Sgt. Drake Alexander puts together the last rebel force to defeat their oppressive government. Two Generals, fighting for the government form their last group of soldiers to crush the Rebellion once and for all. Numbers are few on both sides, but their will and strength are great. The Sarge sets up his troops to hide behind a large river front. Meanwhile, the Government, who has already taken control of high hill tops, advances their archer, secret police agency, robotic guards, and war machine on those high hills, waiting for the Rebel Forces to come into range of their powerful shots. The battle begins its fatalities with the fall of the powerful, massive Government war machine via gun fire. Then, the archer fires a very accurate arrow into the brain of one of Sgt. Drake's most loyal soldiers. The robot guards gun down one of the Sarge's most trusted allies. The gunned down ally was once the leader of the Government's secret police. A beast fighting and controlling captain of the Government charges in alone but dies all too easily thanks to the rifles of both the gun men loyal only to Sgt. Drake and the Marro aliens who were once loyal to their former leader, Ne-Gok Sa. In an awkward twist of fate, Ne-Gok Sa attacks, teamed up with one of the Generals, hoping to kill his former followers. Instead, the General kills off two of the aliens, and Ne-Gok Sa murders a gunner. Shortly after, both Government warriors fall prey to a hungry, fire-breathing dragon that Sgt. Drake Alexander has tamed personally. Now, only one General, the secret police agents, and two robotic guards remain for the Government, and only the Sarge, two gun men, two Marro Warriors, a dragon, a winged amazonian, and four swordsmen remain for the Rebellion. The Warriors charge in futilely, being shot down by robots. The two gun men also fall prey to the guards except only one guard was left after the shooting. Then, the amazonian attacked the robot guard head on. The battle was long and stayed at a stalemate for quite a while. Unfortunately for the Rebel Army, the amazonian finally died after her armor was shot to pieces along with her skin. Then, Sgt. Drake decided to make a bold move. He advanced his dragon and swordsmen to kill the agents of the Government. After the robot guard was stabbed and slashed to tiny, tiny bits by the swordsmen, the second General was cooked to a crisp and devoured by the dragon. The swordsmen took advantage of this moment to move across the river front and eventually strike down the agents, who were now the last soldiers for the Government's Army. They shot down the dragon on their second bullet, shooting it in the head. The swordsmen rushed faster to get to their target, but two of the four were gunned down. The leader tried his best to kill one of the three agents but failed the first time. His second in command was then murdered with an overkill of bullets. Then, with his last, vengeful strike, the leader of the four brave swordsmen stabbed one of the agents to death. Afterwards, he, too, was shot to death. Now, the Sergeant was all alone on the battlefield... His gun men died... His new troops died... His loyal dragon died... And, at last acomplished, part of his heart had died... He loved all his loyal soldiers and his pet dragon... He cared for them like a father and a field commander. Lost in his sentimentality, the last two agents and soldiers of the Government Army advanced past the river front. The man of the two, ran to a small hill, but the Sarge ran up to him and impaled the agent with his chain gun then firing it into him, obliterating his body. Now, however, he was forced back to his hiding spot because his gun was now busted and the woman nearly shot him. She ran to the same hill, but Sgt. Drake Alexander, war hero of the Rebellion in the previous battle, charged her with his ninja sword. The woman moved her gun into aiming position and got ready to fire. All of the Sergeant's glory of being a rebel warrior was now at stake. He had been the only survivor of the Rebel Army in the previous battle, and in even earlier battles, he had minimal casualties among his troops. In this Final Battle, would it all come to a clashing, deadly end, or would Sgt. Drake Alexander expand his story of the Rebellion?
.............................Well, as fate would have it, Sgt. Drake Alexander, focusing all his soul and being into this last act of battle, slashed as fast as possible, slicing the bullet being fired on him. He gloriously took another swing, cutting the hand gun of the female Government Agent to ribbons. Lastly, and with a fiery roar of vengence, he decapitated the last soldier of the oppressive government of which he, and all his troops, worked so hard to fend off. Finally, it was over... The Sarge just took one look back, then he disappeared into the horizon. The bodies of his fallen fellow rebels left to show all who would pass by that few stood up against "ultimate power" and died for victory...
The Final Battle
Knight Metawraith
I just played a board game called Heroscape with my dad, and it was such a fun battle that I wanted to make story about it. Okay, my side, a rebellion to a powerful but crumbling government, is fighting their last battle with the government to claim independence. Both sides are sending their last soldiers to fight the final battle of the Huge War.
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A one-shot murder mystery. ...
So yeah...Chapter 39!!! So...
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