• Chapter One

    One Morning,Two boys name Hector and Logan Pince rushed out side to play basketball.As Hector threw the ball he missed and it went straight to the woods.In the woods they saw this magical book.There was maps.Keys and every thing.They didnt know what to do with the book so they kept it under thier shelf."BREAKFAST!! scream "Mom shouted.They rushed inside.After
    breakfast Hector head up stairs he took out the book."Hmm..."Hector mummbled to himself.As he searched through the pages the book started to shake."L..LL....LOGAN crying scream "Hector sreamed in an unpleseant way.Logan Rushed up stairs."What Happend?"Logan said."The book started to rumble!"Hector cried.Logan Opened the book and then a magical fairy popped out!."AHHH"shouted Logan.

    Chapter Two

    "Hi! My name is Chackintee throughout your adventure you will find various of animals unseen from humans.Here this will be very helpful to see the animals.Chakintee said "What is this?"Logan said. "Its an Opolio Leaf it looks like a rock but its a leaf,I forgot to mention u can see the undead with that too!.Logan and Hector runs out side and grabs a stick for a use of a weapon.Hector use the Opolio Leaf and puts it on his eye.Oh NO! A skeleton Hector quickly bang the skeleton with his dad's baseball bat.