• Hallelujah Grey

    Chapter One – Rooftops

    Part Two

    Well, so far, in my day, I've been lit on fire, attacked, and saved by a crazy hobo. Wow, great day, really. Anyway, I guess I should get back to my story. I guess the story should keep telling itself at this point, or, maybe I just don't feel like talking to you. Anyway, here you go:
    Just as fast as the punch came, it was stopped by the “Immortal Beast of Justice,” Craig Willo. “So you think you can just waltz up in here and start picking on the students do you?!” he shouted. The other hobos simply stared at him with very puzzled faces. “Well then, lets just see how you deal with THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Suddenly, he produced a large Yield sign seemingly out of nowhere. Then he proceeded to kick large amounts of a**. All the while shouting, “YIELD TO THE KING!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”
    After several long seconds, all the hobos were lying on the ground, either dead or incapacitated. He then struck the ground with his large “weapon” and stared straight at Zak. “You!”
    “Me?” Zak replied.
    “Yes, you! You, young man, need to learn to stand up for yourself! The burning soul of a righteous man does not know defeat nor fear! Your soul should burn like a great forest fire, unstoppable by the hands of man!” he barked.
    “Umm.... okay.”
    Well, just like I told you, this guy is a nut job. But oddly enough, this wasn't the weirdest part of my day. After recuperating from my near mentally handicapping experience, I attempted to continue to walk home. Easier said than done, it would seem. Now I wasn't two hundred feet from my house when another nut job came out of the bushes. Literally. This guy just jumped out of a bush and glared at me. “So I see my hobo minions didn't kill you after all” he said.
    “Wait, you did that?”
    “No, I just, kind of, saw it. I wanted to see what you would do”
    “Oh, well, thats good I guess. I mean, who hires hobo minions anyway?”
    “Yeah... Oh yeah, have you seen a cat around here? He's white with black spots.”
    “Umm... no, I haven't actually.”
    “Oh, well then, unfortunately, I'm going to have to kill you now!”
    “My name is Kevin Mundo, you didn't find my cat, prepare to die!”
    “Wait! Whats going on!?”
    “THE FIGHT OF YOUR YOUNG LIFE MY FRIEND!!!!!!!” a familiar voice shouted from a rooftop. Oh god, him again.