• I tried to stop you,
    I really did,
    But you walked away,
    What else could I say?

    I would have given up all,
    for you to stay,
    But you built up a wall,
    To keep me at bay.

    I mourned for my loss,
    couldn't take the pain,
    You just tossed me away,
    Left me standin in the rain.

    We trained harder,
    Naruto and I,
    To save you from the evil,
    We were prepared to die.

    When the day came,
    To meet again,
    Horror met my eyes,
    I nearly forgot my aim.

    For before me stood,
    Nothing but evil,
    Hatred in his eyes,
    He looked like the devil.

    How could this be my Sauske-kun?
    His smile,
    His eyes,
    I wanted to run.

    What have you done?
    This isn't you,
    Where's my Sauske?
    What did you do?

    I can't help you,
    Your too sucked in,
    Evil's consumed you,
    I hope that someday....good will win......