There I laid covered in blood crystal tears falling down my face.I suddenly awoke and said "it was a dream?!" then I said "mother!..." no response "father!..." silence "brother!..." nothing "is this another dream?Come on Yuna snap out of this dreaming!" and I pinched myself and said "this isn't a dream is it?!" I got out of bed my long winter pajama's rapped around my knees.My black hair was still damp from last night's shower all my hair stuck together in a large clump on my back.I walked out of the room opened the door slowly and saw the softest red carpet you could ever feel on your feet.I walked to my brother's room knocked on the door and said in a faint worried voice "Damien?..." no response and I yelled full of worry in my voice "DAMIEN THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!!" I opened the door to see a corpse laying on the floor it was fresh too.I screamed and yelled "DAMIEN THIS WILL NEVER BE FUNNY STOP IT!!!!!" nothing but my loud deep breaths of bloody air that was the only sound that I heard nothing from Damien's soothing calming voice.I gasped and said "mother!Father!" I ran down the long hall and went into my mother and father's room to see two more laying in bed together.I saw a human figure jump out the window into the cool breeze.I yelled "YOU DID THIS!!!!" I ran to the window and got ready to jump out then I saw it was a dummy.I felt a presence behind me I felt a warm body hug me from behind and I yelled "YOU ARE NOT TAKING ME!!!!" then out of the corner of my eye I saw Damien walk in but it wasn't like him at all.He had fangs and said "I need blood from you Yuna it can help me be alive!" it wasn't calming or soothingly at all his voice sounded demonic,blood thirsty.The person hugging me from behind said "join your family and me!" I felt a bite on my neck it wasn't painful at all it actually felt good.I fell under his spell he let go with his fangs and smirked.Everything became blurry like someone spilled ink on my eyesight.I fell on my knee's and said under my breath "I am not a vampire!" then my body felt like a piece of goop.I fell on the ground and everything went black I got scared I tried to scream it caught in my throat all that came out was a moan.
I then fainted with pain and fear the vampire killed my family with a wooden stake which was very sharp.He picked me up and said "become a vampire please..." he walked into my room and opened my drawers got out a maid's dress and a black skirt and black and white shirt.He said "this will have to do..." he found a knife in my under clothes drawer and right next it a wooden stake.He took my under shirt not knowing what it was and started playing with it he then said "heck with this!" and threw it on the ground grabbed the knife and put it in his pocket.He said "now shoes..." he grabbed some white socks and black maid shoes.He got a back pack opened it and dumped out some drawings and pictures he looked at them and they where all him he blushed and looked at the pictures he smiled "every three years I kill your family you have many!" he smiled put my clothes in my backpack.He picked me up and said "you should have been a vampire a long time ago so you understand." he jumped out of the window and wings came out of his back and after awhile we landed he said "this will have to do until you can fly." he set me down and grabbed out the knife and cut some branches and put them on top of each other and out of his cloak he grabbed a bag.He dumped it on the sticks and it lit he smirked and said "this fire sand actually works." he looked at the sky to see the sun was coming he walked to me and picked me up and walked to a tree that will give off great shade.
Chapter 1:Blood sucking
He looked at the sky again the sun was out and he fell asleep with me in his arms.He then awoke after awhile he looked at the sky and it was dark but still light he looked at me in his arms and said "when are you going to wake up?!" he looked at the fire and it was still lit he got up and said "evening will work..." he walked to the fire and sat near it he put me right next him.He got another stick and sat back right next to me.He poked my forehead and said "wake up Yuna it is your turn to become a vampire!!!" my eye's opened he smiled and grabbed me.My eye's widened and I screamed in pain.He smiled and said "it is ok Yuna." he hugged me and he said "love the feeling of wanting blood.You can't keep it inside yourself.Bite my neck." he put my head were it was going to be easy to bite his neck.I looked really tired drowsy from the pain.I opened my mouth wide and bit his neck.He smiled at the pain I was giving him.I let go and fell asleep on his shoulder and he smiled and said "perfect." the bite mark vanished off his neck and he said "just wait till the clan hears about getting a girl vampire." he made wings come out of his back again and stood he held me by the back and the bum.He flapped his wings and started flying he flew.Until he saw his clan and he landed his wings went into his back and he hid me under his jacket.He walked in and he said "hello guys." they looked at him odd and said "what is that under you jacket?!" he looked at his lump of a jacket they then saw some more black like hair.One guy walked to it and pulled on it.He saw a hand come out of the side of the jacket his eye's widened and he said "you brought a mortal for us to eat?" he smiled and said "no it is a new vampire but it will wake up and you will see the new twist...I am going to my room..." he walked up the stairs and he walked down a hall and into a room it was black everything was black.He got me out of the jacket and put me on the bed he sighed and said "why don't you wake up?"
My eye's opened slowly tiredly.He said "...Now you are a vampire..." my eye's widened and tears came streaming down my face I said "Damien where is Damien?!" he said "I have a crazy moment because I sense something will happen to you that is bad.I kill them I drink there blood for your protection every time this happens I try to turn you into a vampire but it always becomes day.I found out every three years they try to kill you but now nobody can kill you with the power you have inside..." I just kept silent then he smirked and said "get in your vampire dress and come with me." he then turned around facing the door and I didn't know what he wanted me to do.He then said "get dressed I will not look..." I then uncomfortably started getting undressed and then asked "where is the dress?" he then pointed to a black short dress on his bed. "oh didn't see it there it matched with everything." I said then I walked to the dress and slipped it on carefully.As I did I felt the softness of the dress on my skin..."Alright I'm done...What is your name any way?" The vampire smirked happily and turned said with great pleasure,I am..." he sighed losing his pleasure,"My name is Carl...." Yuna gasped and giggled happily,"Oh my gosh I have always loved the name Carl!!!I mean I was soooo fond of that name even when I was 10!!!I named a stick Carl!!!"Carl quickly walked to me,covered my mouth,and he sounded like a snake,"Hush up I don't want them to hear that it is a girl vampire..."
Chapter 2:The man with the feeling
Carl quickly took my hand not being shy about it at all his hand was surprisingly silky,smooth,and soft.It felt fenaminal I have never felt this feeling before when he grabbed my hand a large feeling came over me at first it was small and unexplained but then it became larger every second the feeling was still unexplained but I liked it some how....His smile was beautiful yet cute I liked Carl a lot more then I did when he made me bite his neck which was quite a faint story in my book.Actually I have been out so long I couldn't remember much I just knew that I was here now,alive, and somewhat happy.Carl turned to me and said a bit shaken "Yuna you look so pale like a statue ,or you just saw a ghost, what happened?" I quickly snapped out of it in about 10 seconds flat!I smiled at Carl trying to see his beautiful smile will show up out of the lake of emotions.This did not happen he just gave me a small uncatchable smirk I felt like a hunter that was hunting a huge deer but missed him by 15 miles.My smile trick failed but not all the way his smirk was acceptable in the bank of Carl smiles.Carl quickly walked me down the stairs like he was waltzing down the stairs with the queen of England he was careful yet quick with the "waltz" I liked that somebody was actually being delicate with me like I was a glass hundred dollar vase.It made me feel special.
When we were done waltzing down the old,wooden,and rickety stairs a small gray man with a mini-cloak from everybody else's.He tackled me to the ground and started sniffing and nibbling at me.It felt terrible this feeling washed out Carl and I's happiness the unexplained feeling took minutes to wash over me but this feeling only took seconds it was a large diffrense.I quickly maneuvered his sniffing and nibbling by kicking him off but he flipped me backwards making my underwear be shown.I uncomfortably landed near a wall which pushed me back up I pulled down my short skirt knowing that everybody saw my under-garment I was still looking down then I felt my face turn hot I new what I was doing...I was blushing I felt like I just was stored in a plastic container and got thrown into the oven my small plastic home melting and burning me every where.I looked up face still tinted with a deep red.I looked at all the men knowing I was the only woman ever to be in this so called "clan"...
Chapter 3:The meeting
The small gray man was being punched by a man with red hair with no expression sure he was kinda cute but his eyes made me want to explore him with great passion this man was beautiful in a way I have never felt.There were three other people sitting at a long table.The man to my right was smiling to me it felt as if his eyes were shooting hearts at me feeling small urges to just tackle him to the ground and hug him was the way I felt I wanted to see him in his own attitude and not just shooting invisible hearts into my eyes and soul this man was interesting...The third man was to my left he was glaring as if he hated me from the start that I formed he then started blushing when I glared back at him in a playful way he then started giggling a small giggle from the heart he was just like a little kid inside.I haven't explained Carl so I will...Carl had long black hair he had a small scar on his hand if you looked closely his eyes were darkened by terrifying memories but his smile and kindness hides his sadness like a soother but this soother only lasted a couple days.I wanted to explore him deeper then ever he was the nicest of all I believe just at first guess.
I smiled as I was being stared at "A wonderful meeting to all of you I perhaps!!!"I yelled I was a bit shy around crowds they all stared at me waiting until I actually made sense I sighed unhappily and said in a hushed tone "Sorry!I am a bit shy around crowds but I promise that I will get more used to you!" Carl quickly helped me up making sure my skirt was down all the way he smirked and said in a joking tone "I hope this meeting has all made you very happy with yourselves!!!"He then formed all the way down to serious "Matcha you will never attack one of the clan members or you will not go bathing with us in the river,again,!" My eyes widned "wait wait wait!!!How many times did he have to miss his bath?" The red haired man quickly said trying to show off to me that he has been counting "Well we take bathes every night at midnight in one large river he has missed one week of bathing!" I then stared at the red haired man then went into a panic mode looking for the largest bar of soap in the world trying to get all the germs off my body.Carl quickly grabbed me and said trying to calm me down "Yuna it is just fine alright?We will be taking are nightly bath in thirty minutes no worries..." Carl then softly stroked my hair I felt very special to be in my place right now being calmed down surrounded by men my own age or in dating distance.I felt as if I were lucky to be turned into a vampire.
Chapter 4:Bathing
Then something dawned over me I had to bathe with them...Well not Matcha but everybody else the thought of this made me go pale and have a red face I was blushing so hard.Carl then asked "Yuna what is wrong?You have gone pale again but your face is red!" The same thought drowned him also in the bottle of thoughts."oh,I get it...Well maybe you can get in first then we can all come in after you...Yeah that is a good plan!Hey guys how about we start bath time a little early tonight for Yuna!" The crowd of men answered "Yeah!Sure!Just fine with me!" I quickly started walking up the stairs then stopped at the third step "wait do I have any more clothes other then these?" Carl quickly remembered the back pack he had in his large pocket he pulled it out and handed it to me "Yeah,sure, a backpack can be my clothing selection for the day!" Carl smiled "No...Check what is inside..." I then opened it up to see the cutest dress I have ever had and some more beautiful dresses also some shoes were stuffed in the bag.I smiled happily and pulled out the mistress dress "I think I will wear this tommarow...Speaking of tommarow where will I sleep?" I questioned curiously Carl sighed "Yuna we will be thinking of this in the river...Alright go outside and go in the river..." I looked at him I didn't know he can make a demand sound so nice "Where is the river?" He smiled at my childish question "The river is just outside it is glowing a bit from the warm water...Here I will take you there..." Carl then grabbed my hand and I jumped down from the third step.I then pulled out a small lacy dress with a built in bra in it and grabbed some underwear that matched the bra smiled and dropped the bag lightly on to the small table near the stairs.
Carl then walked me out of the large house it kinda looked more like a mini hotel he then pointed to a beautiful lake it was flowing beautifully down a small path.I felt like a little kid at a amusement park I was excited to feel the silky water touch my skin and charm me into sliding deeper into it.Carl then smiled and said clearly and happily "Yuna go head behind something and get undressed and yell when you are in the water." I then nodded I then started walking away but I quickly got pulled back like an angry mother pulling a small brat to her to scream at.I gasped surprised Carl then blushed and gulped down and up his words "S-sorry Yuna I f-forgot to l-let g-go,"I smiled and giggled "the will you let go now I will see you in a couple seconds it is not like I am leaving!" he smiled again,let go of my hand,and went into the large house.
I giggled and walked to a large tree and started un-dressing once I was done I slipped into the silk water letting it's luciouse spell wrap around me like space wrapping around the planets."Alright I am in the water!" I yelled happily.Then all the men started piling out like they were fighting some how.When all of them were out they all started undressing all at there different pace it looked kinda odd.But the one person who was not undressing was Carl he was probably waiting until everybody was in at least that is what I thought.As soon as everybody started taking off there pants I looked away.My eyes were shut a little hard just to make sure my peeping eyes didn't leak.Then I heard splashes a bit loud I then tried looking back to Carl only to see bare legs.I then slowly made my eyes drip up the body to see the face of Carl.My face turned red I quickly looked away "sorry Carl,I accidentally saw you out of the water," He then smirked and jumped into the water right next to me and sat down on the smooth ridge."So you guys are all vampires huh?...OW!!!!!" I then grabbed my mouth it felt like it was being slowly peeled off with a burning pair of shears.Carl then said quickly "Oh my gosh I forgot here!" he quickly gave me a small rock filled with a beautiful jewel "Put this close to your heart and let it soak in,please," I then nodded I wanted anything to ease this pain.I quickly gripped the rock to my heart straight on it.I then screamed a terrible scream of pain oh how the pain felt.
Chapter 5:Get the pain out of me I want to sleep!
The pain felt like being in a large cage full of knives near you every time you blinked you get stabbed and millions of tigers on millions of chalk boards scratching them with there claws.It was torcher.Carl quickly rubbed my bare back and tried to sooth me with his touch...It didn't work this time.I then screamed as hard as I could Carl knew I was in deeper pain so he grabbed me, even though we were nude, he hugged me patting my head feeling down my silky black hair the rock was now covered in blood Carl quickly caught it as the blood hunk fell out of me.I felt wetness run down my cheeks then onto Carl's shoulder. Carl then sighed and carefully recited "Yuna you will be alright just be calm and make your powers come into you alright?" I then nodded in return
- by ferbreez_ninja |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/19/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: I fell in love with a vampire?
- Artist: ferbreez_ninja
- Description: This is just a bit of the story more will come!This is about a vampire named Carl and a girl named Yuna there is a little bit of thinking to be held in the story so get your thinkers on and start reading!
- Date: 07/19/2008
- Tags: vampire love cute
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Comments (7 Comments)
- weirdfreak1243r - 12/15/2008
- i liked it a lot i hope u make another one. and IM STILL INTO VAMPIRES!
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- Felix Avis - 10/11/2008
- All that they're doing is trying to help. You shouldn't post your stories here if you don't want people saying things like that. They want you to improve your story! They're trying to help! :nod:
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- ferbreez_ninja - 07/20/2008
Also I am taking up your "offer" I will be now having my story paragraphed correctly for right now in the story thanks!
Love and glomps-
Ferbreez_ninja - Report As Spam
- ferbreez_ninja - 07/20/2008
- Ok everybody before you go all "You didn't paragraph you didn't do this!" Things like that I started this story when I was seven ok and my computer is so crappy it won't let me fix it!!!Ok at the starting of chapter two:The man with the feeling is when I started typing this story at my current age!Thank you CattieBrie96 for being nice and not pointing out all the dang bad things...Julia Dream I already know of the terrible marks on this page but I will try and fix it!I will write more!
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- Catti Brie96 - 07/19/2008
- I like the story, but it was a little confusing because u didnt start a new line when a different person talks. The story is good though. Try making another one. biggrin
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- Julia Dream - 07/19/2008
You need to work on the proper structure of a story - dialogue creates a new line each time a new speaker speaks, or after an expository paragraph, or within a speech that's changing topic.
You also need to work on punctuation, spelling, and when to use the proper tense (past/present/future) within a sentence.
I suggest you read more, take notes of the structure of sentences, paragraphs, etc., and practice more. - Report As Spam