• Rukia set out on her journey during the night. The air was chilly. She could see her steam mist out of her mouth. A sound suddenly made her jump, and she turned. Nothing was in sight.

    She was finally in the light of the moon as the trees and home shadows were gone. A young girl's voice was heard behind her. She turned and there she was with a smile of warmth. She said something like, I found you, finally found you. Rukia was confused by those words.

    All Rukia could think about, was Ichigo. She was ready to say what she needed. By the time her errand was done, she would go see him in his world, the living, not so far from the portal to the soul society. But here was this young girl, pausing her every move to continue her mission.

    The girl vanished once her eyes looked horrified. "Little girl?!" Rukia looked around. There was an mysterious man with a sith blade in hand. Before she could respond, he swung it at her slicing the blade through her neck.

    As Ichigo was doing his own errand, he felt a horrible omen aura as if something horrible happened. He heard, or he thought he heard Rukia's scream. "RUKIA?!" He screamed her name as he used the candy to make him substitute reaper. Her scream was his calling to go back to the soul society.

    Ichigo could not stop thinking of Rukia when she left for the last time to the society to do some errands. The way she moved, the way his heart swayed when she touched his cheek and told him not to be worried for her. He wanted to tell her that he was in love with her but once again his pride came up.

    Rukia grabbed for her neck and started screaming. Something evil went inside of her and she began to changed. She was no longer the Rukia we knew. She took on the evil loathesome spirit that had sliced through her neck a moment ago. Her eyes opened and they were soul-less.

    The smile that she made was sincerely evil and thus after this smile, she vanished into thin air.

    -chapter two- will be next month. ch. 2 is named Memories are Gone.