• In a small city on the edge of Virginia laid a deadly plague.This plague would destroy the human mind and transform it into a another peice of fear.A voice would tell the infected that if they did not bite or kill everyone around them that they themsleves would die.If you were bitten you will become one of these monsters.

    How it started.....

    The goverment got the idea of creating a species of human that could be trained to serve anyone willing to pay.They decided to add a special DNA only they have access too,one so powerful that if you inject to much or to little something horrible would be created.A new intern was chosen to perform the procedure,along with another intern who was to be injected with the DNA.The intern had no clue of how much to inject,neither did the other one.The irst intern injected all of the DNA into the other interns right arm.Here are the instructions.....

    Add half of the DNA into the intern

    Be sure to put it into his LEFT arm

    As you can see,WRONG!!The intern begain to grow bumps and cracks in his once beatiful skin,causing him to freak out.Then he lost control of his mind,letting a small voice into his head.

    Kill him!Kill him!Before he does!Hurry bite him!

    The intern jammed his jaws into his friends arm tearing it off.The other intern screamed and began to suffer the same fate as the infected intern.The voices were going crazy inside their heads.Both jumped from a nearby window releasing themselves into the city,nobody had a clue that these two vicious beings were on the loose.

    1 week later.

    Half the city was now infected with this deadly plague,some are currently taking shelter in a Homeless shelter,north of the city.They were scared,cold,and starving.Family's huldle close together in fear that somebody else may have the plague.One family in particular is the Betson's.The young girl in the family is little Rebeca,who's brother is infected and out on the street's,running wild.Her mother Stella,and her father Billy,have been mourning ever since....

    The story starts.....

    "Mommy"?Rebeca asked looking around the shelter in fear,her mother had been lost for an hour and nobody could find her.Her father was also looking keeping close to rebeca.

    "Honey,we'll find her just go to bed".Her father assured her.

    Rebeca began crying and sat on the leather cot.She saw feirce movement outside the window.Suddenly her mothers face appeared,it was drenched in blood and rain.Rebeca screamed and the face disapeared leaving a blood streak on the window.Her father rushed over and glared at Rebeca.

    "What happened"!He whispered to her.

    Rebeca ponited towards the window.Her father looked confused,the blood streak had been washed away by the pouring rain.

    "You must be seing things,now get some rest,we will search for your mother in the morning".He promised stroking her chestnut colored hair.