine what was wrong with her. He had said that he had never seen a vampire so sick before, but the worst was yet to come. When the doctor finally diagnosed her, they found she had several things wrong.
The doctor said that her body wasn’t rejecting blood; he said it was the human sickness tuberculosis. This there was no treatment for at the time, he said it wouldn’t kill her but she would always remain sick. He also said there were a couple other problems wrong with her too, none of which he had ever seen before.
Raze remembered that day well, it was the day that Ember and him had begun to talk to each other more. Before she hadn’t considered him a friend, but when she was told what was wrong with her she had gone far into depression. And Raze had brought her back to life; her frozen heart had melted to him to an extent. And he knew that the friendship he had made with her would always be there.

- Title: Between a Truth and a Lie
- Artist: Inoxsaas
- Description: The Vampires,Werewolves, and Angels have been waging war on each other since the beginning of time. Neither side ever winning, but what happens when three young vampires and a half angel half vampire become friends? Read to find out.
- Date: 04/06/2009
- Tags: between truth
- Report Post
Comments (2 Comments)
- xoxos--viveee - 06/06/2009
i really enjoyed this story, i hope you could continue it =)
this gets a 5/5 ! - Report As Spam
- Boundless Secrets - 04/06/2009
I loved reading the story, especially with the description
So you get a 5 / 5 :'D - Report As Spam