Writing Arena SpotLight
- life by ZERO of 13
- direy by BritainJSS
- this is the 2 direy go check out the first
- Boys by Shaky cutie9
- Boys poem that is about my real life,not on gaia.
- LOVE. by yshaHeartElmo
- STUPIDITY!. If you're stupid or want to waste your time.-> READ. ..but if you're smart enough..well, it's okay. I'll not blame you for that. ^_^
- Between Ten and Twenty by Joyasaurus-Rex
- Can Cassandra overcome depression and doubt to survive her teenage years? Can she overcome the loss and gain of friends? With her life being ripped to pieces around her, Cassandra must relearn herself, or learn to tie knots. ...
- LOL by Kuppy Bxtchxx
- Bla
- The future of the oceans by DialgaAceSpade95
- This was for a plate tectonics project i did in 6th grade.
- What if.... by emo skater__gurl2114
- comment or don't i don't care.
- Omg by Queen S K Y L O D Y
- embarrassing
- This by -light-sensitive-
- my life in a nuttshell. only not in a nuttshell. its the life of me, an emotional alcoholic orphan, who lives with her uncle in virginia with his new lover, and 2/5 of my siblings.
- Miss-Mayhem's little walk by Pichara-kun
- An mischievous and curios little girl always prancing around and about.
- Dreaming. by _Sophieee_1993
- The main character of this story is Jessica. She is a 16 year old girl and finds out that she has a special gift to talk to the dead in her dreams. She finds out when she talks to her dead sister Alice.
- The Lover and the Poison by 6Phantom6
- Sometimes, love can be cold and heartless. Makes you wonder why you begin to love at all.
- what do you think? by always a dancer kyo
- ok picked nonfiction bc it my REal thoughts
- Absent Heart by TantalizedAngel
- This happened earlier today and I'm still waiting....