• Deiz dragged me all over the city. We went to many shops to order funiture for my room. By the time we were done, I was falling asleep. "You need some sleep. Com'on, we'll head for home." and he turned tward my new home.


    "You can sleep in my room for now."

    "And you'll be sleeping where?" I questioned.

    "Who said I was sleeping? I don' need as much sleep as you do and I have work that needs to be done."He sat down at his desk and started rifling through papers. He loked up again when I didn't move. "Well, go on. It's just down the hall."

    It felt strange to be in Deiz's room. The room was small with only a door to the closet, a tablewith a lamp and alarm clock, next to the biggest bed ever! It had about ten pillows and three blankets including a comforter. This was so weird, who knows how many women he's had in this bed? But it did look comfortable. In the end I gave into sleep before I was even under a blanket(which might be a good thing).

    I woke up a few hours later. I would have gone back to sleep, but I realized that I was still in Deizs' bed. I got up and when to see if he was done. But I found something I'll never forget, Deiz was still at his desk but instead rifling throught pages like he was before, he was fast asleep. He looked so peaceful, I couldn't wake him. Instead, I grabbed the blanket from off the couch and drapped it over his shoulders.

    I left to get a drink of water and when I came back, he was sitting up straight, the blanket drapped around his shoulders, and he was staring at the papers on his desk.

    "I shouldn't have fallen asleep. I just wasted my time with something I don't need. The Queen woun't be happy that I'm behind." He looked so sad. He put ona good face but really he was miserable.

    "I'm sure she will understand." for once he looked really pathetic. He never looked away from the papers.

    "No, she woun't."

    "What's wrong with you?" I couldn't help but put my hand on his shoulder. When I did, he seemed to snap out of it and look at me.

    "What?"he was back to normal.

    "What is with you?! You're all, off in space, now your back to normal?"

    "Oh, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. We should get going. We have alot to do before sunset."


    Deiz changed before we left. The only dofference was instead of a jacket he had a black vest on. We picked up the rest of my clothes and I imediatly changed. Deiz said to dress in something warmer. I put ona black hulter top and a hoodie. I changed to a black and red plaid skirt with red checkered leggings and boots.

    We meet with several people to see what they thought about how to change the landscape. We meet with a landscaper to see how long it would take.

    "We need to know how long it will take to build a river, pond, and a chanel connecting them to the main river." Deiz presented to the young man.

    "First off, you have permision from the fairies for this right?"Deiz nodded."I'd say about two to three weeks."

    "Try to do it as fast as possible. We don't want constuction for too long." With that we left. When we got out he looked at his watch."The sun is down, we can go now."

    Go where?"

    'Just follow me." he laughed. He lead me through the city. The city was begining to become firmiliar to me. He brought me to a ladder which I remembered was the ladder to the forest.

    "We're going into the forest?" I asked.

    "No, to the city."


    I lead Marcy through the city, passing plenty of people. I would have stopped but there were always too many other people. I need to find one or two people alone so I headed to a park.

    "Do you know where you are going?" Marcy asked.

    "Of course, I've been through this city plenty of times to know my was around. I'm guessing this isn't where you lived?" She shook her head."You'll get to know your way around all the local cities."


    "Yeah?" I looked down at Marcy. She was looking at the ground as she asked.

    "When were you born?"

    "About forty years ago."

    "And you lived...?"

    "Right in this town."

    "Could you show me where you lived?" by then we had reached the park.

    "Not now, we need to find a human."

    "What for?"

    "We need you to be a full vamp, now quiet while we look for one alone." Before too long we came across a young man sitting alone ona bench. "Get close to him and then I think you know what to do from there."

    Shenodded and walked forward slowly, a sick look on her face. She easily convinced him to let her get close to her. Looks like she alreay has her vampiric charm. Finally she sunk her teeth into his neck. I walked twards her and when I reached her she she had realeased him, letting him fall to the bench. For a second I could see that her eyes were a bloody red and she had a satisfied look on her face. But it changed into icy blue eyes and a shocked face. "I-I can't believe I..." with that she broke down and wrapped her arms around my waist, burriing her face in my shirt. AS she cried I tried my best to comfort her. Finally she must have realized what she was doing and she stepped back, whipping her face. I have to say i was disapointed.

    "We need to head back. The rest of the night will be relaxing."