• The floor creaked loudly as two feet tried to tip-toe silently across it. Being too dark for any human to see, the two men had no problem getting through unnoticed by any other unwanted visitors. They glided around the items in the room which were covered in webs and dust, and then stopped for a moment. A large majority of the items in the room were cracked or covered in torn tarps and pushed to all sorts of areas in the abandoned mansion’s living area. Even the slightest sounds made were echoed, making it hard for the two men to pass through quietly.
    “This is a nice place to stay for the night,” the one man whispered, pausing for a reply, but the other stayed silent. He then began to speak again, “I wish you would talk a little more Vince, it’d make things a lot less boring.”
    He just grunted and looked away. The man speaking, Danny, also looked away in discontent.
    Danny Gruesome was a rather tall, thin young man with messy brown hair and iris so dark they looked black in his wide, searching eyes. He wore a dark green hoodie whose sleeves were too long, and a brown t-shirt underneath. He was currently hosting an unpleased frown on his face as he walked slowly through the empty house with his companion, Vincent Vulgar.
    Vincent was a little more on the muscular side, even though he was shorter than Danny; but not much shorter. He had his hair slicked back and at the very top of his head he had his hair sticking up straight. The tips of his yellow hair sticking from the top were died black as night, along with the very ends that stood out behind his neck. There seemed to be a constant dark shadow covering his eyes, since he was always looking down, and he never clearly smiled (or talked for that matter). The red tank top he wore was extremely loose and his sweat pants draped over his shoes.
    Danny threw himself onto a dust covered chair and relaxed. He motioned for Vincent to take a seat but knowing him, he just stood in his current position, staring at him angrily.
    “Oh c’mon Vince, we haven’t rested fully in days! Let’s take a break already.”
    Vincent shifted and he lifted his head to look at Danny, uncovering his narrowed bright green eyes, “We’ll keep moving, or do you want to loose our goal’s scent?”
    Danny sighed and lifted himself lazily off the couch. It’s going to be a very long time before we loose it, he thought.
    “That’s only if we keep stopping like this you good for nothing lazy bag of bones. Now pick up your feet and move!!” Vincent scoffed, knocking over a lamp angrily and storming off.
    “I wish you wouldn’t do that,” Danny chimed teasingly.
    “Psh,” Vincent continued to walk further into the house, “Hurry up!!!”
    “Jeez, I like it better when you don’t talk.”
    Walking further, Vincent took a sharp turn to the left and headed up a large flight of stairs. The banister was cracked and missing pieces and a few stairs were broken or not exactly there, leaving huge gaping holes where the wooden planks should have been; but that didn’t stop Vincent from storming up to the top.
    The upstairs had a long, narrow hallway leading to several different rooms, two in which were missing doors. Tables that held old dusty lamps and worn photos where pushed to the walls unevenly and over every other table were photos of the family who had previously owned the mansion. Vincent rushed past each room, looking directly forward intently while Danny stumbled up the steps trying to keep up without knocking anything over that would break or make him trip and fall flat on his face. Too bad he ended up knocking over a large glass pot which was accompanied by a whole table tumbling down with it.

    SLAM! CRASH! BAM! And then silence. Vincent halted to a stop, turned slowly on his heels, and glared darkly at Danny, who was taking shelter in his hoodie to avert the deathly glare that was set upon him. He removed the hoodie from his eyes slowly and shivers went down his spine as Vincent stood directly in front of him.

    “Be careful!” Vincent spoke in a threatening tone that would have sent any other man running for the nearest exit. Danny only nodded meekly and walked swiftly behind him as he stormed off towards his destination once more.

    It wasn’t long before they reached the end of the hallway and Vincent punched the wall angrily, leaving a fist shaped hole. He peered through the damaged wall and drew in a long, deep breath. He vanished swiftly; Danny sighed and breathed in as well, also vanishing with Vincent. Two bats remained where Vincent and Danny had been, but soon they disappeared through the hole in the wall.
    Vincent reappeared first, waiting for Danny and looked around silently at the room they were now in. These kinds of rooms were meant for hiding family treasures, or family secrets. Surprisingly, there were no treasures to be seen.
    Danny, Vincent’s thoughts were directed towards him, do you feel any presence in the room?
    Danny suddenly appeared next to Vincent and nodded his head. There’s a large source of supernatural power in here.

    Out of the corner of his eye Danny saw something shift near an old doorway by the dusty fireplace, but by the time he shifted his head to see what it was, it had already disappeared into the next room.

    What is it Danny?

    Vincent turned to look where Danny’s eyes seemed to be glued.

    I think we’ve found our target.

    Danny began walking towards the doorway silently with Vincent following behind him, hosting a huge grin stretched across his face as he clenched his fists into two deadly weapons. The room began to grow chillier as they advanced further into the almost dead area. There was another room ahead and a foul stench seemed to be emitted from it. As the two men turned to the newly uncovered room, a huge shadowy figure lunged towards them and swiped at Vincent, breathing deeply and drooling uncontrollably. One glance and he could tell that it was the monster they were looking for.
    “So this is the infamous Lizardman of Milestone Mansion? Very interesting,” Danny laughed as he took a good look over the monster towering before them.

    Huge scales covered the thing’s body, and giant spikes jutted out of its back like a deathly trap. The Lizardmans beady red eyes glowed like stars on a dark night and a torn flannel shirt covered a very small portion of its upper body while ripped up jeans acted as shorts over its humongous legs.
    “What are you vampiresss doing in my territory? You shhhhhould know that you have no right to be here.”
    Vincent strode up to the creature slowly and stared it in the face, “You don’t recognize who we are? Such a pity. I wonder why a brainless creature like you has such a high reward.”
    The Lizardman seethed with anger as Danny laughed hysterically, “Ahaha good one Vincent,” he then pulled out a small black book,” we’re right here under most infamous in the supernatural country of Blackwood.”

    Next to the names in the book was a description of the two:
    Wanted for anarchy against the Supernatural Council of Peace. Also known for mass murder towards humans and turning in supernatural brethren for bounty rewards. Although amongst the almost extinct breed of vampire, Vincent Vulgar and Daniel Gruesome must be killed on sight.

    He then slammed the book shut and chuckled evilly, walking closer to the target of his and Vincent’s mission. Danny’s nails extracted into claws and his teeth began to develop and sharpen. Vincent grabbed the Lizardman by the collar of his shirt and lifted him into the air as if he was weightless. He then grinned and whispered, “This is the part where you scream…”
    But before it had a chance to utter a peep, its snout was punched in viciously as teeth went flying in all different directions.
    Horrified, it stuttered “Pl-please!! Don’t kill me!! I’d rather be thrown in some sick human zoo than dead!!”
    Both Danny and Vincent looked at each other pleased.
    “Pitiful thing isn’t it Daniel?”
    “Sure is Vince.”
    “Why,” the lizard began, “Why do you do this?!”
    Vincent dropped it to the ground and stepped on its head mercilessly, “That’s because, idiotic reptile, our kind fell to the likes of monster and mortal and we don’t intend to have it happen to us. Me and him, we’re smarter than that. It’s a dog eat dog world out there, or in this case, creature eat creature…”
    Vincent laughed manically and Danny joined him, and as they laughed, their mouths grew wider, showing off more of their hazardous teeth. Lowering their heads and closing in on the reptilian monster, they grabbed it by the arms and took a bite into its neck, ripping the flesh and leaving the reptile lifeless.