Take my hand,
as we head back to my land.
Sail there by night,
as I sit here holding you tight.
To the place where all things exist.
The place where we have constantly kissed.
This land of shadows built by love.
A land purer than the feather of any dove.
So touch my hand dear,
Let it grasp all of your fear.
The nightmare is over,
in this field of four-leafed clovers.
But wait, there is a faint light.
What could it be to cause my animals such a fright?
Fire! Foreverdream burns...
And I realize now it is me who still yearns.
The flame is desire, my burning want.
Foreverdream scorched by what it can't flaunt.
Yet I still see her here,
in foreverdream she is always near.
This girl, the woman of dreams.
The dark creature that is never what she truly seems.
But in Foreverdream she is always Just-so.
A creature to whom I will never scream "Don't Go!"
She is a phantom, not true...not there.
But she knows I am real, and that I still care.
There was a time that I was blind and plainly could not see.
A time where I believed my arms would never be empty.
And now, behind this black veil I am cursed to hide.
Learning the hard way that is true what they say of pride.
So as foreverdream finally dies away once more.
I find myself pleading with existence as I lay on the floor.
If things could change, I would mend every where that I failed.
Seeking her perfection once again, yet never keeping her jailed.
Instead I watch...knowing that this world is a lie.
Wishing my way back to foreverdream...the place in which my heart will die.
The Fire of Foreverdream
Procer Nex
Foreverdream is actually a set of three poems now, it's fantastic place created in my mind. In Foreverdream all things are possible. Odds are good you will see the first poem later on. This just so happens to be the third.
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